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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Creatures with power 3 or greater don't untap during their controllers' untap steps.

Profet93 on Play EDH they said, it will be fun they said

1 day ago


SufferFromEDHD's suggestion is so unique, I haven't seen that card before. Then again, I don't play white. Definitely worth considering given you're gonna get some hate for sure.

Piggybacking off of his idea, Meekstonefoil as you only have like 6 creatures affected by it. Although, Eleshnorn changes that

Craeter on Para Bellum | Arcades, The Strategist

1 week ago

Ohh dangg Meekstonefoil, Necropolis, and Rammas Echor, Ancient Shield are all Flippin insanely good with Arcades! I also made an Arcades EDH deck recently and defs adding those, thanks mane. I took a very different direction with mine so not sure if it's much help for you, but feel free to check it out if you're looking for some fresh ideas. Defense of the Ancients (DotA) - still adding the dual lands so nvm that

RiotRunner789 on I wanna be the evil …

2 months ago

Stax is the most outrageous villian and azorius (Blue/White) loves stax.

Grand Arbiter Augustin IV or Lavinia, Azorius Renegade with effects like Mana Vortex, Winter Orb, Rest in Peace, Peacekeeper, Meekstone, and Armageddon will keep everyone begging for resources.

Or you could play Urza, Lord High Artificer and be the only one not affected by Static Orbfoil.

DreadKhan on Any discard payoffs on mono …

2 months ago

It's hard to find a better payoff for discard than Bloodchief Ascension, but it will attract a TON of attention, most of it very negative, fortunately if you're making people discard you're gaining plenty of life! You can throw in stuff like Exquisite Blood even without both halves of the combo just for the life gain.

Nobody has mentioned Court of Ambition, this card shines brightest if you can get in for damage regularly, or if people will struggle to attack (see my next suggestion).

If you end up using Rack effects then I strongly recommend Static Orbfoil and it's whole family of cards, hard stax are your friend IMHO, if people can't effectively attack then your Racks look a LOT better, because Rack effects want a long boring game, and Stax offers exactly that! Also, if you're already salting the bejeebus out of everyone with a Rack deck then how much angrier will they be when you drop something like Meekstone?

DreadKhan on I Must Posses All, or I Possess Nothing

2 months ago

I built a discard deck of my own awhile back, though mine is Dimir (I went with Sygg, River Cutthroat for the card draw) there might be a few cards that are worth a look!

It might get you killed since you're not running hard Stax like Static Orb in here, but Bloodchief Ascension is a really strong card in a discard deck. If you get this out early, it can easily take over a game.

Since you have Creeping Dread in here, maybe Stronghold Rats? Maybe Necrogoyf? Painful Quandary is a lot of mana for a reasonably strong effect, especially if you have any additional effects out with it. I threw in a bunch of racks that hit each opponent (stuff like Wheel of Torture, Rackling, and Shrieking Affliction), I found these helped speed things up.

I'm not sure if you are interested in stuff like Crawlspace, Ensnaring Bridge, or Koskun Falls? They are handy in a discard deck because people often want you dead as soon as they realize your going to make them discard all the fun stuff they're holding up, protection type Stax can be very helpful in my experience. I have a few more, mostly weirder ones, if you want to lean into the area, but it's not THAT deep unless you throw in hard Stax (like Static Orb and Meekstone).

I don't use them in my own discard list, but I also like Shizo, Death's Storehouse for the Fear. Maybe Access Tunnel and/or The Black Gate?

austintayshus on Colors Are For Suckers

6 months ago

I really love Meekstone in my own Traxos deck, might be a good addition if you know your playgroup won't hate it.

FormOverFunction on If you could run any …

10 months ago

Intrepid Hero could be kinda cool. Make it a 1/1 “every day people” free for all with Meekstone and the like. Anything huge and excessive gets got.

that_dude33 on Humpty Dumpty Sat On The....

11 months ago

Weathered Sentinels, Meekstone, Fell the Mighty walls have pretty good synergy with gates and Hold the Gates

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