
Do you enjoy big creatures? Are you a gambler who isn't afraid to spin the wheel and hope for the best? Or perhaps your someone who likes likes to stack the odd's (top of your deck) in your favour? Or perhaps you just like resolving an Eldrazi Titans or a Blightsteel Colossus for 6 at instant speed? Then is this the deck for you.

Mayael the Anima has been my longest lasting edh deck. It's the deck that I have played the most and put the most effort into and is an absolutely monstrous deck ( that was a pun, there is no actual use of monstrosity)

This deck is all about the big nasty creatures. We get them cheaper with Mayaels ability, we cheat them into play with cards like Quicksilver Amulet or Elvish Piper and even just flat out value town them out with Sneak Attack. It's all about getting out our big dudes and running then right into our opponents face.

The deck is actually fairly simple to play. As almost everything in the deck is a very scary threat to opponents we don't have to follow long complicated series of plays to find out win. Most games follow a similar overall strategy.

Early game: This is where we ramp, the goals early game are 3 fold. Hit 6 mana, hit all our 3 colours and establish some protection for Mayael.

Mid game: if we got out an early Mayael this where we begin using her to dig through our library for creatures, if not we use this area to try an establish ourselves if we can. Get some card advantage going, a big creature or two on the field, or even wiping the board to buy ourselves some more time.

Late game: This is where we win, we have the mana, we have the creatures, now we just apply the last bit of damage to close the game. Cards like Blightsteel Colossus or an eldrazi titan are great here to just close the door on our opponents, but even without them there are a ton of terrifying creatures to pick and choose from to assure your victory.

The deck is a riot to play and is capable of winning early with some good Sneak Attack hands, mid game with some luck from Mayael and easily late game with a plethora of nasty big things. Be warned though, a lot of the time this board has the biggest baddy and can draw some hate from enemies as it can spiral out of control easily.



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Date added 10 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

22 - 0 Mythic Rares

54 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.64
Tokens Elephant 3/3 G
Folders Built, Deck Ideas, saved, Upgrade: Mayael Reference
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