Oblivion Stone

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Oblivion Stone


, : Put a fate counter on target permanent.

, , Sacrifice Oblivion Stone: Destroy each nonland permanent without a fate counter on it, then remove all fate counters from all permanents.

Profet93 on Gisa: So Undead It’s Criminal

2 months ago


I'm glad I was able to inadvertently point it out. Now for some actual suggestions/thoughts....

Cabal Stronghold - You do not have enough basics to warrant it's inclusion. You need at least 4 basic swamps to make it mana neutral. Assuming you draw 5 basics and stronghold in a row, you only get 1 extra mana. Stronghold is best for budget decks without a lot of non-basics in the mana base. Another potential replacement is Thespian's Stage to copy coffers or opposing utility lands like cradle, nykthos, Crypt of Agadeem, etc... Crypt of Agadeem is also another decent replacement as you run more than 25% creatures. Lastly, my favorite option is Deserted Temple as it allows you to untap your large mana producing lands and has a political aspect as well.

Zombie Master > Zombie Trailblazer - While I understand trailblazer allows you to commit a crime, I feel the redundancy is not needed whereas the protection is super useful. I do understand what most wipes make it so you can't regenerate your creatures, but this is another hurdle for opponents to play around which I believe warrants the swap.

Priest of Forgotten Gods - I get the need for crimes, but the impact of the ability itself really needs to be taken into consideration as well. It's not impactful enough to warrant an inclusion. Perhaps something more on flavor such as Zombie Apocalypse? Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is also a great choice and is a combo enabler

Wayfarer's Bauble - With a deck whose avg cmc is so low, I feel another card in your maybeboard or otherwise could pull more weight. Jeweled Lotus, Mana Crypt or a more budget friendly Mana Vault can help you establish an earlier board presence.

Last thought, I see feed the swarm for enchantment removal, but how do you deal with artifacts? Perhaps an Oblivion Stone might be worth considering depending on the prevalence of artifacts within your meta and how much trouble they give you.

Profet93 on Gary Murder Scene

4 months ago

I personally like to run 37, but everyone is different. It really depends on your avg cmc, amount of ramp you have, wincon, etc.... For your deck, I would see how your current 34 lands hold up. If you find yourself needing more, bump it up to 36-37. Regardless, you definitely need some more ramp. Jet Medallion, Arcane Signet (perhaps over or in additional to charcoal diamond), Mind Stone and maybe even a Hedron Archive.

For lands I recommend cutting Hive and westvale for Deserted Temple to untap coffers and Thespian's Stage to copy it or another utility land. Perhaps add in a Crypt of Agadeem. An Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth while unnecessary, is helpful. Albeit, it does provide symmetry to bublicking muck.

While a bit niche and unnecessary, if your playgroup is okay with combos, a Rings of Brighthearth is helpful. It allows double commander activations as well as some of your other creatures. Not to mention Rings + coffers + temple + swamps (urborg to make u need less swamps) =

I would add like 1-4 more removal cards personally depending on how much interaction you want in the deck. You might want to add another board wipe (or 2). All is Dust hits enchantments but not artifacts while Oblivion Stone hits everything. A rest in peace could be difficult for your deck to deal with and I don't see you running anything to deal with that. Perhaps a Feed the Swarm?

First try out your deck and see what you are lacking, either before or after my suggestions. Hope this helps, let me know what you think of each suggestion.

Profet93 on Ink-Eyes Voltron [V2]

4 months ago

TRANScend +1

Arterial Flow > Despise - ? I think the extra 2 mana is worth it to make each opponent discard 2 cards.

Go for the Throat > Rend Flesh - Costs 1 less, although meta dependent.

Sheoldred's Edict > Doomblade - Hits each opponent. While you don't get to target the creature, it is more flexible and isn't stopped by hexproof or shroud, meta dependent.

Buried Ruin - Recur equipment

How has Alhammarret's Archive been working for you? Given you don't have more than 20% of your deck as draw and your commander isn't related to draw, do you find it not pulling it's weight sometimes? Same thing with lifegain aspect.

Oblivion Stone > Plague wing - Oblivion stone while more symmetrical, is cheaper to cast, can be cast earlier and activated alter and most importantly, hits artifacts and enchantments which is black's biggest weakness.

At the risk of being out of budget, Imp's Mischief - "Counters" counterspells and redirects targeted removal, draw and extra turns. Given you're a voltron deck, people are always going to target your commander. It's nice to also have the ability to bluff (and interact on the stack).

Profet93 on EFF YOUR DUDES!

5 months ago

Deserted Temple - Untap coffers + politics

Thespian's Stage - Copy coffers, temple or another utility land

Imp's Mischief - Versatile utility. It can "counter" counterspells which is important depending on your meta as you sink all your mana into your commander (or one of your expensive wipes). It can also redirect targeted removal, draw and extra turns.

Oblivion Stone - Wipe that hits artifacts and enchantments

Erebos's Intervention > Battle of Bridge - You don't have enough artifacts to use effectively. Moreover, Erebos's is an instant and is flexible for grave hate.

Necropotence/Syphon Mind/Read the Bones/Night's Whisper/Sign in Blood - Draw

Maybe Strionic Resonator? - Double on all on your creature ETB's and most importantly your commander's ability

Maybe MImic Vat? - More ETBs and can use opposing creatures to deny GY synergies and abuse their ETBs as your own.

capwner on Your Sass Is Grass! ((EDH PRIMER // Sasaya Combo))

6 months ago

Profet93 thanks for the comment and the +!! Yes I had seen Rude Awakening, it definitely does the stuff the deck is trying to do. However I think we only need one untapper 'spell' and I think Early Harvest is a little bit better. Definitely think the card could have a place in a more creature oriented build with Overwhelming Stampede type effects. I agree a little more redundancy on wincons could be good, my first choice would probably be Hurricane.

