Loxodon Hierarch

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Loxodon Hierarch

Creature — Elephant Cleric

When this enters, you gain 4 life.

, Sacrifice this: Regenerate each creature you control. (The next time they would be destroyed, instead tap them, remove them from combat and heal all damage on them.)

Max_Hammer on These silly hoomans - Need Help

2 years ago

Well hello there! I had way too much time on my hands, so here’s this. By the way, it’s all ordered best to worst. (:

Pay less to play more.

  • Circle of Dreams Druid is going to drop loads of mana, assuming you can pay the three green.
  • Fallaji Wayfarer is going to give all of your stuff (including your commander) convoke! Not all, but a lot.
  • Hamza, Guardian of Arashin is going to make a lot of your creatures cost a lot less.
  • Herald of War makes all of your humans dirt cheap if he gets counters. But, oh, what’s that? This deck loves making counters for creatures? Perfect.
  • Nissa's Expedition is just Cultivate but it potentially costs a lot less.
  • Gaea's Cradle is perfect if you have a small fortune laying around and you’re in need of mana.
I need more! More!!!

  • Bennie Bracks, Zoologist every time you make a token? So every turn? Alright, sick.
  • Ulvenwald Mysteries lets you investigate the murder of your entire army. A board wipe kills this deck, but this (plus loads of mana) could help bring it back.
  • Season of Growth lets you scry a lot, letting you look for pretty much whatever and just pull it out.
No, you’re not allowed to have that! Because I said so! Exile it! Now!

  • Devouring Light, Conclave Tribunal, Hour of Reckoning are all removal spells but if you’re on a mana budget with a lot of 1/1’s.
  • Elspeth Tirel is a board wipe, if you manage to keep her around for long enough. If that’s not what you need, though, she’s got plenty of utility otherwise.
  • Coordinated Barrage, Kabira Takedown  Flip, and Outflank aren’t super powerful, but can destroy pretty much anything that comes your way. If it’s not hexproofed, shrouded, or indestructible, it will be killed.
  • Devout Chaplain says “The power of Christ compels you! Begone!” but this time it actually works.
  • Sanctuary Lockdown lets you say “Not this combat phase, Satan,” and if you have enough mana, you can do that again and again and again. Plus, if you decide you can’t, then it’s still a big boy.
  • Kamahl's Will will destroy just about anything in sight and can give you extra attacking force, if you can manage a way to keep all of your lands safe.
Gotta keep your stuff safe, yeah?

  • Loxodon Hierarch is going to save your deck (which is very sensitive to board wipes) from a board wipe, judy once. Use wisely.
  • Scapegoat won’t save your tokens, but it will save everyone else, commander included.
  • Kindred Boon can slowly but surely make literally every creature you own indestructible.
  • Ephemeral Shields is extra protection that can easily be pulled out of your back pocket.
  • Basri's Lieutenant isn’t going to save your deck, but it will buy you time or give you a chance next turn at a kill, if the board wiper was low.
Make all of your stuff bigger!

Make more stuff! The theme of these suggestions is Give me more, if you couldn’t have guessed.

Might of the Masses is always fun in a creature deck, one green for a massive “Fuck you” at instant speed is great. Now here’s a bunch of Might of the Masses style cards.

I was looking for cards with the keyword “Human” and a million Gideon cards came up, so here’s all of the Gideon Planeswalkers. None of them are bad, per se, but all Gideon cards are not made equal.

  • Gideon, the Oathsworn just happens to slip and give all of your creatures an absurd number of counters. Not to mention the big body (noticing a pattern yet?) and the one-sided board wipe! He’s got a weird face again, sadly, pass.
  • Gideon, Champion of Justice is a board wipe and a big, bad creature all wrapped into one. 7/10, he can dominate me.
  • Gideon Jura can goad and destroy stuff. Perfect for removal and instigating fights when you know you’ll win. Not to mention the big scary 6/6 lurking beneath. Also a weird face, pass.
  • Gideon of the Trials reads “Fuck your biggest creature, he’s not going to do anything, and also, as long as I’m around, fuck you more.” Nothing crazy, but can definitely make you public enemy #1 for having an effect like that. Pretty normal face, but that ability makes him a dick. 3.4/10
  • Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip is just some kid. Ignore him. This is a child, pass.
  • Gideon, Battle-Forged!? Where did you come from? Nothing super interesting here, but for one mana not bad. Weird face, pass.
  • Gideon, Martial Paragon can give buffs to all of your stuff, which is definitely not bad at all, and your opponents are automatically dead if he gets that ten ability off. That said, this Gideon can get it. 10/10.
  • Gideon Blackblade is eh. He’s okay. He can get it, though. 7/10.
  • Gideon, Ally of Zendikar can do some generic Gideon stuff. Make tokens, give buffs, be a 4/4. Eh. 6.7/10.
This is just stuff I couldn’t find a specific panel for, so yeah.

Your deck is pretty spotless, so unless some of these are direct upgrades or you know what you want to take out, then this is all I have for you here.

