Walk the Aeons

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Walk the Aeons


Buyback—Sacrifice three Islands. (You may sacrifice three Islands in addition to any other costs as you play this spell. If you do, put this card into your hand as it resolves.)

Target player takes an extra turn after this one.

Profet93 on Lost Among the Stars in Search of the Moon

4 months ago

Fair points all around!

I wasn't going to suggest something per say, it was more of a question. I was originally thinking of High Tide but I realized you focused on a field of the dead package. Btw, for that package, you should swap out half of your snow-covered islands for normal islands for field of the dead.

Speaking of blasts from the past, how has Teferi's Response been playing for you? Do people really target your lands that often in this deck?

Why do run Walk the Aeons over another 5cmc extra turn spell, do you have a way to recur the islands? Or is it you just want a repeatable time talk effect given you have 10 islands to spare? I do wonder given since you run only 10, often how you do initiate buyback on it.

Do you run crucible for your lands that etb and make you sac another land + walk the eons? How is crucible working for you?

Do you feel you have enough card draw?

Not an entirely serious suggestion, but maybe Shapesharer? You run a lot of activated abilities and training grounds eases the cost. Makes copies of either your creatures or important opposing ones? Is likely too mana costly for what you're going for.

Another changeling, Bloodline Pretender?

I assume rhystic study and mystic remora are other staples you avoid? If you're going for something a little more interesting, Misdirection > Foil

Foil's pros....

A) Cheaper to hard cast B) Can directly counter spells rather than hope it's targeted C) If you get a FOIL Foil, then you can say "You've been foiled by a Foil foil" as the pod stares at your in disbelief.

Misdirection Pros....

A) "Same speech I give for Imp's mischief on every deck" - "Counter" counterspells while redirecting targeted removal, draw and extra turns. B) Costs 1 less card, sometimes it's a tough decision between countering their spell or keeping the other card in your hand given your 3 opponents

demon_vayu on Blind 7 is usually fine

5 months ago

KongMing I like where your head is at with your comment. The reason I play See Double over something like Fork or Reiterate is the upside of a modal spell. The amount of times see double is an instant speed clone, more than once coping something silly like a Solemn Simulacrum, has actually been relevant. The longer I've played this deck the more I've messed with ways to reuse spells without relying on kess being in play, and buyback did cross my mind before. Used to run Walk the Aeons in an early build with turn spells, back when "kess beats" was plan B. I don't see myself running corpse dance, as really the only creature I care about once it's in the grave is Rona, Sheoldred's Faithful and I can just discard cards as an additional cost to recur it. As for collusion, I very rarely spend 5 Mana to tutor from hand, increasing usually gets discarded to Faithless Looting, Careful Study or something else. Ambition is in the deck because if I cast it with kess, it only cares it was cast from the grave- not that I spent 8 Mana.

Tic12 on Turn 5 - Darth Vadrik strikes back

7 months ago

Next mayor update: I cut the complete Extra-Turn-section, cause these cards doesn't perform the way i was hoping. So, i replaced it with some little helpers and 2 more lands, cause 33 Lands were way too less.

Out: Alrund's Epiphany, Beacon of Tomorrows, Capture of Jingzhou, Part the Waterveil, Temporal Mastery, Walk the Aeons

In: Island, Mountain, Vandalblast, Expressive Iteration, Seize the Spoils, Swiftfoot Boots

SufferFromEDHD on

1 year ago

Teferi's Response ultimate cantrip.

Forbid and/or Mystic Speculation quality effects, recyclable, token generation.

Inundate game ender.

Walk the Aeons tech.

Tae_Grixis on Wizards of the Coast, a Hasbro Subsidiary

1 year ago

Wanderwine Prophets is a better card to combo off with and get extra turns than Walk the Aeons. Just get it into place, champion the original under a copy, swing, sac for extra turn, copy and champion the original again, end of clean-up/turn, copy comes back, copy and champion the original (the copy stays around for the next turn), repeat next turn.

