Mirran Spy

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mirran Spy

Creature — Drone


Whenever you cast an artifact spell, you may untap target creature.

Dabsolux on Pauper and PDH combos

9 months ago

I would like to create a list of all Pauper and PDH deck combos. Most of them are created by NateDiggity7 (Moxfield) and PenguinPete (MTG Salvation). Here some:

BG - Golgari

BR - Rakdos

C - Colorless

G - Green

RG - Gruul

UBG - Sultai

UB - Dimir

UG - Simic

URG - Temur

U - Blue

WB - Orzhov

WG - Selesnya

WR - Boros

WUB - Esper

WU - Azorius


BR - Rakdos

BG - Golgari

U - Blue

UR - Izzet

G - Green

UG - Simic

W - White

WG - Selesnya

SufferFromEDHD on Drafna's Artifact Trampoline

2 years ago

This set is filled with so many good commanders. I'm slowly making it around to brewing Drafna. Your build is solid! I will definitely be using Access Denied and Spell Swindle in my list. Mirran Spy is some spicy tech.

Arcbound Ravager always good in a deck full of artifacts.

Would Urza's Workshop and the other Urza's lands be useful in this artifact strategy?

Cut 3 islands and add Academy Ruins, Minamo, School at Water's Edge and Otawara, Soaring City.

Ace_Of_Spades on Over-Jhoi'd

2 years ago

Edits: Out- Foundry Inspector In- Enthusiastic Mechanaut

(3 mana tends to be higher in the curve than I want this effect to be (Cloud Key withstanding), Enthusiastic Mechanaut just fits my optimal curve better)

Out- Mirran Spy , Nettle Drone , Retraction Helix , Banishing Knack In- 2x islands 2x mountains

(needed a slightly larger mana base, and these combos are nice but with summoning sickness, 2 turns takes too long to be efficient

xram666 on EDH pauper Glassdust Hulk

2 years ago

Nice deck.

You could add cards like Horseshoe Crab for synergy with Banishing Knack and Retraction Helix. Not as good as Mirran Spy or Battered Golem but it would make the deck more consistent.

TypicalTimmy on hiddengibbons

3 years ago

It takes a bit of setup, but Razor Boomerang can deal infinite damage. You need enough coat reductions such as Etherium Sculptor, Cloud Key and / or Foundry Inspector. Then simply add in any suitable magnet.

If you're in a position to have free reign of the stack (E.G. no interactions), you win the game... If you have Mirran Spy.

It's a large setup, making it flimsy, but totally possible for those who don't know about it as none of these appear as set pieces for more mainstream wincons.

mlequesne on Competitive Jhoira Artifacts Deck (Under $100)

3 years ago

Quicksilver Dagger can be a great card with Battered Golem, and Mirran Spy does the same job as the golem.

I love your deck man! seems very fun to play

BruhYouFarted on Pauper Infinite Combo

3 years ago

Court Street Denizen only triggers on white creatures, so it wouldn't work for an artifact. Another combo starter for the combo is Mirran Spy, and with another combo piece (Battered Golem, Mirran Spy itself, etc.) it gives infinite untaps, which works well with Prodigal Sorcerer, Rootwater Hunter, Razorfin Hunter, and, if you are ahead on life, Spear Spewer and Fireslinger (Or with any other pinger)

Also Nettle Drone is probably the best creature in the Retraction Helix combo deck, since it is the payoff and a combo starter.

Mana_Mythic_Legendary on Pursuing Perfection, Part 2: Mono-Blue …

3 years ago

Let’s be clear and open this by admitting I’d never considered building a mono-blue deck before now. In fact, I can clearly remember only one in all my years on playing, and we didn’t finish the game (he left for a Killer Instinct tournament). That said, blue forms the backbone of several favorite decks. Those of you who have braved the mono-blue challenge, I salute. Or rather, I salute those of you who didn’t shuffle islands and counterspells together until you had ninety-nine and then threw Talrand, Sky Summoner on top as the world’s most unimaginative cherry.

That lone blue deck I saw? The first spell in the game gets played. Mr. Talrand peers at it, then nods and says “I’ll allow it.” You could see his name appearing in neon at the top of the table’s hit list, and he hadn’t introduced himself or even played a spell yet. This, I think, is what a lot of folk unjustly assume of mono-blue: that attitude, that play style. But at its best, blue is a beautiful game of dancing on the edge, bringing grace and guile to the table beyond anything the other colors can manage.

Or drop Cyclonic Rift and then swing in with Atemsis, All-Seeing . Sometimes clever doesn’t cut it.

