Mayael: The End is Naya

Commander / EDH stangmar


The Promised Lands —June 2, 2014

So I decided to sell off some modern staples to pick up things that will retain value, and so revised dual lands it is.

Savannah , Taiga , Plateau These came in for the bounce lands and a basic land. Fetching shock lands is good, fetching dual lands is great.

Grove of the Burnwillows---->Fire-Lit Thicket having the last filter land has been something I have wanted for a long time.

Madblind Mountain this came in for a basic, I'm going to be trying this out for a while, having an extra shuffle effect is really neat though I'm concerned about hitting two red permanents.

These are the last big things that the deck has been wanting, over the next little while I'm also going to be looking for a couple cards to improve the quality of my ramp like Skyshroud Claim

Also something I have been considering is dropping cards like Seedborn Muse, Rings of Brighthearth and True Conviction in lieu of more removal, because while I think they are all great cards and can win games, they are unlikely to stick and the deck has no problem winning without them.