Champion of Dusk

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Champion of Dusk

Creature — Vampire Knight

When Champion of Dusk enters the battlefield, you draw X cards and you lose X life, where X is the number of Vampires you control.

Vessiliana on What is a Man? (a hyper aggro Edgar Markov EDH)

8 months ago

YamishiTheWickedOne, I totally get wanting to tweak your curve. I ended up without Vito in my list, but I did keep Yahenni, for the sac outlet option. Purphoros actually hits the curve at 4, not 3, and I absolutely would never cut him. Even if my opponents manage to dig out removal for an indestructible enchantment (he is almost never a creature), by the time they do, he's done a ton of damage already.

I do like Goblin Bombardment . Sometimes, my opponents might have a token swarm to block with, or worse, might wrath. The Bombardment means all those dying vampires die for a reason: punching my opponents in their punch-able faces.

In my meta, I have found that indestructibility and flying are useful that I put in Eldrazi Monument, but I don't have Champion of Dusk. I have found that when I have spewed my hand, I might not want to take the life hit from him, all at once. Necropotence lets me choose how much I lose. So I have only two 5-drops, but one is the Monument!

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Don´t be afraid to give blood

1 year ago

Strefan akways looks pretty brutal to me, dropping all these vampire beaters. You seem to have most of the big bad bloodsuckers in here, but maybe I can suggest some you haven't considered yet:

Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief is powerful, and you can even pump her right after dropping her.

Skeletal Vampire is a lot worse, but still interesting.

Bishop of the Bloodstained will propably deal quite a bit of damage.

Bloodline Necromancer is fine recursion.

Champion of Dusk is a big draw spell.

Defiant Bloodlord will deal lots of damage here.

Kalitas, Bloodchief of Ghet is fun.

Marshland Bloodcaster is powerful ramp.

Shauku, Endbringer looks pretty cool in here, and if only to have it enter attacking in spite of its static ability.

VampRamped on A Vampire Storm *Primer*

1 year ago


Wow those are some good questions let me do my best to answer them. Yes I have an integrated list so I enjoy having the ability to have the option to do either strategy in a game. A more dedicated list is going to be marginally better but because the storm strategy only needs you to play Mana Echoes and Phyrexian Altar you do not really do anything that negatively impacts the aggressive gameplan.

I have had no problems playing Urza's Saga in this list my mana base is very good even without all the dual lands (I only have scrubland) The way to see urza's saga is a very versatile tutor that gives access to mana in sol ring if you really need it or Skullclamp and Sensei's Divining Top which are excellent combo pieces.

Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord is good because my list has a few higher mana value vampires in the deck and cheating them into play is worth losing the vampire token in many cases. Additionally having the flexibility of gaining life and getting some attacking power or having a recurring removal spell are both quite good tools to have.

Scion of Opulence I have found actually carries it's weight very well. Helps out the storm lines if you do not have Phyrexian Altar yet by recouping colored mana in the storm lines. In aggro lines you can sac for mana in a pinch if you need to use a protection spell to save your board. A 3/1 body is also not bad for 3 mana to be aggressive with, and it is really great with Bloodghast so overall good card in my experience.

Signets are roughly as strong as talismans but the main advantage is that if you are going for the storm with just Mana Echoes and Skullclamp you can hit the signets off the draws and you can filter colorless off of Mana Echoes into more colored mana than what you get with the talismans.

Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle is ok he is in a vampire flex slot and I will frequently cut him for access to different vampires, he doesn't trigger off tokens but you usually have a nontoken vampire that is attacking. Even though his stats aren't great you usually have a lot of lords and sac outlets you want to use so the bodies are useful for both those occasions

Right now would admit Butcher of Malakir is on this list for fun he probably isn't that good especially if you are curving out with an aggro strategy. Bloodline necromancer however is good because you have great ETBs that you can recur in this deck in Champion of Dusk and Malakir Bloodwitch.

Shared Animosity is very good and definitely playable I'm only not playing it because it is not useful if you are storming off. Idol of Oblivion is too slow, and if I need card draw I will get Necropotence or Skullclamp as much stronger options. Protection spells are definitely better in more aggressive list but I play reanimator spells because they are strong with both strategies. I can sac my board for value in storm and then bring all the creatures back to net value, and also mass reanimation lets me spend all of my mana every turn and does not require me to hold up mana if I am worried about a board wipe. Though again I think you want to play a critical mass of protection spells in aggro of 5-7.

Thanks for the input and was nice to be able to engage with you

Valdemie on Vampires WB

1 year ago

Apollo_Paladin I've seen your suggestions and I appreciate them very much! I'm very new into magic and I inherited some cards, so I got curious and got into it, but my knowledge is very limited.

I found what I think are two main weaknesses of the deck: The first one is that I don't think I don't take advantage of white color in my deck so much, so your suggestion of Unbreakable Formation and Rally the Ranks comes in handy! The second one is that the mana cost of my cards is imbalanced, and I need to remove some pricey cards in favor of other cards like Legion Lieutenant (as you suggested), Gifted Aetherborn or some Vampire Cutthroat.

Also, I decided to add in Champion of Dusk as I definitely prefer it over Sanctum Seeker or Bloodlord of Vaasgoth. Added the two missing Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle as well. Aand finally I listened to you and added Infernal Grasp instead of Walk the Plank, as it is super easy to purchase, like every other card you suggested!

I won't think of it as a critique! Just the opposite, you helped me so much and I'm very thankful for that :)

Apollo_Paladin on Vampires WB

1 year ago

Nice build! +1

Lots of good picks here already. Since it's for casual I won't nit-pick all kinds of crazy efficiency and min/max stuff like expensive Dual Lands, but one vulnerability I see is that it's entirely creature-based for your power. Those types of builds can certainly work but there are a lot of "Destory all Creatures" type board-wipe cards out there, so with creature decks that include white I usually toss in a couple Unbreakable Formation so that you're free to save mana each turn if you think it may be an issue in an opponent's deck. It also works well as a kind of 'finisher' if you know Boardwipes aren't a threat, since not only are your creatures beefed up and indestructible for a turn, but they're all still untapped as blockers/attackers the following turns. This works pretty well for cleanup against creature vs. creature deck scenarios.

Another though might be tossing in a few Rally the Ranks since they are cheap to cast and are not vulnerable to creature destruction. Enchantment destruction is nowhere near as common a threat to run up against, and these are great to cast early so that you can quickly establish board control even with weenie creatures (or tokens).

One final thing that's worked well for me in my Black/White vampire constructions, and looks like you have enough Lifelink for it to work well for you, is Champion of Dusk. By the time he comes into play, he's often a full new hand of cards to draw. You might even look at some other life-based cards for more efficiency since gaining it back isn't a problem for you (like Infernal Grasp is an all-around better control spell than Walk the Plank).

None of these suggestions are particularly expensive, but please don't think of it as a critique. Just some thoughts to ponder and possibly some other avenues to explore. Nice Deck!

YamishiTheWickedOne on What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse

2 years ago

Ok so something I completely overlooked is that Bloodtithe Harvester is like... REALLY good. Space is tight, otherwise he'd probably be my other 4-of 2-drop. He also synergizes very, very nicely with Olivia, Crimson Bride, who is actually kinda nuts with a discard outlet like blood tokens and Sorin, especially if you're running Champion of Dusk.

I've been considering a minor white splash for a 1-of Edgar, Charmed Groom  Flip just because he's hard to kill for non-white matchups. The other half of my reasoning being white has access to some seriously fantastic sideboard options such as but not limited to Blood Baron of Vizkopa, Stony Silence and Rest in Peace.

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