Soothing Balm

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Soothing Balm


Target player gains 5 life.

sergiodelrio on New commander rules makes my …

7 months ago

^^ @Caerwyn I recommend casting your Ashes to Ashes targeting the above creatures ;) ^^

They came to the wrong neighbourhood

I will then cast Soothing Balm

Icbrgr on Is Grixis Control Weak/Bad in …

3 years ago

I for one have my hopes for prismari command and would love to see grixis do good things with it (what you said sounds pretty good to me)....the only other countermagic i highly recommend to people that you didnt mention is good ol' Mana Leak ... much like Condescend its super generic/mana base friendly and is an allstar early-mid game.... a newer sweeper that I came across while playing MTGA is Storm's Wrath ... the fact that it catches walkers too seems like it could be pretty good?... never thought of silumgar as an option but honestly that seems pretty legit!

Cruel Ultimatum is definitely too slow for Modern in any competitive environment.... Unless the meta became Naya Zoo for some reason and Grixis control could just do whatever it wanted... I just Run Ultimatum because its Cruel Edict + Three Tragedies + Lava Axe + Raise Dead + Concentrate + Soothing Balm + Exile opponents soul.... It's my favorite card and got the playmat to match ;)

I was just wondering why when I looked into what SERIOUS Grixis control looks like nowadays it hasn't topped any events in so many years... That kinda bugs/concerns me way more that Ultimatum being obsoleted.... unfortunatly it just sounds like + splash whatever other color is just a case of "anything grixis can do I can do better" from the sounds of this thread.... oh well maybe someday Grixis Control will get what it needs to be a presence in the competitive landscape.

eyes2sky on My Gain is your Pain!

5 years ago

For more pain/gain consider replacing cards like Soothing Balm with cards like Sovereign's Bite , they work on their own, but even better with your commander!

raefgall on Selvala's Chargers

6 years ago

Overall breakdown:

The first thing that stands out is that the ratios for this deck lean very heavily towards single use, non-repeatable effects. There should probably be a bit more land (I'd aim for at least 36 or so), and a few of the cheap fetch lands would go a long way. While you have some token generators, some additional creatures would probably help as well. Think of it this way: late in the game with no cards in hand, how big of an impact will the card have? If you can include a card with more than one use, the chances go up.

TL;DR I would cut some of the limited focus instants and sorceries for some additional land and some creatures/artifacts that still move towards your theme.

Some Suggestions on what to add:

Land: Bant Panorama, Krosan Verge, Naya Panorama, Evolving Wilds, Myriad Landscape, Terramorphic Expanse (6)

Creatures: Acidic Slime, Reclamation Sage, Karametra, God of Harvests, Dauntless Escort, Loxodon Hierarch (5)

Instant: Beast Within, Blunt the Assault, Selesnya Charm, Sylvan Reclamation (4)

Enchantment: Beastmaster Ascension, Song of the Dryads (2)

Artifact: Selesnya Signet, Selesnya Cluestone, Spear of Heliod (3)

My suggestions on what to remove:

Sorcery: Deconstruct, Dosan's Oldest Chant, Journey of Discovery, Overwhelm, Rampant Growth, Revive, Stomp and Howl (7)

Instant: Nourish, Predator's Strike, Restrain, Ruthless Instincts, Soothing Balm, Titanic Growth, Wax/Wane (7)

Land: 1 Forest, 1 Plains (2)

Enchantment: Arrest, Cho-Manno's Blessing, Street Savvy (2)

Creatures: Vine Trellis, Viridian Emissary (2)

Making-a-new-account-Hopefully-I-can-get-my-old-Username on

7 years ago

Wicked! I've been wanting to do a deck with remedy myself for the longest time! You've nailed all the auto-includes, I think:) so I only have some plausible suggestions: Last Breath, Avenger en-Dal turns every card in your hand into a better condemn, Curse of the Forsaken if you target yourself :p Illumination? Swords to Plowshares although, it'll ruin the budget. Alabaster Potion = white fireball ;) Hope Charm for versatility. Laquatus's Champions hillarious! Misfortune's Gain for more removal? Reward the Faithful is fun. Soldevi Steam Beast for the lulz. Soothing Balm for the hurtz! Tonic Peddler turns every card in hand into a lava spike.

forevermayhem on Johan

8 years ago

I went through the rest of the cards in the shoebox and made the following tweaks. With the few cards I have, it looks like I can lead toward elf tribal. I should probably post this as a new deck because it's very much different.


In: Forgotten Cave, Contested Cliffs, Tranquil Thicket, 1 Forest, 1 Mountain


In: Clockwork Steed, Clockwork Swarm, Mobile Fort, Kelsinko Ranger, Nomad Decoy, Witch Hunter, Seasoned Marshal, Ardent Militia, Anger, Wall of Fire, Wall of Diffusion, Centaur Chieftain, Harvester Druid, Werebear, Wall of Ice, Sylvan Hierophant, Llanowar Knight, Llanowar Elves, Elvish Scrapper, Wellwisher, Wirewood Elf, Wirewood Herald, Skyshroud Elf, Fyndhorn Elder, Elvish Pathcutter, Symbiotic Elf, Heedless One

Out: Balduvian Barbarians, Centaur Rootcaster, Dire Wolves, Folk of the Pines, Horned Kavu, Hungry Mist, Ironroot Treefolk, Kavu Climber, Kei Takahashi, Krosan Tusker, Lightning Elemental, Marble Titan, Panther Warriors, Pincher Beetles, Rowan Treefolk, Ruham Djinn, Sawtooth Ogre, Soldevi Golem, Spined Wurm, Treespring Lorian, Viashino Grappler


In: Giant Growth, Run Wild, Moment's Peace, Wirewood Pride, Shatter, Lead Astray, Shield Wall, Accelerate

Out: Alabaster Potion, Ambush, Aura Blast, Blood Lust, Death Ward, Fiery Temper, Lightning Blast, Naturalize, Second Thoughts, Serene Offering, Soothing Balm, Thunderbolt, Violent Eruption


In: Defiant Stand, Sacred Nectar, Reckless Charge, Nature's Lore, Aftershock

Out: Desert Twister, Lava Axe, Nostalgic Dreams, Scorching Missile, Sizzle


In: Wild Growth, Serra's Embrace, Shackles, Primal Order, Elvish Guidance

Out: Arcane Teachings, Armor of Faith, Goblin War Drums, Granite Grip, Holy Armor, Primal Frenzy, Regeneration, Seton's Desire


In: Touchstone, Jade Monolith, Icy Manipulator

Out: Crown of the Ages, Thran Forge

Nisoth on No heals for you!

8 years ago

Soothing Balm is a solid suggestion. Enlightened Tutor is better than Diabolic Tutor. Swords to Plowshares replaces Oblivion Ring easily. Grollub might be a more on-theme choice than Restless Apparition.

Alms Beast hard-replaces Laquatus's Champion. Actually, I think some math is necessary to solidify this argument. If you cast Laquatus's Champion for six, your opponent loses six (one life per mana). If the Laquatus's Champion dies, your opponent loses another six (assuming Tainted Remedy is on the board). That's two life per mana at maximum value. Alms Beast is six power for four mana. One hit in combat is already better life-to-mana value than Laquatus's Champion. Add lifelink to your opponent's blocked or blocking creatures and you have potentially limitless value for all of four mana.

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