Renounce the Guilds

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Renounce the Guilds


Each player sacrifices a multicolored permanent.

StopShot on Wrath (Color-Shifted Boardwipe) - Contains …

3 years ago

One of the cards spoiled in Modern Horizons 2 inspired me to create a custom card that would be the color-shifted version of it. The card on the left is an official spoiler and the card on the right is my custom card inspired by it.

Thought Process Designing the Card

Sadly the card text isn't as neatly condensed as the other card. To have the card be white I had to change how the spot removal behaves, as white doesn't do spot removal unless there's a sort of "balanced" effect.

This meant I had to change the text accordingly, however this means I could no longer use the "Overload" keyword as it wouldn't make any sense. In this case I'd have to consider using a different keyword. I considered Channel, but Channel is an activated ability, not an alternate casting of the spell, which would make the effect seem too much like a Supreme Verdict due to being harder to counter an ability.

Evoke seemed like the easiest way to go about this, but that meant I'd have to make the spell a permanent of sorts. Because it was a permanent it also might have additional problems with being blinked or removed later, so I gave it shroud to mitigate this.

How the Card Works

When casting Wrath normally, all players remove their strongest creatures, kind of like a group edict similar to white cards like: Tariff , Renounce the Guilds , Slaughter the Strong , etc.

But when Wrath is evoked it is sacrificed upon entering the battlefield. This causes its "Leave the Battlefield" effect to trigger first by putting it on the stack last. This creates a Cataclysm type effect for only creatures, meaning each player ends up with only one creature, but since the "Enter the Battlefield" effect triggers next, that means the remaining creature each player controls is now the strongest creature which ends up also getting destroyed, effectively creating the Wrath of God / Damnation type effect.


I'm interested on hearing feedback about my custom card idea and if it could be improved, (specifically reducing the amount of text on the card).

I think one solution would be to name the card "Judgment" based off of Day of Judgment . This would mean I could remove the "creatures destroyed this way can't be regenerated," clause as it appears twice and would help to free up much more space.

The card text looks much more pleasing, but the effect might be abusable with creatures that can regenerate.

StopShot on Counteracting large hexproof creatures.

4 years ago

The subject of this thread revolves around dealing with and counteracting against the commanders: Uril, the Miststalker, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Dragonlord Ojutai, Lazav, Dimir Mastermind, Thrun, the Last Troll as well as commanders that consistently or typically give themselves hexproof through various equipments/auras.

While it may not be the most prevalent strategy these types of commanders can be annoying to deal with. I'd like to create a discussion on what are the best ways to deal with these commanders. Given how niche these commanders can be, running cards that exclusively dedicate themselves to their removal may be detrimental to draw into when playing a game where none of your opponents run them. Therefore cards that can both combat massive hexproof creatures as well as still being useful to have if none of your opponents are playing with big hexproof creatures should be taken into consideration when deciding what is the "best" or "most practical" solution to combating hexproof strategies.

The first cards that come to mind are Arcane Lighthouse, Detection Tower, Bonds of Mortality, Shadowspear and Glaring Spotlight. These cards entirely dedicate themselves to combating hexproof strategies, and while this may be a detriment when used against non-hexproof strategies, these cards do lend themselves some extra utility. Arcane Lighthouse and Detection Tower can be seeded into your manabase so at worst they're just a Wastes however they can be more inefficient in comparison. Given that both are lands, tapping them costs you an extra mana resource effectively making their abilities cost to activate. Not only that, but they have no effect at stripping indestructible which can be a common keyboard which may be used alongside most hexproof strategies. Cards like Bonds of Mortality and Shadowspear cost only one to activate and they can bypass indestructible, however given they're not lands you have to dedicate a nonland slot in your deck to accommodate either of them which means taking out a card that may better synergize with your deck's main strategy in their place. They also lend themselves targets for counter spells and given hexproof decks contain white and/or green, artifact/enchantment removal will pose a high potential risk. This is all not to mention you still need to provide a removal spell in tandem with these cards in order to remove the threat.

