Nissa's Triumph

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nissa's Triumph


Search your library for up to two basic Forest cards. If you control a Nissa planeswalker, instead search your library for up to three land cards. Reveal those cards, put them into your hand, then shuffle your library.

Housegheist on Shelob's Lair of Spiders

1 year ago

I like your list. Have you considered using Bow of Nylea and/or Ohran Frostfang? Tear Asunder is a wonderful flexible removal which exiles rather than destroying.

As we are using green and you said you where land screwed… why not using more land-tutoring classics like Kodama's Reach, Farseek, Nissa's Pilgrimage, Nissa's Triumph, Skyshroud Claim, Rampant Growth,… our commander costs a lot of resources…

And: not just for flavour but i would use Shelob, Dread Weaver as well. You geht the Big shelob trigger, make a food-copy of a opponent’s dead creature then exile it with small Shelob for Graveyard hate and maybe get recur it for yourself later…

Horn of the Mark could do some work too.

Edit: i forgot to mention Shelob's Ambush which is a highly flavourful card!

Licecolony on Mono-Green SuperFriends!

1 year ago

Heyo! Never seen mono green superfriends. Seems like a cool idea. I'd suggest running more land ramp Nissa's Triumph, Nissa's Pilgrimage, You Happen on a Glade

Recursion: Bala Ged Recovery  Flip your mana base is solid. You can use this.

Mass removal options: Fade from History, Rampage of the Clans.

Defense options: Arachnogenesis or Jaheira's Respite or Spore Frog

Card I'd consider removing:
Nyxbloom Ancient. The deck has a high average CMC. But by the time you can cast this card, that's not much of a problem anymore. This card is great when you have mana sinks. Which you do not.

Omnath, Locus of Mana. It's a big creature. Your win conditions sound more in line with tons of small creatures and an Overrun like effect.

Seedborn Muse. Yes it's good with three of your artifacts. I think the slot would be better served with something else.

Gauntlet of Power. You don't need this. It's slow.

Sol Ring. You run so few artifacts/Enchantments, you may just be better off running less of them yourself so you can use mass removal.

Nyx Lotus. Let your lands and creatures do the ramping for you.

Garruk, Savage Herald. You have 22 creatures in your deck. The +1 has a 80% chance of doing nothing the turn you play it. The -ability doesn't matter because most of your creatures are there to support planeswalkers.

Vivien, Arkbow Ranger. Again, lots of small creatures.

Vivien, Champion of the Wilds. The first ability is rather pointless, the static ability only affects creatures. The last ability is occasionally draw a card. Better replaced with something like Worldly Tutor or Natural Order or Chord of Calling.

Sylvan Anthem. Replace this with a win condition like Craterhoof Behemoth, Thunderfoot Baloth, Overrun, Tribal Forcemage, Kamahl, Heart of Krosa, Song of Freyalise, Pathbreaker Ibex, End-Raze Forerunners, Overwhelming Stampede

OmniDreamer on Forest for the Wicked (Kamahl & Kodama EDH)

3 years ago

Something else I just realized that I like about Springbloom Druid in this deck is that it provides 3 triggers for Kodama in addition to the two landfall triggers for other permanents with landfall effects. Also forgot to mention Elvish Reclaimer as a nice land tutor that can be activated during an opponent's turn to start the Ghost Town chain with landfall token generators.

Because of how quickly Kodama can chain lands onto the field I feel like you could add more cards that help put lots of land into your hand like:

I mean if you drastically shifted the playstyle of the deck it would be fun to run Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant  Flip in the 99 for the exponential basic forest mana. I'd still use your partners as the commanders and have more basic forest in the deck with more effects to drop lands into play like Burgeoning

Also if you just want to really annoy your opponents.

  • Collector Ouphe great if you don't have many artifact abilities.
  • Hall of Gemstone green decks tend to just play stuff on their own turn so locking others down to a single color doesn't usually affect you.
  • City of Solitude this can be good for you if you usually need people to leave you alone on your turn, but detrimental if you need to respond on an opponents turn. Note: this does not even allow people to tap for mana on an opponent's turn.

snackelwolf on Forest of Equilibrium

3 years ago

Greetings MapPsycho I've worked on this deck tonight. I'm unsure about keeping the Elephant Grass + Scuttlemutt combination of abilities to protect me from an attacker designated as black. It is fairly situational and those two slots take away from the land gain, large creature theme.

These are the cards I have added thus far:

Dryad Greenseeker Bonders' Enclave Nylea's Intervention Ulvenwald Tracker Thaumatic Compass  Flip Evolution Charm Nissa's Triumph Lay of the Land Primal Might and Spore Frog

The cards I removed tentatively are: Buried Ruin, Blighted Woodland, Consign to Dust, Scattershot Archer, Crystal Chimes and Crashing Drawbridge. this last card I was reluctant to take out -- granting haste is such a fun surprise and option with big monsters entering the battlefield. Regardless, The cards I still am curious to add are: Yavimaya Elder, Traverse the Ulvenwald and Ram Through but I am uncertain what to remove. Should perhaps the above mentioned combo depart from the picture?

Thanks in advance if you have any time to evaluate.

Omniscience_is_life on Non Basic Fetches

4 years ago

Nissa's Triumph can get any land if you have a Nissa Planeswalker, and Nylea's Intervention can get any land always.

BaneOfLordran on

4 years ago

HeavyR thanks for replying. As for card draw I rely mostly on Bond of Flourishing. It really needs to be a cheap 1-2 drop if I am going to fit it into this list. Not only that, but Nissa's Triumph acts as a way to draw JUST lands from the deck.

I kinda feel like there is a decent spread of threats to draw into as is, so card draw CAN help, but I haven't really experienced any "flood" per say.

That said, I do need to find other ways to interact with opponents boards without relying on out valuing them with ramp. Any removal spell recommendations?

Joe_Ken_ on Prossh Token Hell

4 years ago

Probably Domri, City Smasher since it is pretty high cost and dosen’t bring all that much to the table.

Lightning Strike since 3 damage to a target won’t come in handy that often. Abrade is effectively the same but also artifact removal.

Trespasser's Curse is only really good if you are up against another token deck.

Possibility Storm isn’t all that necessary and you don’t want the randomness too often in edh.

Ayula's Influence since triple green can be hard to cast sometimes and discarding cards for 2/2 tokens isn’t all that great.

Wolf's Quarry costs way too much for what it does.

Nissa's Triumph dosen’t really ramp, only guarantees some land drops.

Zhur-Taa Goblin he is an early drop, but dosen't do much beyond like turn 4.

Edh is a marathon for the most part. You want to ramp and get momentum to bring you to the end game and keep yourself in a better position than other players. Getting ramp and removal is necessary to make sure they don’t pull too far ahead of you. I’d check YouTube and EDHrec for other Prosh decks to get some more ideas for your deck.

jonmaior on Happy Hanukkah!

4 years ago

Thanks Twist35 some good input! I was definitely thinking about adding some Bojuka Bog I will probably replace the Howltooth Hollow 's. I agree some Explore type cards would be good since I don't have any ramp. The problem is I don't want to cut too many lands I want to have mostly lands and a few non lands. I might cut the Nissa's Triumph + Nissa, Voice of Zendikar package because it seems too slow and unlikely. I do think I don't need as many cycling lands. do you think Courser of Kruphix and Tireless Tracker would be good against aggro?

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