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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
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Vintage | Legal |
Sanctum Seeker
Creature — Vampire Knight
Whenever a Vampire you control attacks, each opponent loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.
MELLT on Vampire
1 year ago
These are some other cards to consider for the deck and theme. I would suggest using a 24/36 ratio (24 lands to 36 non lands). This gives you the best probability to draw a land every third or fourth turn, which will let you work your way up the mana curve. You should also strive for a nice bell curve on the mana graph if possible. A couple of 1 drops, a few 2 drops, a handful of 3's, a handful of 4's and then back down to a couple of 5 or 6's. Anything more costly than that can be hard to play or not quick enough for some games. And a couple of "responses" is good, ie "destroy target creature" or "exile target enchantment" Probably don't need more than 4-6 in a 60 card deck. I would pick 3-4 really important creatures, like Vito and indulging patrician and bloodthirsty aerialist, for the deck's theme and include 4 copies of them (except legendary creatures since you are only allowed to have one of them on the board at a time and you don't always want to draw a second one to just hold in your hand forever, so maybe drop it to 3(?) or keep at 4 if you think it's important enough). Then pick some "support" cards that help the theme along. In this case stuff like your card draw vampire would be a good choice. A couple of card draw type cards is great. For really expensive costing cards, 6+ mana, they should be your finishers. Once they hit the board you should be on your way to victory, so hopefully just 1 or 2 copies is enough. For a life gain theme, your defiant bloodlord or sanguine bond, is perfect. For a +1/+1 counter theme, you may want to look at splashing red for those vampires instead of white. I would focus on one or the other to streamline the deck to help you narrow down your choices for cards. I've mostly included the vampires with life gain/drain mechanics, but I can look into the +1/+1 counters vampires if you want as well. I like the vampire themes! A powerful tribe in magic!
- Anguished Unmaking
- Arcane Signet
- Blade of the Bloodchief
- Blind Obedience
- Blood Artist
- Cordial Vampire
- Creeping Bloodsucker
- Cruel Celebrant
- Dusk Legion Zealot
- Falkenrath Noble
- Forerunner of the Legion
- Gifted Aetherborn
- Isolated Chapel
- Legion Lieutenant
- Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle
- Nighthawk Scavenger
- Olivia's Wrath
- Sanctum Seeker
- Shattered Sanctum
- Tithe Drinker
- Vampire Nighthawk
- Vampire of the Dire Moon
- Vindicate
YamishiTheWickedOne on What is a Man? (a hyper aggro Edgar Markov EDH)
1 year ago
Vessiliana well I finally caved in and decided to try out Purphoros and... the results are much, much better than I expected even if he is just a glorified enchantment here. Thanks for the suggestion. As mentioned, Cover of Darkness is the next thing on my buylist for EDH. And like I said on your list, I cannot recommend Mirror Entity and Mavren Fein strongly enough. Though the best card in the deck might honestly be Sanctum Seeker.
I'm wondering if I should be running Door of Destinies, Coat of Arms, Vanquisher's Banner, Herald's Horn and maybe Anointed Procession. They all feel a little slow. Thankfully I did at least get procession while it was cheap.
pappy4eyes on Dracu-Leee, Dracu-Laaa!
1 year ago
Looks like a cool deck! I know it is higher CMC than most of your deck, but Sanctum Seeker seems like a good card.
Valdemie on Vampires WB
2 years ago
Apollo_Paladin I've seen your suggestions and I appreciate them very much! I'm very new into magic and I inherited some cards, so I got curious and got into it, but my knowledge is very limited.
I found what I think are two main weaknesses of the deck: The first one is that I don't think I don't take advantage of white color in my deck so much, so your suggestion of Unbreakable Formation and Rally the Ranks comes in handy! The second one is that the mana cost of my cards is imbalanced, and I need to remove some pricey cards in favor of other cards like Legion Lieutenant (as you suggested), Gifted Aetherborn or some Vampire Cutthroat.
Also, I decided to add in Champion of Dusk as I definitely prefer it over Sanctum Seeker or Bloodlord of Vaasgoth. Added the two missing Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle as well. Aand finally I listened to you and added Infernal Grasp instead of Walk the Plank, as it is super easy to purchase, like every other card you suggested!
I won't think of it as a critique! Just the opposite, you helped me so much and I'm very thankful for that :)
NV_1980 on The Angelic Vampire
2 years ago
Nice deck! In any vampire-tribal I would recommend Sanctum Seeker because of his tremendous impact during combat. In my view he ought to replace Vindictive Vampire.
Regards, NV_1980
Davinoth on Edgar's Evisceration Station [Retired]
2 years ago
Last_Laugh: I used to run Reconnaissance in my old Kaalia deck and it was super good! Good call! =)
NerdPounder: I like pretty much all of your suggestions! =D
Vampire Socialite & Falkenrath Pit Fighter both used to be in the deck. They were actually both cut in favour of the instant speed draw spells (Village Rites, etc.), as I often found I pretty much always have creatures to sacrifice, but didn't always have cards to discard. The instant speed draw is pretty nice to have in response to board wipes as well, but since then I've also added Pact of the Serpent and Phyrexian Arena, so perhaps I don't need them anymore.
There are a few life gain decks in my playgroup which was the inspiration for the inclusion of Sorin Markov, but you're right that he doesn't really add any value beyond that. Probably he'll be replaced with Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord.
Smothering Tithe is just a really solid card, and really good with Anointed Procession, but you're right that it is distracting from my strategy and could likely be cut. Olivia Voldaren is definitely in that camp as well. In the couple months this deck has been together I've cast her a number of times but have never activated her lol.
I do disagree about cutting Vicious Conquistador, though. Between it and Pulse Tracker in combination with Impact Tremors, Purphoros, God of the Forge and Sanctum Seeker they can really help with piling on damage over the course of the game.
I used to use Legion's Landing Flip when Ixalan was in Standard but had kind of forgotten this card existed haha, good call! Adanto Vanguard was also in that same deck, and it was a really great beater with great sticking power. I think it's going to find a home here as well.
Thanks again for all the great suggestions and the upvote! =)
christ4like2l0ve on The Thirst Awakens
2 years ago
Wow! I haven’t seen either of those yet! I appreciate the suggestions. I’m curious though. I see what Reconnaissance does at surface level but I get the feeling I’m missing something obvious.
Also, Sanctum Seeker is perfect.
Vessiliana on The Thirst Awakens
2 years ago
Have you considered Reconnaissance?
And for me, any vampire swarm is improved by adding Sanctum Seeker!
Have (3) | orzhov_is_relatively_okay819 , JordanSanFran , metalmagic |
Want (2) | slvstrChung , beesaurs |