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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Stalwart Shield-Bearers
Creature — Human Soldier
Other creatures you control with defender get +0/+2.
MagicMarc on Walls need mortar
4 years ago
Do you have High Alert in the deck already? for when you lose your commander or don't have him out.
Other good choices;
Creatures: Stalwart Shield-Bearers & Oathsworn Giant.
Equipment: Mirror Shield.
Enchantments: Sight of the Scalelords,Spidersilk Armor, Treefolk Umbra, Eland Umbra & Leyline of Vitality.
Planeswalkers: Elspeth, Sun's Champion.
zapyourtumor on The best offense is a good defense
4 years ago
Wall of Omens, Wall of Blossoms, Perimeter Captain, Stalwart Shield-Bearers all classic defender creatures
Arcades, the Strategist, Doran, the Siege Tower, Assault Formation classic defender attack enablers for alternate win condition
Note: I know this is casual, but if you're trying to win with mazes end or door to nothingness its usually better to go for a prison shell since defender creatures only stops some decks from killing you, so your win condition and main theme don't really synergize with eachother. It's probably better to either focus on mazes end + door to nothingness or just drop them for the toughness assigners and beat face with defender creatures as your win con
5dollarMTG on $5 Azorius Alert
5 years ago
Thanks cmore329508! I would probably sub Drift of Phantasms for Cryptic Annelid , Wall of Denial for Fortified Rampart , and Stalwart Shield-Bearers for some combination of Jelenn Sphinx , Geist of the Archives , and/or Resolute Watchdog .
Caerwyn on Just a Girl and Her Wonder Wall
5 years ago
The competitive meter is a very finicky tool. I've seen non-material changes, such as making a deck foiled, with no other modifications, result in a several percentage point difference.
The biggest improvement you can do for your deck is fix the mana base. You have far too many lands that enter the battlefield tapped or do not untap normally, which is going to drastically hurt your performance. I would suggest removing these lands and replacing them with cards such as the Pain Lands (ex. Adarkar Wastes ), Check Lands (ex. Glacial Fortress ), Filter Lands (ex. Skycloud Expanse ; Mystic Gate ), and Bond Lands (ex. Sea of Clouds ). You can also run some rainbow lands, such as Mana Confluence and City of Brass .
Azorius Signet , Selesnya Signet , and Simic Signet will also help with your mana acceleration.
High Alert would be a solid card to add, giving you another method of allowing your defenders to attack.
Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive will make most of your creatures unblockable.
Stalwart Shield-Bearers makes your creatures bigger.
Tree of Redemption can become a 0/30 or so fairly easily.
Fortified Area gives all your walls Banding, which allows them to prevent opponents from having damage Trample over to you.
Sunscape Familiar acts as pseudo-ramp by reducing the cost of your spells.
You can cut the following:
Glacial Wall , Murmuring Phantasm , Wall of Ice , and other creatures with limited effect.
Myth Unbound does relatively little for you.
Darth_Savage on
6 years ago
To be honest, for Modern, this is low on one drops. I'd probably run Perimeter Captain Dragon's Eye Sentry or Stalwart Shield-Bearers to give you more options on turn 1. High Alert might be a better backup plan than Assault Formation but there isn't much in it, it's certainly worth testing. People do play Twisted Image which is more or less a kill spell against your deck. I think you need to fit a protection spell in Heroic Intervention or Simic Charm would work.
Fortunately no-one plays Mannichi, the Fevered Dream , as this is essentially a board wipe against your deck. On that note, I hope this comment was helpful, good luck brewing your deck.
shwanerz88 on Arcades, the Aggressive
6 years ago
Thanks for the suggestions!
- Sunscape Familiar is one that has been on my radar now for a while and I definitely intend to get it on my next round of purchases.
- Stalwart Shield-Bearers this is genius, I'm not sure how I overlooked them!
- As for the gates, I actually just took the three gates I had in out for consistency, just forgot I still had the Gatecreeper Vine in there. It is gonna get cut too.
Darkshadow327 on
6 years ago
Nice to see a new player to EDH, if you ever have any questions just ask.
I have a few preliminary suggestions for you.
Taking advantage of the 0 power of your walls is a must here (so avoiding things that give your walls +1/+1 is advisable. Rather, go for effects like Stalwart Shield-Bearers instead).
- Meekstone, Noetic Scales, and Retribution of the Meek are good examples.
Giving your walls vigilance (and other things) is a powerful thing to do from my experience.
Heliod, God of the Sun, Oathsworn Giant, Angelic Skirmisher, and Akroma's Memorial are some good examples.
Axebane Guardian and Sunscape Familiar are also some great ramp cards.
I have a lot more to suggest, but I'll hold them unless you have specific ideas you are looking for. I also have my own Arcades deck that I have built that I would highly recommend looking at.
All it Takes is Strategy (EDH Tribal Series #17)
Commander / EDH
I hope that this is of some help! Again, if you ever have questions just go ahead and ask me on my profile; I will do my best to help you.