Another solution is board wipes. Cards such as Wrath of God, Damnation, Day of Judgment, Supreme Verdict, Blasphemous Act, etc. Mass creature removal is incredibly strong given that its always relevant in most metas making it a highly flexible solution that isn't too narrow to rely upon. It's biggest drawback however is if the massive hexproof creature that needs to be dealt with has indestructible, totem armor or Gift of Immortality. Even a card such as Toxic Deluge can be a risk as you may have to pay a huge amount of life if the creature is incredibly big. Cyclonic Rift is another effective card. One thing to note about boardwipes are they affect the whole table which makes them also more likelier to be countered than by effects that impact a single individual.

A more narrow solution would be through damage prevention effects such as Story Circle, Forcefield, Runed Halo, Rune of Protection: White, etc. Given each card never "targets" they can be used to infinitely "Fog" a problem creature that you can't put up with. These effects are more narrow than boardwipes but broader than hexproof removal. Cards like these still run into problems with artifact/enchantment removal and they don't run enticing side effects such as drawing a card upon entering the battlefield like Bonds of Mortality or giving a creature lifelink and trample like Shadowspear, however you won't need to exhaust your removal spells to keep the large creature(s) either. In more broader metas such as combo, stax and prison, these effects may not be as useful however. More broader variants of these protection cards exist as Ensnaring Bridge, Divine Presence, Peacekeeper and Meekstone though these cards may make multiple opponents unhappy enough to remove them than the more narrower options.

The last effect used to combat large hexproof creatures is sacrifice effects such as: Fleshbag Marauder, Innocent Blood, Vona's Hunger, Liliana's Triumph, Doomfall etc. These effects can bypass not only hexproof but also indestructible, regenerate and totem armor. Their drawback lies in if the player with the large hexproof creature has any other creatures to sacrifice in their place. Because of this caveat this effect isn't too strong unless ran in multiples which can be difficult to commit to in a 100-card format. Instead selective sacrifice effects may be the best way to devote to this solution with cards like: Crackling Doom, Soul Shatter, Slaughter the Strong, Council's Judgment, Renounce the Guilds and Wing Shards. While these cards won't always guarantee the large hexproof creature will be removed, they provide a stronger case than not compared to most traditional sacrifice removal.

Lastly there are counter spells to remove hexproof creatures. While they may be the best all purpose solution they can be rendered ineffective if a Cavern of Souls or some other can not be countered effect is in place. With exception to Withering Boon, the biggest downside to counter spells are they are entirely exclusive to blue meaning other color combinations without blue do not have this option available.

Which method do you rely on to stop massive hexproof creatures? Is there a card or solution set not listed here that you use? If you happen to play EDH decks with big massive hexproof creatures, which effects annoy/counter you the most?

EldraziOfRavnica on I promise that this deck is legit

4 years ago

I love that you're running Renounce the Guilds! It's really sweet, but you don't see it much. I'd take out Wojek Siren, possibly putting in Sentinel's Eyes. I also think your all-basic manabase can afford Rogue's Passage.

Shyachi33 on Andy's Eight-and-a-Half-Tails deck

5 years ago

hi, just watched the Legendary Creature Podcast and as someone that loves mono white AND Eight-and-a-Half Tails, i'd like to put some input in the deck.

first of all, i would cut ALL of the unsynergistic "lose-less" cards like: Dawn Elemental , Blinding Angel , Guardian of the Gateless , Palisade Giant , Platinum Angel , Selfless Squire , Ghostly Prison , Pariah , and Gideon of the Trials . none of these cards advance your game state, or put you closer to a win. If anything these cards only help you durdle around, hoping you can squeeze out a cheeky win. you already run the 3 circle of protection cards that will more or less synergistically do most of that already, and you can also add Idyllic Tutor as redundancy. i would probably replace the lose-less cards for more hatebears, like Aven Mindcensor , Angel of Jubilation , and Containment Priest . you're also running only 2 creatures with an etb effects, so cards like Torpor Orb and Hushwing Gryff can be very back breaking against other more creature based decks.

if you want commander damage to be your wincon, you should run bigger "bombs" or equipments/auras like Eldrazi Conscription and/or Blackblade Reforged on top of the strata scythe and umezawa's jitte.

snow-covered plains are cheap right now. so possibly investing in Extraplanar Lens (which unfortunately isn't cheap) might be something worth while for the deck.

