Twilight Prophet

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Twilight Prophet

Creature — Vampire Cleric


Ascend (If you control ten or more permanents, you get the city's blessing for the rest of the game.)

At the beginning of your upkeep, if you have the city's blessing, reveal the top card of your library and put it into your hand. Each opponent loses X life and you gain X life, where X is that card's converted mana cost/mana value.

YamishiTheWickedOne on What is a Man? (a hyper aggro Edgar Markov EDH)

1 week ago

@Vessiliana I think you're right in that Vampire Socialite is probably the easiest thing to cut from my current list, but my one hangup is I'd almost certainly replace her with a higher costed card. Things on my mind are at this point: Baron Bertram Graywater, Ruthless Lawbringer, Vein Ripper, Bolas's Citadel, and Twilight Prophet. I wanna keep my mana curve as low as possible even with all the ramp for the sake of consistency.

Decided I want to keep Vito in this build. My last game by turn 5 I had Vito, Vraan, Bloodletter, Sanctum Seeker, Cordial and Master of Dark Rites in play. That was a fun one.

YamishiTheWickedOne on What is a Man? (a hyper aggro Edgar Markov EDH)

1 month ago

@Vessiliana Florian does honestly feel like an obvious cut, but it bugs me to have so little red in this deck. Also, the replacement options are all higher mana. The things I want to include are Baron Bertram Graywater, Vein Ripper, Ruthless Lawbringer, Twilight Prophet, or Drana and Linvala.

Jack-Frost on The Cutest Thief That Ever Lived *Primer*

5 months ago

axxein I'm really glad to hear you liked the deck. To answer your question about Sanguine Bond and Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, I try to avoid having infinite combos in my decks as I don't really enjoy them and I wanted to keep the power level down. The other problem is that if people know you have an infinite combo in your deck, and see one of the pieces, they are immediately forced to target you to keep you from winning, something this deck can only sustain for so long. Truthfully though, i've never found I needed it. The deck is really consistent, does really well in multiplayer and even wins far more often in 1v1's than it makes sense to (I still have no idea how it beats full on aggro decks as often as it does), and is just fun to play. You deal a lot of damage from discard alone, have multiple other sources of damage, and i've never felt like I desperately needed Sanguine Bond to win. I never put the rest of the combo in as I felt that it would lose that. It would turn from an enjoyable game into one where if I draw 2 cards I just win.

In this case i'm actually running Exquisite Blood to help offset the life-loss from Tinybones, Trinket Thief. Once your engine is fully online you can easily lose 4 life per cycle just to him, which adds up quickly. In addition to that, we run Bolas's Citadel and Black Market Connections which both eat through our life fairly quickly. As such we have quite a bit of life gain in this deck to offset that. That's actually why we even run Gixian Puppeteer, Sheoldred, the Apocalypse (Who I would cut if I could find a comparable alternative who doesn't drain my opponents as that draws too much attention to me), Twilight Prophet, and Faith of the Devoted among other cards.

Thank you so much for the question and suggestions though, and i'm really glad you liked the deck!

Last_Laugh on Budget Vampires

6 months ago

Not a bad start, especially on a budget. I notice a fair amount of cards in the $5-10 range but most of my suggestions will be cheaper than that with one notable exception. Reconnaissance.

Long story short on the card is: Attack with everyone safely, untap each creature at the most opportune time, deal damage in most situations, and have every one of those creatures untapped by the end of combat. Ignore the 20+ year old reminder text, creatures are considered "attacking" until the end of combat step ends. When you move to end of combat, priority passes around the table, which gives you a window to untap everyone with Recon.

Plumb the Forbidden in response to boardwipes makes it harder to overextend into that boardwipe. Instant speed and pseudo dodging counterspells makes this card. Leaving yourself with a full grip of cards is preferable to just eating a wipe and ending up in topdeck mode (Scapegoat is another great budget option with the same mentality).

Tocasia's Welcome is well worth a slot.

Twilight Prophet is the most budget friendly I've ever seen it.

Patron of the Vein may cost 4 more than Cordial Vampire but the effect is powerful enough here to warrant running both.

Profet93 on Devotion to Darkness - Erebos Control

9 months ago

Arthursb +1

Overall nice deck. You don't have enough lifegain to balance out your lifeloss. You might want to consider adding more to offset it. Perhaps something as simple as a basilisk color?

Imp's Mischief - Speaking of lifeloss, this card is my favorite. Redirect targeted removal, draw and extra turns. Not to mention it can "counter" counterspells. Highly versatile card with the ability to bluff with 2 open mana is strong.

Insidious dreams is one of the worst black tutors and is prime for cutting. You don't get the cards in hand, they are susceptible to mill, and most importantly, discarding cards is additional cost to cast. With all of blacks amazing tutors, this should be swapped IMO.

Given you're basically playing mono black suicide, have you considered Profane Transfusion? It works quite well with your strategy, not to mention great synergy with Necropotence.

Another card that might be worth considering is Rings of Brighthearth. Coffers + Deserted temple + rings + swamps/urborg = infinite black mana. On it's own, it synergizes with your commander, top and villis to draw additional card exchanging mana in place of life. Moreover with top, it allows you to draw based purely on mana. Furthermore, with top and fetchlands you can set up your draws.

What is your answer to artifacts and enchantments? You might want to consider an Oblivion Stone or nev disk. I understand 20% of your deck are enchantments but sometimes the board just needs to go boom. With your commander you should be able to break parity and rebuild more easily.

Another way to potentially answer pesky problems is Worst Fears. It's another pet card of mine but it has huge potential. Make them keep their commander in exile, use their removal on themselves (or another opponent), provide you info of their hand + deck. If its 1v1 after 2 others have died, then you effectively skip their turn by making them tap out and then you can securely go for the win. It's expensive mana wise but it packs quite a punch. The higher cmc also works well with Twilight Prophet

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