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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Creatures with power 3 or greater don't untap during their controllers' untap steps.

DreadKhan on See You, Space Cowboy

1 week ago

I built a discard deck of my own awhile back, though mine is Dimir (I went with Sygg, River Cutthroat for the card draw) there might be a few cards that are worth a look!

It might get you killed since you're not running hard Stax like Static Orb in here, but Bloodchief Ascension is a really strong card in a discard deck. If you get this out early, it can easily take over a game.

Since you have Creeping Dread in here, maybe Stronghold Rats? Maybe Necrogoyf? Painful Quandary is a lot of mana for a reasonably strong effect, especially if you have any additional effects out with it. I threw in a bunch of racks that hit each opponent (stuff like Wheel of Torture, Rackling, and Shrieking Affliction), I found these helped speed things up.

I'm not sure if you are interested in stuff like Crawlspace, Ensnaring Bridge, or Koskun Falls? They are handy in a discard deck because people often want you dead as soon as they realize your going to make them discard all the fun stuff they're holding up, protection type Stax can be very helpful in my experience. I have a few more, mostly weirder ones, if you want to lean into the area, but it's not THAT deep unless you throw in hard Stax (like Static Orb and Meekstone).

I don't use them in my own discard list, but I also like Shizo, Death's Storehouse for the Fear. Maybe Access Tunnel and/or The Black Gate?

austintayshus on Colors Are For Suckers

3 months ago

I really love Meekstone in my own Traxos deck, might be a good addition if you know your playgroup won't hate it.

FormOverFunction on If you could run any …

7 months ago

Intrepid Hero could be kinda cool. Make it a 1/1 “every day people” free for all with Meekstone and the like. Anything huge and excessive gets got.

that_dude33 on Humpty Dumpty Sat On The....

8 months ago

Weathered Sentinels, Meekstone, Fell the Mighty walls have pretty good synergy with gates and Hold the Gates

DreadKhan on Imperium (Marneus calgar)

9 months ago

Sorry if some of these are pricier than what you're looking for, here are a few cards that are probably pretty good with Marneus. Pack Rat is probably worth a look, even if you use no other rats. Ogre Slumlord is a nice budget source of tokens, since the tokens have Deathtouch you have decent odds of making more tokens if people attack you. Ophiomancer is an interesting way to draw cards, you probably want some sacrifice outlets to draw a card on each turn. Shorikai, Genesis Engine works with or without your Commander, as does Faerie Formation. I think Mirror-Sigil Sergeant is pretty cool if you have your Commander out, you can make quite a few tokens if the Sergeant survives, but each is it's own trigger, so you'll draw lots of cards I think. Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia is an unusual token generator, though it'll max out at 1 token per turn it offers a way for that token to die each turn to make space. Pitiless Plunderer is probably a shoo-in with your Commander, Plunderer + Ashnod's Altar + Marneus = Draw your deck and infinite ETB/Death triggers. Similar to Plunderer but a bit different, Revel in Riches will draw a card each time an opponent's creature dies, and if you can amass enough treasure you just win on the spot.

If you typically have lots of small tokens as your main attack force you could try Meekstone, this type of card can be annoying if you play it without a plan, but most decks care more about untapping large creatures than you do. That said, it may attract some negative attention, something to keep in mind. There are also things like Propaganda, Ghostly Prison, War Tax, and Windborn Muse to consider, there are other similar cards.

DreadKhan on The Dirty Dozen II

9 months ago

I'm not sure if it's really amenable to what you're already doing, but I remember a Sisay deck (I think I found it via ComedIan, it was actually a cEDH list), it used 5C Sisay to dig out a combo to win, and the combo was Planeswalker based. It used Aminatou, the Fateshifter, Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God, and Oath of Teferi to more or less win on the spot, the way it works is you use Oath to get 2 activations each time a Planeswalker ETBs, Aminatou and a copy can juggle one another, and with the other activation you get to do something to impact the board, Bolas can force opponents to exile permanents for example, but iirc this does eventually deck you. IIRC you can also untap stuff, so you can also make mana and do other stuff if you can't win via Bolas and Aminatou. Anyways, you aren't on Red, so you can't use that Bolas, but any method of copying Aminatou will let you juggle as long as you have an extra activation. AFAIK you only would need to add Aminatou to the list to have the option of doing this, since you have ways to copy her already. Without Bolas you'd still need some other piece out to generate advantage from the juggling, but I think that's not a big ask with this many other PWs.

