Olivia's Wrath

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Olivia's Wrath


Each non-Vampire creature gets -X/-X until end of turn, where X is the number of Vampires you control.

Vessiliana on What is a Man? (a hyper aggro Edgar Markov EDH)

8 months ago

YamishiTheWickedOne, it is very much a meta call here. In my own Edgar list, I have more creatures flat out than you run. For instance, I would not removed Dusk Legion Duelist for the Charismatic Conqueror, but rather remove a non-creature and run them both.

For Master of Dark Rites, how often do you find Olivia's Wrath to be helpful to you? In my meta, I found this card not to be helpful for me. It simply cost too much. I would replace that.

MELLT on Vampire

10 months ago

These are some other cards to consider for the deck and theme. I would suggest using a 24/36 ratio (24 lands to 36 non lands). This gives you the best probability to draw a land every third or fourth turn, which will let you work your way up the mana curve. You should also strive for a nice bell curve on the mana graph if possible. A couple of 1 drops, a few 2 drops, a handful of 3's, a handful of 4's and then back down to a couple of 5 or 6's. Anything more costly than that can be hard to play or not quick enough for some games. And a couple of "responses" is good, ie "destroy target creature" or "exile target enchantment" Probably don't need more than 4-6 in a 60 card deck. I would pick 3-4 really important creatures, like Vito and indulging patrician and bloodthirsty aerialist, for the deck's theme and include 4 copies of them (except legendary creatures since you are only allowed to have one of them on the board at a time and you don't always want to draw a second one to just hold in your hand forever, so maybe drop it to 3(?) or keep at 4 if you think it's important enough). Then pick some "support" cards that help the theme along. In this case stuff like your card draw vampire would be a good choice. A couple of card draw type cards is great. For really expensive costing cards, 6+ mana, they should be your finishers. Once they hit the board you should be on your way to victory, so hopefully just 1 or 2 copies is enough. For a life gain theme, your defiant bloodlord or sanguine bond, is perfect. For a +1/+1 counter theme, you may want to look at splashing red for those vampires instead of white. I would focus on one or the other to streamline the deck to help you narrow down your choices for cards. I've mostly included the vampires with life gain/drain mechanics, but I can look into the +1/+1 counters vampires if you want as well. I like the vampire themes! A powerful tribe in magic!

  1. Anguished Unmaking
  2. Arcane Signet
  3. Blade of the Bloodchief
  4. Blind Obedience
  5. Blood Artist
  6. Cordial Vampire
  7. Creeping Bloodsucker
  8. Cruel Celebrant
  9. Dusk Legion Zealot
  10. Falkenrath Noble
  11. Forerunner of the Legion
  12. Gifted Aetherborn
  13. Isolated Chapel
  14. Legion Lieutenant
  15. Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle
  16. Nighthawk Scavenger
  17. Olivia's Wrath
  18. Sanctum Seeker
  19. Shattered Sanctum
  20. Tithe Drinker
  21. Vampire Nighthawk
  22. Vampire of the Dire Moon
  23. Vindicate

Dead_Anarchy on The Ancient House of Markov [Primer]

1 year ago

I'm just commenting (even though it's a late comment) to say thank you for helping me realize I could add more infinite to my vampires and make everyone hate it.

Disrupt Decorum is a fun card to just force combat and keep yourself safe for a turn and clean-up right after. Olivia's Wrath is a good boardwipe provided you have enough vampires. Florian, Voldaren Scion has paid off for me to help search and just throw things out. Edgar, Charmed Groom  Flip is a good bit of value as well.

VampRamped on Edgar Markov's Eminence of the Blood

2 years ago

Cool nice to see you had a list on tapped out for Edgar Markov you had mentioned you had an Edgar Markov deck in the comments of my deck.

I think this is a very well-constructed mid-range Edgar Markov list and would like to only offer a few card suggestions for your consideration for the deck.

Vampire Nocturnus in my experience is the most powerful vampire lord giving your whole team massive power boost and evasion as well as itself. In addition you already have an excellent mana base to accomadate the card in your deck, and Vampire Nocturnus synergizes well with Viscera Seer, Sensei's Divining Top, and Fetch Lands.

Nighthawk Scavenger is strictly better than Vampire Nighthawk which you play in this deck even in the early game if an opponent cracks a fetch land it is at least as good but with way more upside.

Living Death is an absolutely amazing card and one of the best cards in my own Edgar Markov list, I will not go into all the details here but I have an entire section under my powerful cards and synergies dedicated to this card.

Knight of the Ebon Legion and Falkenrath Pit Fighter, are just higher quality one drops than cards like Pulse Tracker, and Vampire of the Dire Moon.

I will also echo an earlier comment by Sandwitcher and say definitely include Olivia's Wrath it is a fantastic board wipe.

Also you have all the combo pieces already so just slot in Mana Echoes, and funnily enough you could actually cast Ulamog with it in some of your games.

Cards that I would recommend you consider removing: Diabolic Tutor there is not any card worth spending 4 mana to have in your hand, and if there is a spell worth spending 4 mana to find then it will likely not resolve.

Sorin Markov while OG Sorin is pretty cool he is likely not worth playing. The deck is already very efficient at killing people and if you have the 6 mana and the confidence to cast Sorin then you might as well play Edgar Markov instead.

Bloodcrazed Paladin I see many people that do play this in their deck but it is just not worth it. This card is at its best when the board just got wiped so it comes in as a big creature but at that point, you might as well just play Boros Charm and save your board instead of getting a derpy vampire. Also playing this card on curve is also bad so just all around would not recommend playing.

KBK7101 on The Thirst Awakens

2 years ago

Pact of the Serpent from the Kaldheim elf precon is a great one for Edgar. Olivia's Wrath from the Crimson Vow vampire precon is another great one.

Reconnaissance is great because it lets you get any attack triggers (like Edgar's) you need and can immediately pull them back out of combat and out of danger.

multimedia on Oliviiiaaaaa

2 years ago

Hey, good start and budget Vampire version of Olivia.

Consider getting the Crimson Vow Vampiric Bloodline Commander precon? The precon would be a fine start at upgrading your Vampires and has many staple cards for Commander such as Command Tower and Arcane Signet. What all precons lack however is a good basic casual Commander deck structure to start a deck with:

Not all areas of a deck are covered in this structure example just the basics and of course these numbers can change as you're deck building. Some cards can cover many areas which is what you really want with cards you choose to play especially in this case Vampires.

Vampire upgrades in Vampiric Bloodline: Patron of the Vein, Necropolis Regent, Anowon, the Ruin Sage, Champion of Dusk, Butcher of Malakir, Crossway Troublemakers, Stromkirk Captain, Sanctum Seeker, Cordial Vampire, Rakish Heir, Indulgent Aristocrat, Malakir Bloodwitch, Bloodtracker, Vampire Nighthawk, Falkenrath Noble, Blood Artist.

Other good nonVampire cards in Vampiric Bloodline: Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, Command Tower, Olivia's Wrath, Vandalblast, Stensia Masquerade, Swiftfoot Boots, Rakdos Signet, Blasphemous Act, Feed the Swarm, Rakdos Charm, Night's Whisper, Commander's Sphere, Tainted Peak, Unclaimed Territory, Exotic Orchard, Path of Ancestry, Smoldering Marsh, Foreboding Ruins, Shadowblood Ridge, Temple of Malice.

Of course you don't have to get the precon, but in doing so you get a lot of cards at one time. I listed many cards that would be upgrades to pick and choose from if you would rather do that, if at all. If interested I offer more advice in another comment.

Good luck with your deck.

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