
Deck Summary

This is a low power RUW control deck built around Pramikon's unique directional combat effect. The goal is to pit strong combat decks against other control opponents while building up a wall and gathering resources to deal with mid to late game threats. This is a non-stax version of the deck so there is no way to 'turn off' combat in this deck. The best defense is a good offense.

The main strategy will be get Pramikon, Sky Rampart out early and pick a direction that will pit strong combat decks against each other or against a control deck to set a clock and make them use answers. Cast creatures with defender to delay your attacker and make friends with the one you can attack. That opponent will most likely enjoy Pramikon, Sky Rampart after they see the deck is full of defenders, and you can work together to take out other threats. The goal is to get down to 1v1 by stopping all game ending threats and letting every other threat resolve. Survive and draw cards to dig for answers and win cons.


Play them often in the early game, but slow down playing them in the mid to late game since leaving mana up for counters and instant speed card draw might be more impactful.

Creature Exchnage

Reins of Power and Cultural Exchange will allow you to swap either your defenders for good creatures or allowing opponents to swap creatures. This can turn your suboptimal board state around very quickly.

Draw, Interaction and Ramp

You want to be ramping early and often just like any commander, but draw and interation is the main goal of the deck. The main source of interaction is counterspells so this deck requires good threat assessment and timing. There is limited spot removal no wrath effects as we generally want opponent creatures around. This deck should be leaving mana up often and drawing with the remaining mana.

Unlike a lot of decks this deck doesn't have dealing combat damage as a main wincon. Outside of Colossus of Akros there aren't many that can even swing and pressure opponents.

  1. Deflecting Palm and Boros Fury-Shield can finish off opponents. Boros Fury-Shield can be used when opponents are attacked and Deflecting Palm doesn't need to target and can be any damage source.
  2. Approach of the Second Sun as is a lot of card draw and counters in the deck so approach is a reasonable wincon.
  3. Cultural Exchange and Reins of Power can close out a game when it's down to a 1v1.
  4. Colossus of Akros when monstrous can attack and will be a 20/20 indestructible trampler.
  5. Doorkeeper and Vent Sentinel will allow you to translate the defenders into direct player damage and milling.
  1. Pramikon, Sky Rampart is the whole build. If it is removed you might be the target from all opponents. Try to manage the table well and make sure there are bigger threats. The whole point is you are using a bigger threat of an opponent to work for you. If Pramikon, Sky Rampart is off the board make sure you are politicing to keep the target on the strongest.
  2. Colossus of Akros is a beefy creature and is our only beater in the deck. Playing it early is a misplay most of the time, but can be a key piece in the mid to late game.
  3. Wall of Stolen Identity and Jeskai Barricade will allow you to 'switch' direction of combat on your turn.
  4. Deflecting Palm and Boros Fury-Shield are not that popular so opponents might be think about the retaliation.
  1. Colossus of Akros and Duelist's Heritage can deal 40 trampling damange.

This deck has an average CMC of 3.21, so you want 3-4 lands in your starting hand or 2+ with early game ramp. I would always mulligan at 0-1 lands and I would consider mulligan at 5+ lands since you would have a 34.8% (32/92) chance of drawing a land on the first draw and flooding from there is pretty likely with 37 lands.

You want to ramp and cast Pramikon, Sky Rampart early on. The biggest decision you will make in the early game is actually which direction to pick. Make sure you evaluate everything and try to think of the long term. You also want to play good cheap defenders in the early game as the mid to late game will be more focused on leaving mana up. A few good early defenders are Fog Bank, Stalwart Shield-Bearers, Wall of Omens, Geist of the Archives and Wall of Denial.

Mid-game will be a very tricky to manage, as you will likey paint a target on your back and you don't want to have one opponent to either die or get too far ahead. The main goal should be drawing answers and getting some other strong cards in play such as Duelist's Heritage. You will want to balance playing cards to advance your position and keeping up mana to counter and also drawing cards.

Your goal in the late-game will be to get to a 1v1 and have a plan to execute one of the win cons while dealing with the final opponent. If the final opponent is combat focused make sure to keep a board and keep playing defenders. If the opponent is more control focused then keep as many counterspells and keep the advantage.

This deck is on the lower power level, but I have had the most fun playing this deck in EDH. There is a lot of cool cards that aren't seen often.


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90% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

53 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.26
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Treasure
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