I also noticed that you're on mana rocks over options like Nature's Lore and Three Visits, yes they require Green but you are on Triomes and Duals, which these can find. Land ramp is much more stable than mana rocks in my experience, so I try to use it over artifact sources in Green decks. In your colours I feel like you should look at Wargate, it's both a land ramp spell that can fetch a non-Basic land for only 3 mana, but if you have extra mana it can fetch something out.

It's a bit obnoxious, but Meekstone might be a pretty good fit in here unless I'm missing something, it even ignores your Commander fwiw. If you really want to protect Planeswalkers I would also consider Static Orb, but that's actively terrifying to most playgroups, but I think it would work well enough that I feel I should at least mention it. With your Proliferate theme and general lack of creatures, you might also try Tangle Wire, it does nothing to your Planeswalkers, and if the number is high enough it's very stultifying to the board. In a deck like this I wonder if Mythos of Brokkos would be handy to recur stuff? It's really, really wacky, but have you ever thought about trying out Brago, King Eternal? He can flicker your PWs whenever he connections, meaning you can downtick them, hit someone and then activate them again that turn. If you don't end up cutting back on artifact ramp Brago looks even better.

Good luck with your deck, hopefully something here will help your rework!

DreadKhan on BBEG Deck Ideas

9 months ago

Out of curiosity, what did you find clunky about Kresh? it does require your opponents to have creatures, but most decks have at least a Commander out, and many have way more creatures. There is an endless number of ways to kill a bunch of creatures, and once Kresh has survived a few you can use almost any wipe that is -X/-X or deals damage, meaning he can swing vs a cleared board with some regularity. Jund has a lot of great wipes in it that can be one-sided, and even if all you give Kresh is Trample he's suddenly an actual threat, one that requires an answer or people will start losing. I've recently put together a list, so I'm curious for myself as well the issues you've identified. Is the 'Achilles Heel' that people just remove Kresh?

Queen Marchesa's tokens are useful, but I think Sauron's army will be a more impactful threat, the Assassins are mostly blockers in practice, the army can swing very hard, and Sauron is much stickier once he's out (both bigger and with that sweet, sweet Ward). I think Mardu has a lot of crazy effects that can make for a memorable game. There are few cards funnier for an Archenemy to use than stuff like Axis of Mortality, this not only can make the most dangerous threat the easiest to kill, it can also pump your own life total while tanking an opponent's, it's hilarious with stuff like Exquisite Blood or Sanguine Bond, since changing life totals counts as life gain or loss. White has some really great shenanigan cards for an Archenemy, though Blue offers fun surprises like Mass Diminish (which lasts until your next turn, which always struck me as absurd), so I think either could work well.

I just had a thought from thinking about how good both White and Blue can be for this, are ghosts iconic enough for you? One of the nastiest Commanders that has ever been printed is Brago, King Eternal, he's from the same setting as Marchesa I think. Brago is incredible with stuff like Meekstone, Static Orb, Stasis, etc etc, I'm not sure if that's too 'unfun', but since Brago can also run counters in Blue it's a very valid 'archenemy', representing a villain in the form of a monarch that refuses to give up power. Azorius conveniently is very good at not losing, but is also not very good at actually winning, meaning it can survive for awhile even with a lot of attention, and might kill off a player or two before they can beat him. I can think of very few decks that are better at forcing the table to work together to fight the archenemy than Brago, if they don't follow the plan to deal with him first he'll become a true menace, but if they gang up on him Brago should fold quickly enough.

Icbrgr on Mono-Red Burn

11 months ago

Something that was suggested to me was Meekstone I personally have yet to playtest it but it sounds like a budget friendly Ensnaring Bridge. +1 and cheers fellow burn player!

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