Kher Keep

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kher Keep

Legendary Land

: Add .

, : Create a 0/1 red Kobold creature token named Kobolds of Kher Keep.

DreadKhan on Rakdos Santa Deck

1 year ago

I like stuff like Dream Devourer in big Rakdos decks, it's a great way to get a Captive Audience out early. Rakdos Keyrune is another interesting mana rock in Rakdos, a 3/1 First Strike can do work on many boards (it can kill a Golem if necessary) while also offering you ramp. I think my final idea to speed this up a bit is to try out some Dark Rituals? There are other Red rituals, but Dark Ritual is a great rate.

Have you thought about tossing in some token generators? Even a Kher Keep might do some work, those 0/1s are about as useless a creature as you can give. There is also Trading Post, which can generate value if you aren't donating yet.

I suspect this deck could use something like Night's Whisper or even Phyrexian Arena, but now that I think about it, why not throw in Midnight Oil and/or Demonic Lore? Neither is so cruel as to be unfair, but both offer card draw, much gentler options than Demonic Pact for example!

Do you have trouble getting in with Blim, or having him get targeted? Whispersilk Cloak is clunky, but it might be useful as your deck really cares about having him out.

Just curious, but Thieves' Auction seems weirdly risky with Blim, doesn't his ability also hurt you potentially if you control a bunch of stolen stuff? Sorry if I'm misunderstanding how these cards interact.

DreadKhan on Misappropriation of funds

1 year ago

Not sure if Springleaf Drum would work in here? Your Commander comes out quite early and doesn't tap to use his ability, also useful if you steal a creature or make a small token.

If you end up using Tymaret's ability a fair bit, some Lifelink might be nice since it's damage, Mask of Griselbrand seems like a fit (great if your Commander dies a lot), possibly Basilisk Collar. Either of those is also quite good with Rite of the Raging Storm, and if it's not killed you can sacrifice the token with your Commander each turn (same if a 5/1 trample is useless otherwise). Another great sacrifice source could be Ophiomancer (but it's a bit pricey), or Ogre Slumlord, which can make a ton of bodies in some matches. Sifter of Skulls is a budget pawn of ulamog, not sure if you want both (but I think I would).

If you're using Crux of Fate, I feel like you should consider Sarkhan the Masterless, it's Dragon tokens will dodge the wipe, and he can make you harder to attack if you have a few Dragons out.

If you like a land that can make a creature, there are also Kher Keep and Springjack Pasture, both make 0/1s, but they are technically bodies.

It's an old/weird card, but Kyren Negotiations has some synergy with your Commander, it turns any creatures you have out into damage sources, even if they can't attack, handy to use before sacrificing something maybe?

Whenever I see Whisper, it makes me think of Hell's Caretaker, Caretaker is more awkward timing-wise, but it's also only 1 for 1. I really love Coffin Queen, especially to reanimate opponent's stuff, but she is a bit pricey.

Since your Commander is a Zombie, have you thought about using Gravecrawler? If you have enough support, you could make your Commander into an infinite combo, but I think even if you just cast Gravecrawler 2 or 3 times a turn you're probably not doing too badly? The fact that it's not a token means it'll work with Pawn or Sifter of Skulls, and Bog Initiate can turn their mana into Black, so you can recast Gravecrawler at least. Defiler of Flesh can also help recast Gravecrawler (or any other Black permanent).

MatthewATate on Wondering about Rohgahh as a …

2 years ago

don't forget Prossh, Skyraider of Kher and Kher Keep itself as well.

Jett2112 on Tulzidi Caravan

2 years ago

SufferFromEDHD Thanks for the interactions! Yeah this deck is a little mean because often times the Tulzidi Caravan combat damage kills one opponent at a time while they cannot execute a combo because of stax.

Meekstone acutually doesn't exactly fit the strategy perfectly because the strategy is to deal damage with 2 power creatures and lay out stax peices that stop common cedh combos. are there any combos that get stopped by meekstone? if so somebody reccomend a cut for meekstone. also I generally benefit from other players being able to attack eachother and thats why I haven't been running Ensnaring Bridge. thoughts on Ensnaring Bridge or any cards like them?

Ghitu Encampment Yeah I can't have too much etb tapped cuz I'm tryna go fast. Barbarian Ring? I do have a Ruination in here and Price of Progress but I could also run Kher Keep. the high mountain count is remnant of when I ran Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle but now thats gone... thoughts on non-basic lands? must not enter tapped.

Null Brooch thats cute! I'm gonna think about adding 3 counterspells this might be one.

Thanks for the Recs!

GrimVeracity on Neera Wild Mage Copy Deck

2 years ago

lego22499 this seems like a very fun and explosive Combo/Copy deck! I think the key to cracking/breaking Neera, Wild Mage is going to be focusing on lower CMC ramp and interaction without jeopardizing Neera's ability. She can be a tough cookie to crack but one idea that comes to my mind is adding some cheap early game interaction that you aren't necessarily disappointed to hit with the Neera later in the game. Another way to aid in this struggle may be to run a higher than usual land count considering you may not want to be hitting many low CMC ramp/rocks with Neera's abillity and would rather hit the lands to get closer to something BIG hiding in your deck plus it wouldn't hurt to draw some extra lands early... especially Utility lands or lands that have a Cycling ability as this could help with draw if you start to flood out. That's the best I've got for now but I'll give it some more thought as well as feature the deck and maybe you can get some HOT tips from EDH players more familiar brewing around Storm, Combo, Copy, Ect. Anyways cool deck looking forward to seeing how it develops!

Low CMC Interaction

Chaos Warp, Pyroblast, Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, Reality Shift, Swan Song, Peek, Gitaxian Probe, Snap, Prismari Command

Cycling Lands

Remote Isle, Smoldering Crater, Lonely Sandbar, Forgotten Cave, Desert of the Mindful, Desert of the Fervent

Utility Lands

Castle Vantress, Mystic Sanctuary, Wandering Fumarole, Skyline Cascade, Halimar Depths, Soaring Seacliff, Faerie Conclave, Moonring Island, Cephalid Coliseum, Magosi, the Waterveil, Spinerock Knoll, Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep, Ghitu Encampment, Madblind Mountain, Hanweir Battlements  Meld, Kher Keep, Hellion Crucible, Reliquary Tower, Wasteland, Strip Mine

Hybrow on I believe I can fry, I believe I can torch the sky

2 years ago

Couple lands that have worked for me in my Purphy Build.

Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance, Dwarven Mine, Kher Keep, Spinerock Knoll

The enter tapped of Dwarven mines doesn't usually matter, if you have it first hand and not enough mana, you can simply throw it out first turn, otherwise, later its a free ETB. Spinerock is a little harder with the entered tap, but i generally get to play a spell for for less than its CMC pretty quick (4 ETBs in a turn should be easy)

And later turns, Kher Keep is a good way to get an extra ping, and Solkenzan can be pitched for a couple of ETBs for usually a couple mana (if you have your commander and another Leg in play)

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