Channeler Initiate

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Channeler Initiate

Creature — Human Druid

When Channeler Initiate enters the battlefield, put three -1/-1 counters on target creature you control.

, Remove a -1/-1 counter from Channeler Initiate: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool.

Trapdoorspyder on Combo Gak

1 year ago

Really cool deck! I like all of the differed lines of play that are available. I did have some questions though. How do Devoted Druid and Quillspike provide infinite mana when on Necrotic Ooze? I don't see where the extra mana each cycle comes from. I believe Channeler Initiate is one that actually provides infinite mana, although it doesn't allow weaving in Hermit Druid. Instead, I believe Syr Konrad could be used as he doesn't require tapping. He also allows for converting the mana combos into the self mill needed for winning the game. Of course, if it does work with quillspike then it would be redundant, but I don't see how it does.

Scytec on Meren: Necromancy & haruSpEX

3 years ago

To be honest with you, the competitive meter here means almost nothing, I honestly dont know how it is calculated. haha. The strongest meren lists i have seen are Hermit Druid combo lists. how that combo works is like this (synopsis by SynergyBuild years ago, but still relevant because he is a badass) "Nah, by using the five color lands (City of Brass, Mana Confluence, Forbidden Orchard, Tarnished Citadel, Exotic Orchard, and Reflecting Pool), along with fetchlands, you can build up a fast (low to no tapped lands), consistent (at getting your colors), and no-basic landbase for Hermit Druid to deck you. Bring back Dregscape Zombie and Bloodghast, sacrifice them to Dread Return, bring back Necrotic Ooze, then use Wall of Roots's ability to activate Blighted Bat's, then make infinite mana between Devoted Druid and Channeler Initiate, then use Walking Ballista to instantly win the game!"

As a bonus, Ballista combos with Mikaeus as well, so you have some synergies between the two. Things like Entomb and Buried Alive will net you Hermit early so you can access him in a hurry. Some fast mana in the form of creatures and rituals, some nice interaction like you already have, and bringing the average manavalue of your deck down will help as well. You are already runnning Stitcher's Supplier which is my favorite bit of tech. Ramunap Excavator is another solid bit of tech I really like to combine with Azusa, Lost but Seeking to get all kinds of value. Blood Pet, Stinkweed Imp, and Golgari Thug are all good bits of tech for Meren. The Gitrog Monster is also surprisingly good for us. The card draw he can get us with a little bit of ssetup is nothing to be scoffed at. To be honest, the main issue i am having currently is finding solid self-mill options.

wallisface on Negative Creep Modern

3 years ago

Hey, good to see another player building around -1/-1 counters!! I’ve got my own build here, which has gone done quite a different direction, but i’ve tried to detail the archtypes problems and solutions there.

For your deck, i have the following suggestions:

  • Devoted Druid is better than Channeler Initiate , in that we are guaranteed to get two counter-triggers, and it can provide a lot of fast ramp for a big play on turn 3.

  • Even with a mana dork, I think your land count looks a little too low. Your deck has a lot of 3 & 4 drops, so i’d expect 23-24 lands?

  • Beseech the Queen feels super slow. This archtype is already one that struggles to keep up with the modern meta, I really don’t think we have time to be going off looking for a specific card for the entirety of a turn.

  • I’m suprised you’re running Poison-Tip Archer and Might of the Masses , because they dilute the main plan of profitting from the counters.

  • imo i’d run more Black Sun's Zenith instead of the Blowfly Infestation . The enchant is slow and can backfire, while Black Sun’s can pretty much win the game on the spot if a Nest or Hapatra is in play.

  • I feels like you’ve got too much focus of managing counters on your own stuff, instead of inflicting misery on your opponent. The bug pull for this archtype is enacting our plan sets the opponents plan back - if we’re not actively disrupting we lose some of our benefits. I’m surprised to not see stuff like Fume Spitter , Grind , or Skinrender here.

Arcaneful on A Better Belbe, Corrupted Observer

3 years ago

Hey Patrick, just wanted to say I love the content you're putting out, and you've really inspired me to start to look into Higher Power/cEDH decks to build for myself, my first high powered deck last year actually being a budget version of your Teshar list. Your videos are on repeat for me either in the background while I write papers. I would love to join the Patreon and support you, but I barely have enough funds to play magic even right now so that's out of the picture. All I can offer to you is my thanks is the statement that you're probably my favorite MTG YouTuber!

Please don't feel like you have to read any of the following, it's just my ramblings/a few questions but it may be a long read so I won't be offended if you don't read it, as I know you don't typically keep budget cards in mind persay. Also hey, if leaving a comment can maybe help this awesome deck of yours to get more traction/attention on tappedout for whatever reason, even better.