Scuttlemutt is a cute ramp piece that can also paint creatures white. Cloudchaser Kestrel has an etb effect AND can paint things white also

i noticed you ran Steelshaper's Gift in the video, but it's not in your current list. need an update? if you don't already have it, Open the Armory is also a good way to look for those voltron pieces.

you only have 6 cards in your entire deck that can shuffle your making Sensei's Divining Top mostly a waste of time, at that point Crystal Ball would do you better as you can scry away "bad" cards at the top of your library, unlike SDT. if you add the 5 fetchlands, and more tutors then you can reconsider it.

Now onto more spicy tech. Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and All Is Dust both have great synergy with 8.5 since you can paint other people's lands and artifacts white.

adding Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in the deck can make temple of the false god and maze of ith tap for mana, BUT it also allows you to run some extra spicy cards like Karma and Royal Decree which, with any of the circle of protection cards, for 1 mana you can make it 1 sided.

Illumination a solid counterspell that people won't see coming, and you can stop gross cards like omniscience, and mind over matter.

Renounce the Guilds is also a great way to kill everyone's non-mono color deck commanders.

not sure of the timing of the filming, but Smothering Tithe and Generous Gift should both be auto includes in every white deck.

if you are able to get your hands on the fetchlands, Brought Back can be a really good include, along with Lotus Field .

Cavalier of Dawn is also a strong include.

end notes: try to keep your deck as low to the ground as possible, with a very low mana curve, you want to play cards but also keep as much mana open to do any of your 8.5 shinanigans. if you spend 6+ mana on a spell on your man phase, it really limits what you can and cant do on other people's turns, which you want to mainly be doing with a commander like 8.5 that screams CONTROL.

Ravenrose on "I Will Keep Watch"

5 years ago

This deck is a massive win for Vorthos! Grasp of the Hieromancer is perfect flavour. Return to the Ranks may also assist. Gideon's Sacrifice is also a good one. You may also want to add the new Oketra. Oust is iffy. Renounce the Guilds is a pretty good board wipe in this deck. This is all I have for you I am afraid.

Raven Rose

StopShot on The Orzhov Syndicate desires an …

6 years ago

Thran Lens allows your creatures to block Animar and possibly remove him if any have deathtouch.

Consecrate / Consume and Renounce the Guilds both have chances at removing Animar if not a big fatty either way.

If you're playing 1 vs 1 Council's Judgment can always remove Animar.

Solar Tide , Austere Command , Consume the Meek , Culling Sun , Retribution of the Meek , Ritual of Soot , and Dusk / Dawn are all board wipes you can use like spot-removal.

Deathgrip is probably your BEST counterspell.

Since Animar starts as a 1/1 cards like Engineered Plague , Night of Souls' Betrayal , Curse of Death's Hold , Ethereal Absolution , and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite make him die instantly before he can ever get big. (If he's already out and pumped up before you can get one out just use a board wipe and he'll be stuck in the command zone until the Animar player can remove this effect.)

Nevermore and Gideon's Intervention makes it so Animar can't be cast.

Chalice of the Void on 3 makes it so Animar can't be cast.

Darth_Savage on

6 years ago

Sylvan Caryatid is the bird you can't bolt and Fertile Ground is an enchantment, so less removal exists. Fleecemane Lion won't die to creature damage, since it's a destroy effect, the only thing that will kill it is board wipes like Languish or sacrifice effects Renounce the Guilds. Your opponent has to spend removal on it before it's monstrous, which means they can't remove something else later. As for it only being a 4/4, Hollow One is a 4/4 and it defined a modern deck...

If you want an Anointed Procession deck (also known as Parallel Lives) then Voice of Resurgence, Mimic Vat, Soul Foundry and Rhys the Redeemed spring to mind alongside the cards I mentioned earlier...

Dolphin_Jesus on A Good Dog

6 years ago

I would take a look at my boy Sram, Senior Artificer. He will draw you a truckload of cards while you suit up your pupper. He also has a neat interaction with flickering ward to continually draw cards.

Renounce the Guilds is a fun "Gotha" card and is excellent at killing commanders.

If you are into infect, Grafted Exoskeleton will get you there.

Hero's Blade is like a permanent buff to your commander and the auto equip is great.

Quietus Spike will instantly kill an opponent above 40 life and is a huge threat by itself.

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