You need three free mana available for this so you can copy the original each time it enters. After the first turn of doing this you only need two because it's already championed on the second and following turns.

multimedia on Defending budget commander deck

1 year ago

Hey, good changes so far. Looking nice with a really low avg. CMC.

Some budget defender upgrades to consider.

Orator of Ojutai is another two drop defender who can draw ETB if you control Arcades and it has flying. Sunscape Familiar and Wall of Roots are more defenders who ramp. Shield-Wall Sentinel is a defender tutor. Wall of Stolen Identity is good in multiplayer Commander and it ETB as the creature you choose with defender. Identity and Shield-Wall are some higher mana cost defenders, but their ETB abilities are worth it.

Wall of Junk has been errata to have defender, it can return itself to your hand if it blocks making it bonus good with vigilance. Walking Bulwark and Crashing Drawbridge are low mana cost defenders who can give other creatures you control haste.

Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive makes your defenders unblockable. What makes Tower Defense good here is it gives all creatures you control the instant pump for two mana. Aegis of the Heavens only targets one creature for three mana.

Because Arcades triggers to draw when a defender ETB then blink can be a powerful effect. Blink can also enable an infinite turns combo where attacking Arcades and/or defenders are the wincon.

Eerie Interlude can protect all your creatures from a board wipe since your creatures return to the battlefield at the next end step. If Arcades is exiled along with defenders then when the creatures come back you draw. To price match for a possible cut, Eerie could replace Voidslime? Cutting Voidslime will also clear some budget to add some of the more price defenders I suggested above.

At your end step Soulherder can be repeatable blink of any creature you control. With Arcades blinking a defender is draw, if the blinked defender has an ETB ability it triggers again and gives the defender pseudo vigilance since it will ETB untapped. Blink can also reset Shield Sphere and Wall of Roots.

If your game plan is to attack with defenders thanks to Arcades then how about extra attacks from extra turns? Adding this combo and Eerie Interlude are some reasons to keep Mnemonic Wall.

Cast Aeons and at your end step Soulherder blinks Mnemonic returning Aeons to your hand. On your extra turn cast Aeons and repeat. If you control Arcades then you also draw at your end step, but you only get extra turns equal to the number of cards in your library.

DaringApprentice on Every Rose Has Its Thorns V2

1 year ago

Here are some suggestions:

Utility Lands: Bojuka Bog, Hagra Mauling  Flip

Ramp: Arcane Signet, Sword of the Animist, Burnished Hart, Canoptek Wraith, Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion, Sifter of Skulls, Solemn Simulacrum

Card Draw: Laelia, the Blade Reforged, Morbid Opportunist, Keep Watch, Breya's Apprentice, Moonveil Regent, Smothering Abomination, Reconnaissance Mission, Necrologia, Future Sight, Kothophed, Soul Hoarder, Will Kenrith, Harvester of Souls, Ruin Grinder, Deepfathom Skulker, Sandstone Oracle

Targeted Removal: Rapid Hybridization, Wild Magic Surge, Terminate, Resculpt, Reality Shift, Forbid, Daring Apprentice, Transmogrifying Wand, Ravenous Chupacabra, Chaos Defiler, Glorybringer, Mystic Confluence, Necron Deathmark, Reaper from the Abyss, Rowan Kenrith, Curtains' Call, Duplicant, Meteor Golem

Board Wipes: Nevinyrral's Disk, The Phasing of Zhalfir, Whelming Wave, Ixidron, Blood on the Snow, Deathbringer Regent, Necromantic Selection

Synergy: Ghoulish Procession, Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia, Drana, Liberator of Malakir, Blight Mound, Braids, Arisen Nightmare, Fleshbag Marauder, Gravelighter, Irenicus's Vile Duplication, Magus of the Abyss, Anowon, the Ruin Sage, Ruthless Winnower, Ogre Slumlord

Threats: Quietus Spike, Elturel Survivors, Relentless Assault, Gratuitous Violence, Sarkhan the Masterless, Westgate Regent, Precursor Golem, Necropolis Regent, Walk the Aeons, Combustible Gearhulk, Embercleave, Sharding Sphinx, Angrath's Marauders

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