I've been building my own Belbe list over the last few days and I had a few questions about potential cards to include? I don't always play in a cEDH meta really but have some really close to cEDH decks like a more 75% Brago, a Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator + Vial Smasher the Fierce Curiosity control, and Godo Helm fairly often. I'm hoping to transition more towards cEDH in general and with this deck in particular.

As a college student with no real source of income right now I'm a bit low on funds and we don't typically use proxies in my group, so I don't particularly know if this is a good spot to ask about budget alternatives to the Mike Trike combo, but I figured I might as well give it a shot. I've watched the Cold Brew and the deck tech, but if I forget if you mentioned something from them I apologize when asking about a few cards. Do you have any particularly budget combos you would suggest that maybe you tried during testing? I recall you talking about Gravecrawler loops in the Cold Brew, and I'm thinking of maybe some of those combos as with the Bontu's Monument , Pitiless Plunderer and Carrion Feeder (already in my list) would be a solid win I feel.

Currently I'm mainly running a Protean Hulk line of Disciple of the Vault , Carrion Feeder / Viscera Seer , Melira, Sylvok Outcast , and Lesser Masticore for infinite drain. My meta doesn't run much GY hate so I'm feeling decent with this, but losing one piece usually leads to waffling out. I know you mentioned a Phyrexian Delver line so I may look more into that, maybe getting it and and a one drop sac outlet first plus Putrid Goblin / Blood Artist with the leftover mana for the second Hulk trigger? I'm unsure if that's way too clunky, but I'll have to see.

My back up win is currently a Necrotic Ooze line or two, but not Triskelion / Phyrexian Devourer lines as both together are like, over $60 which is money I can't really shell out right now. Right now I'm doing Devoted Druid + Channeler Initiate and Priest of Titania + Pili-Pala lines for infinite mana of any color. Only current outlet I really have is Walking Ballista , which while good, I can't always rely on with all the artifact hate in my groups. I was thinking of adding more creature outlets maybe as they're easier for me to tutor (only black tutor I have is Diabolic Intent since I was able to trade up for one) Perhaps Ezuri, Renegade Leader since I have Belbe and other dorks (10 Elves Total) or Kamahl, Fist of Krosa as overrun effects that I can sink infinite into? Or maybe something like Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip to use the back side for an infinite Torment of Hailfire effect?

There were also one or two cards I wanted to ask you about, just to see if you thought they were decent enough to run in the list.

  • Bolas's Citadel is something I'm trying to run in my current list. It's been fairly diffuclt to get out with 3 black pips, but with Dark Ritual (which may be cut soon I'm unsure) it's been a nice thing to have, especially when I've been testing Aetherflux Reservoir with it? Maybe add a Sensei's Divining Top (something out of my budget in general, but I do have someone willing to trade me one) for a storm win? I feel like that could be a cool win con that makes use of colorless mana, and the pieces in general aren't bad outside the combo? I do think that with the high CMC of the deck, I will take a ton of damage of Citadel, but I think hitting a few pingers/dorks in a row and just gaining some life might be good actually? I'd love some feedback on that.

  • Decree of Pain has been working wonders for me. I know Culling Ritual was a godsend, and its a very amazing card in Belbe, but if my meta is very creature dependant I thought I needed more mass removal than just Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and Culling Ritual . Toxic Deluge is a bit out of my range right now, so I was trying this and even if it is mana intensive, I think it's a very good card depending on your meta since it can be Cycled for 5 to kill all 2 or less tougness things? The cycling saved me once or twice against a Najeela deck with counter magic known to the table to be up. On the other hand while it costs 8, I've mostly payed for it with Belbe mana and drawn upwards of 6 cards off it.

  • Chalice of the Void I was able to trade for this and have been enjoying putting it on 0 for the Underworld Breach lines the Malcolm list uses in particular, or to even shut off some 3 cmc commanders after getting Belbe mana. Would it be better to trade this for another stax piece or two such as Static Orb or tanglewire?

Sorry for the long post. I hope you have a good day!

I_Want_To_PlayAllTheDecks on Energy Colors in Pioneer

3 years ago

4c Energy GoodStuff

Thats the list and any suggestions would be really appreciated. I'm not sure about the sideboard or Hydroid Krasis or Channeler Initiate

Frd123 on cEDH Ishkanah Reanimator

4 years ago

I don't Know how old is your list, but you can also play Devoted Druid and Channeler Initiate for added necrotic ooze combo.

GoblinElectromancer on Self Hate

4 years ago

Yes there are creatures that self hate but they are probably not worth playing. Plague Belcher,Channeler Initiate,Soulstinger,Decimator Beetle,Exemplar of Strength, ect.

Cards that are like Illusory Wrappings that are cheaper make the target lose all abilities such as Frogify.

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