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Selvala's Shrekoning

Commander / EDH Mono-Green




Creature (1)

updated 11.27.17

11.27 - removed Animist's Awakening cause I finally got a Genesis Wave

10.23 - Removed ALL board interaction (Krosan Grip, Scour from Existence, etc.) put in more don't mess with me cards (Dosan the Falling Leaf, Elephant Grass) and more tutor type stuff (Tooth and Nail and Weird Harvest) cause why not?

I'm a giant, green, terrifying, monster of a deck

so this deck attempts to maintain the biggest creature on board to not let the fools you are facing draw, but typically, this deck needs to try to storm off in one turn using massive draw ( Rishkar's Expertise, Greater Good, Momentous Fall, Lifeblood Hydra, Soul's Majesty) or constant draw (zendikar resurgant, Soul of the Harvest, Duskwatch Recruiter) to get through the deck to get to Concordant Crossroads and kill the table. getting to Walking Ballista also works well.

this is my attempt at a semi-competitive deck. Unfortunately, my typical playgroup has amended the rules to limit power levels of decks. They have restricted infinite combos (or combos that even have the potential for infinite recursion) to one cycle through the cards. Because of this restriction, I have attempted to include more than typical untaps of Selvala. That is why I run cards like Krosan Restorer+Wirewood Lodge. fortunately, the playgroup has not limited Paradox Engine usage, even though some people want to (especially after seeing what it does in this deck).

(ignore this next paragraph, dont know how to comment it out)no mana dorks cause i am not concerned with turn 2 selvala, the playgroup tries to stay a little casual and i feel like that would streamline the deck a little much, instead i focused more on being a little more interactive than you expect from a green deck, cards like Bind (which i LOVE), Scour from Existence, Not of This World and Mwonvuli Acid-Moss (which might be my all time favorite bad card) are rarely expected. cards that i am considering removing in the future, Rishkar's Expertise and Garruk, Primal Hunter. while great massive draw, if i dont get them earlier in the game, then i will have some creature big enough to draw me to death with them and they become dead cards.

also the playgroup uses a card called the "champion". This is a 101st card for the deck. it must be a legendary creature that shares at least 51% of commander's color identity (3 color commander -> 2 or 3 color champion). this card uses the command zone like the commander but does not get taxed. instead, this cards cannot be cast or resolved unless your commander is on the field (even if you dont control) and your devotion to your commander's color identity is 7 or greater. if while on the stack, one of these conditions gets removed the spell is countered and the card goes back to command zone. for this deck i use Dosan the Falling Leaf as i like having access to targeted creature removal when necessary. if i play with people that dont use champion i'll switch him in for Puppet Strings usually.

I am working with a fairly restricted budget, so I know that when things get more financely solvent, I can upgrade with these cards:

Helix Pinnacle. Alternative win in case i meet turbo fog

Staff of Domination. not as useful with the no going infinite rule but still great

Song of the Dryads. great green answer for some more annoying creatures

Dark Depths. wet dreams of Tempt with Discovery for this, Thespian's Stage, Temple of the False God and BAM hello merit lage

Quirion Ranger. currently using Scryb Ranger and i like it for the flash, flying, and pro-blue. but another untap cycle would be nice

Nissa, Genesis Mage. better than Garruk Wildspeaker in my opinion

Deserted Temple. with Wirewood Lodge, untaps selvala again

Strip Mine. to get on Tempt with Discovery in case some gets a stupid land i dont like


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 2 Mythic Rares

36 - 7 Rares

17 - 7 Uncommons

12 - 4 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.95
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Elephant 3/3 G, Hydra */* G, Saproling 1/1 G, Wurm 5/5 G w/ Trample
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