Mayael: The End is Naya

Commander / EDH stangmar


Some late night thoughts —Feb. 22, 2016

Now that my Slobad list is more or less alive, I've bern looking back at my baby to consider what if any work can be done with her.

Off the top of my head there are actually quite a few things I want to look at.

Dryad Arbor, Ancient Tomb, Cream of the Crop, Woodland Bellower, Vexing Shusher, Reclamation Sage, Fierce Empath ,Chord of Calling, Green Sun's Zenith.

I mean realisticly I don't think I could ever fit all this in However I've been heavily considering adding these as a way of increasing resiliency. Being able to tutor up answers to things is super neat and flexible. Cream of the Crop is by far the worst of them and probably the first not to be added. The smaller creatures all come as a bundled deal with Woodland Bellower including Dryad Arbor so I could fetch a land if I need, as cool as fierce empath is he really dosent jive with me so I think id have to see bellower in the list before adding him.

Ancient Tomb comes from me wanting a little more colorless in the list, just a touch, so that new papa kozilek is easier to cast should he end up in my hand. Also it's like ramp so that's cool as well.

Things I could cut to do this? Dear lord, well for the lands:

Forest One or two of the three. It's so easy to fetch them so I don't want to hurt the other two colours. Nine basics is already trying at times. Going to 7-8 would be interesting. Hell maybe I could also cut another basic for a Temple of the False God probably not though.

On the non-creatuee front:

Probably Reap and Sow I know it's not a great card but I have a foil and I like it so it hasn't left really.

Cultivate or Kodama's Reach I don't think I need both honestly. priviledged position good card but hey if I need to cut I like its regenerating brother better.

See the Unwritten is also like a B+ on my list at best, I still kinda miss Garruk, Caller of Beasts but I know deep down he was there for the same reason Reap and Sow is. Also as terrible as it is to even think, Swiftfoot Boots would probably also make the meh list, I mean Lightning Greaves far and away better, the boots don't help my blighy steel haste wombo combo the same way as my other enablers and honestly their kinda meh for me, paying 1 to boots mayael really dosent do a lot. She more often than not wont get use from the haste due to mana restrictions and at that point it's a Steely Resolve.

Now in the creature camp: Uggghhhh

I don't know anymore to be honest, every time it gets harder. Dragonlord Atarka is pretty ok but I like his sibling better, he could probably be replaced, Hoard-Smelter Dragon is cool and part of an inside joke now he's hard to cut but really is slow removal. Kozilek, the Great Distortion might end up being garbage, but I have a weird obsession with him at the moment so we shall see.

Likely try the bellower package at some point, seems flexible enough to help with some problem meta cards. Also if Dragonlord Dromoka has shown me anything it's that having a strong suite of 5-6 drops is pretty important. Most of my wins come from dumb Blightsteel Colossus garbage anyways so stalling until then is pretty key.

On a side note I need to get around to updating this list with which cards are foiled.