Blue has enough mass in squelchy things from the deep to square off with anything but the swollest green, and the islandwalk to not bother. Curse of the Swine and Rite of Replication are only two of the many mean, mean things you can do to a board state. Just the knowledge that counters exist leaves blue players resigned to suspicious looks whenever opponents so much as breathe. And yet, for all this power, blue truly outshines the other colors in three areas: draw, artifact manipulation, and control. Let’s talk commanders for these archetypes, shall we? Again, please bear in mind the point isn’t to discuss the competitive but rather to celebrate the thematic. Happily, blue has a bounty of legends loaded with both!


Ah, Blue Sun's Zenith . Only blue can kill with this peculiar species of lunatic kindness. While there isn’t a mono-blue commander that has this exact effect… yet… it highlights the singular relationship blue has with drawing cards. Whether you want to draw or deck, if you like a full hand then look no further.

Azami, Lady of Scrolls Tribal is an archetype available to all colors. While I’m trying to steer away from that as a theme, we must talk Azami if we talk draw engines. There are many, many good wizards, and her ladyship is an absolute powerhouse of card advantage. Arcanis the Omnipotent is omnijealous, bitterly sulking in the 99.

Kami of the Crescent Moon For the more political blue players we go once more to Kamigawa. He’s little, group-huggy, and a fantastic choice for those who appreciate the challenge of treating their commander as an afterthought. Besides, nobody resents an extra card until you drop the sphinx. You know the one.

The Loch Ness Monster Can’t be countered. No maximum hand size. Whenever your opponent goes noncreature, draw a card. Blink. I hope the Scots are pleased, because Nessie is quite the monster. Seven mana is a lot, but so, so worth it to play this unholy avatar of blue. Give thanks and happy chortles as she pours cards into your endless hand and flickers past everything that isn’t Molten Disaster .


Where Red abuses artifacts the way black abuses… well, everything, blue takes it to full symbiosis, protecting, enhancing, and eating the pancreas of anyone who offends their precious toys. Blue has the tutors, the synergies, the splendiferous Tezzeret the Seeker . If you like artifacts but aren’t quite crazy enough to go full colorless, blue is your in.

Arcum Dagson In a singleton game, tutors are king. Long live Arcum. Bonus points if you take out somebody’s combo piece with him while taking a break from digging for yours.

Thada Adel, Acquisitor Here’s a pancreas eater for you: theft-by-tutor is unorthodox, but undeniably fun. Blue delights in theft and, as anyone who has siblings will tell you, stolen treats taste better. You’ll never appreciate using your own high-powered tin crap half so much as using your opponent’s high-powered tin crap. Stockpile extra turns and go shopping on the opposition’s dime.

Urza, Lord High Artificer You talk blue artifacts, this guy is in the conversation, if not THE conversation. Lord High Wombo Himself is not here because he makes a goon. Lord High Wombo Himself is not even here because he has mightily potent mana sink if you break infinite. Lord High Wombo Himself is here because of that middle line, turning things like Winter Orb from “our” problem to “your” problem, and that’s just the tip of this degenerate iceberg. Go nuts.


When my wife tells me not to break my toys, this is NOT what she means. No other color manages the sheer mind-bogglery of bouncing, tapping, stealing, and otherwise screwing with other people’s toys without breaking them. No other color boasts this heinous plurality of extra turns, to say nothing of counterspells. Control is the glory and the terror of blue: Laboratory Maniac might take the game for you, but it’s control that will get him there.

Memnarch Blue is the heavyweight champion of yoink, and Memnarch holds the belt. Just be ready for everyone to treat you like a male dog with a full bladder whenever he takes the field, especially if you had your Mycosynth Lattice in the morning.

Gadwick, the Wizened Honestly, the pay X bit of this is only tangential for me. Blue is all about minimal force, and tapping something whenever you Opt has very interesting applications. After all, the phrase “doesn’t untap during their untap step” is patented in blue ink. I’m not even sure building around this is a good idea, but you have to admit that Ol’ Gadwick is frightening to any command damage chaser who left their Lightning Greaves at home, especially when Dismiss into Dream is lurking.

Baral, Chief of Compliance We all have strong feelings about counterspells, one way or the other. Forbid is a personal favorite. While Baral’s not that special in a vacuum, he offers hellacious support if you really are all about counterspam. He won’t break the game on his own, but the play-style he encourages certainly has potential for other broken things. Like friendships. Or noses.

And, for my personal favorite... Emry, Lurker of the Loch I love perpetually affordable commanders. Rock a few token generators and you might go a whole game paying a single blue mana for this marvel. Sacrifice artifacts are suddenly scary, Sacrificing them suddenly isn’t, and your opponents are suddenly scrabbling for exile effects and that wretched bog. Please remember to bring your self-milling kit, a Mirran Spy , a Mycosynth Golem , and a jar for the tears of your enemies (no sense wasting all that blue mana). First prize if you win with the Phyrexian half of Mirrodin Besieged .

That's it for this round. Thoughts and questions are welcome. I hope you enjoyed it, and will come back next week for Black!

Prior Articles: Mono-White

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