Beast Within is one of my all time favorite cards, love this freaking card. I also like Song of the Dryads for spot removal. These are in some of my other green decks for sure. This list is so tight that again I think we need to run the absolute best removal cards possible in the available slots, which IMO is Oblivion Stone, Perilous Vault, and Bane of Progress. And maaaaaaaybe World Breaker because the cast trigger gets around some stuff like Humility, but our artifact wipe kills that too. I also had Reclamation Sage for a while. I think removal on a creature is always better here because then we can toolbox for it.

Castle Garenbrig is an interesting one I hadn't really thought of. Kind of a backup plan if we're not able to get Sasaya online? I had Nyxbloom Ancient in the deck to serve a similar purpose but ended up cutting it because it died so easily and we were usually just dead anyways. Garenbrig is more resilient but less powerful. My initial thought is that it wouldn't be useful outside of some really niche situations so maybe would not be worth cutting another basic.

Thanks for checking out the deck and for the suggestions!! Definitely hit me with more if you think of any, or if you have any specific decks you think I should check out. I'm just getting back on tappedout after a pretty long hiatus so the amount of cool decks is kind of overwhelming. I always like seeing underrepresented commanders that can do something unique / have unique building criteria, especially mono colored, so please feel free to send me any lists like this or post them here :)

Profet93 on Devotion to Darkness - Erebos Control

9 months ago

Arthursb +1

Overall nice deck. You don't have enough lifegain to balance out your lifeloss. You might want to consider adding more to offset it. Perhaps something as simple as a basilisk color?

Imp's Mischief - Speaking of lifeloss, this card is my favorite. Redirect targeted removal, draw and extra turns. Not to mention it can "counter" counterspells. Highly versatile card with the ability to bluff with 2 open mana is strong.

Insidious dreams is one of the worst black tutors and is prime for cutting. You don't get the cards in hand, they are susceptible to mill, and most importantly, discarding cards is additional cost to cast. With all of blacks amazing tutors, this should be swapped IMO.

Given you're basically playing mono black suicide, have you considered Profane Transfusion? It works quite well with your strategy, not to mention great synergy with Necropotence.

Another card that might be worth considering is Rings of Brighthearth. Coffers + Deserted temple + rings + swamps/urborg = infinite black mana. On it's own, it synergizes with your commander, top and villis to draw additional card exchanging mana in place of life. Moreover with top, it allows you to draw based purely on mana. Furthermore, with top and fetchlands you can set up your draws.

What is your answer to artifacts and enchantments? You might want to consider an Oblivion Stone or nev disk. I understand 20% of your deck are enchantments but sometimes the board just needs to go boom. With your commander you should be able to break parity and rebuild more easily.

Another way to potentially answer pesky problems is Worst Fears. It's another pet card of mine but it has huge potential. Make them keep their commander in exile, use their removal on themselves (or another opponent), provide you info of their hand + deck. If its 1v1 after 2 others have died, then you effectively skip their turn by making them tap out and then you can securely go for the win. It's expensive mana wise but it packs quite a punch. The higher cmc also works well with Twilight Prophet

fluffyeel on I will have no friends anymore

1 year ago

Ooh, wheel punishment fun. Here are some thoughts of varying budget levels:

Profet93 on Tergrid, God of Fright

1 year ago

Epiitaph +1

You mentioned you are getting contamination. Should you be inclined, Infernal Darkness is worth considering as well.

Deserted Temple - Untap utility land + politics

Syphon Mind - Draw 3, each opponent discards 1, for 4 mana and low $. Worth considering. I would put this in over consuming vapors as with vapors, they can usually play around it, although perhaps in this build it isn't as bad given all of your redundancy. Although, given your redundancy, you probably don't need it. If you don't want to add in syphon mind, then TheOfficialCreator's suggestion of barter in blood is definitely better IMO than consuming vapors. Another potential cut is solemn simalcrum as it is too slow, does not ramp you on curve and the draw is negligible. I understand the synergy, but 4 mana is too costly IMO. Sad robot is better suited to decks that can't ramp as hard as mono black.

Also, regarding Torment of Hailfire, the idea is that you destroy their board + hand enough so that they lose life and just, lose. Or, you can use it to decimate them and then win the following turn. I think it's better in a build that can more reliably assemble what I call "Big Black Mana," aka Coffers + Urborg. Deserted temple helps in this regard. I would also cut cabal stronghold as in my experience, it is subpar, especially for a higher powered deck like Tegrid. Usually newer players use it if they can't afford urborg + coffers.

Mind Twist - While only effecting one opponent, it can seriously ruin someone's day. Especially given how one opponent usually is able to stay ahead of the death and destruction that control decks dish out, this can help put them back in their place. Not to mention, bait counterspell, ramped into with ritual + rocks early game to effectively lock someone out of the game for several turns (as the discard is random, they usually lose land drops)

Jet Medallion > Sad Robot. You don't run too many artifacts so this seems pretty helpful.

All Is Dust/Oblivion Stone - Both act as wipes which you inevitably need for when things get out of hand. All is dust might synergize with your commander on board, although I don't know the ruling. If it's similar to Meren with a boardwipe still triggering experience counters, then giggle with glee! Dust doesn't usually get artifacts while oblivion stone does. You don't run too many artifacts yourself. Really depends on the meta. Lastly, stone can be spaced apart so you don't have to pay 8 mana in 1 turn, albeit, telegraphed.

Be sure to let me know what you think of each suggestion. Lastly, do you feel yourself struggling with artifacts and enchantments often?

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