  • Thraben Doomsayer’s first ability can be easily beaten by other cards, and his second ability is mostly useless, since you’re pretty screwed at 5 HP either way.
  • Heron's Grace Champion Lifelink is cool, but not something you super need. It’d be worth it if it was permanent, but it’s not, so pass.
  • Maja, Bretagard Protector just feels a little expensive for such a lackluster ability, Idunno.
  • Dencoan on Nine Lives

    3 years ago

    so thinking of replaced 2x Celestial Mantle with 2x Cradle of Vitality

    and replacing 2x Abzan Kin-Guard with 2x Loxodon Hierarch

    danthecolombian on Jumanji Aggro || Selesnya Surprise

    4 years ago

    psionictemplar, thanks again! Several of these will definitely work. I've added Act of Heroism to my Maybeboard and I'm looking to see how the others might fit in. In order to play the ambushers at little to no cost, I'd need most everyone tapped to draw in an attack. I'm still tweaking this concept and playtesting, but after turn 4-5, I lose momentum with the ambushers unless I can get a Wilt-Leaf Liege and several enchantments on the board.

    Turn 1: Play a land (Forest). Play a Birds of Paradise
    Turn 2: Play a land (Plains). Play Behemoth Sledge. Flash in Qasali Ambusher if attacked.
    Turn 3: Play a land. Equip the sledge and smash with ambusher. Use Fog effect or Dawn Charm if BoP gets targeted. Taking damage is fine, here, too.
    Turn 4: Play a land. Play Wilt-Leaf Liege as a 5/5 creature and boosting all others by 1 or 2. One mana left for fog after attacking.
    Turn 5: Play a land. Play Loxodon Hierarch as a 6/6 creature. Two mana left for Ephemerate or Fog effect at end of turn.

    I don't want to take advantage of your time and generosity, but do you have any thoughts here?

    danthecolombian on Jumanji Aggro || Selesnya Surprise

    4 years ago

    Got it. Made the change, Balaam__. Thanks for the tip!

    I'm also considering a few other changes:

    1) Trading 2 Frondland Felidar for 2 Loxodon Hierarch. I'm thinking the synergies with Ephemerate and Bronzehide Lion are longer-lasting without having Kaheera, the Orphanguard in play.

    2) Trading 4 Llanowar Elves for 4 Birds of Paradise OR 4 Sylvan Caryatid.

    3) Trading 2 Behemoth Sledge OR 2 Unflinching Courage for an extra Shield of the Oversoul and one of either card not being traded above.

    What are your thoughts? psionictemplar, please feel free to weigh in, too!

    zapyourtumor on watcha gonna do wit all that junk

    4 years ago

    Animate Wall and Elephant Ambush aren't legal, but at least they're the worst cards in the deck.

    Loxodon Hierarch is a decent elephant. Ivorytusk Fortress is actual junk colors, but you would probably need to build around it more (works really well with Venerated Loxodon though). Loxodon Gatekeeper is a good hate card. Loxodon Smiter can be your version of Obstinate Baloth in the sideboard.

    Some other cards are pretty good but also rly expensive like Spelltithe Enforcer and Terastodon (probably better for EDH)

    For lands, have you considered Sunpetal Grove and Razorverge Thicket?

    WizardOfTheNorthernCoast on I am tired of losing …

    5 years ago

    I mostly played Burn in Modern and I remember losing hard to multiple Loxodon Hierarchs once.

    Sirgupp on Dooderz

    5 years ago

    I agree that Chulane is too good. May they never make a legendary with an enchantress effect again.


    Running dorks seems vital to Chulane.

    Running a lot of dorks is a viable option to make the deck fast.

    Running so many dorks that you have the likes of Marwen, Heritage Druid, Gilt-Leaf Archdruid, and Priest of Titania is TOO MUCH.

    You need more avenues, you need


    Karametra, God of Harvests : As good as Oketra IMO. Hard to remove, great stats when online, and can nearly ramp/thin your entire landbase.

    Tangleroot : Need more mana? Keep that train a-comin'.

    Trade Routes : Land broke your streak? Keep that train a-comin'.

    Qasali Pridemage and maybe Reclamation Sage : Cantrip naturalize good.

    Selfless Spirit and maybe Loxodon Hierarch : Field wipe bad.

    Krosan Grip : Humility effects REAL BAD.

    Momir Vig, Simic Visionary : Order the triggers to resolve before Chulane's so you draw the tutor.

    Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite : hey i see your playeing white you know whatd be great haha

    Dovescape : bird up.

    Words of Wind : Why just bounce your own stuff back when you can bounce everyone's stuff also? goes infinite with Aluren and two hasty dorks. Super-Biffy.

    Seedborn Muse (with Leyline of Anticipation , Vedalken Orrery , Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir , or Yeva, Nature's Herald ): Wow, it's like Prophet was never banned!

    Food Chain (with Eternal Scourge or Misthollow Griffin ): Infinite mana in any deck, but also infinite draw in Chulane. Even if you don't go for the combo, it's still worth running for the sheer mana production.

    Academy Rector , Trophy Mage , and Laboratory Maniac : Not a combo with each other, but a plan. Rector can grab Aluren, Mage can grab Cloudstone Curio. If both are out, chances are you can draw your deck and flash out Maniac for game. Yes, you're scum, but YOU WON.

    In conclusion, I am a genius and my idea is a perfect masterpiece.

    kinghehehee on Rienne, Angel of many colors

    5 years ago

    Boros Reckoner and the like can deal some damage and be used again. Dauntless Escort and Loxodon Hierarch can save your team from non-exiling board wipes. Trying to figure out some other good synergies with her myself

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