
Instant (1)

Sorcery (1)


This deck is fairly straightforward. I play with this list to keep the board state clear of creatures, always have the ability to tutor, draw, or reanimate threats and answers, and because I like to either grind out victories or to come from nowhere and one-shot an unsuspecting opponent.

How does this deck win?

I want to win the game by attacking my enemies once with Phage the Untouchable. Sidisi, Undead Vizier works primarily as a tool to tutor up the pieces needed to secure victory. The main engine is black's natural affinity for securing value out of sacrificing your own creatures and reanimating them, often combining it with excellent ETB and "when this creature dies" effects.

Rogue's Passage, Whispersilk Cloak, or Shizo, Death's Storehouse are the primary ways of sneaking Phage past the defenses for the instant kill. Since I have a bunch of ways to sneak in damage, I've included Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni, Lord of the Void, and Scion of Darkness to get full value out of the evasion enablers. Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni also has synergy with Sidisi, Undead Vizier in that I can attack with a deathtouch creature and return her to my hand during combat to get another tutor trigger when I re-cast her.


In order to set up a Phage kill, I want to keep the board as clear as possible with edict effects and situational removal. Thoughtseize, Nevinyrral's Disk, and Spine of Ish Sah are there primarily to deal with enchantments. This list also runs Lux Cannon but I have never successfully used it and I will switch to Oblivion Stone as soon as the price comes down a bit.

Use the traditional black card draw and reanimate engines to keep the board position in a state from which you are in control but are not the obvious target for elimination. To establish this, we keep the board creature light and sacrifice our own creatures to dig for our win cons and store our threats in the graveyard, where we can utilize them later if needed. Tutor for Necropotence or transmute for Damnation/Nevinyrral's Disk early in order to keep control establish consistent card advantage.

Using Phage

Phage is tricky because she is mana intensive and can't be cheated out unless you run a bunch of other tech like Platinum Angel or Sundial of the Infinite, which I am currently am not running. Instead, we want to generate a lot of mana with Crypt Ghast and Cabal Coffers + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and hardcast her, preferably if we have a haste enabler like Lightning Greaves. She will naturally be a huge target, so I have included a number of ways to grab her to my hand from the graveyard.

Using Sidisi

Don't be afraid to let Sidisi go to the graveyard! We have a lot of ways to put creatures back into your hand or reanimate them back to the battlefield. I am considering running Chainer, Dementia Master to set up multiple Sidisi self-exploits a turn for only and 3 life a pop to refill my hand with exactly what I want. Need to think about what I would cut to add Chainer and am open to suggestions.

Help Wanted

I am looking for other ways that mono black players use to get rid of enchantments or artifacts and am interested in feedback on how cards have worked in a meta with a lot of enchantments and/or artifacts-matter commanders like Breya, Etherium Shaper and Karametra, God of Harvests. Additionally, I want to consider ways to bring my CMC curve down.

There are a number of obvious cards that would make this deck better but I am not going to buy an expensive mana rock package or Xiahou all at once. I'm looking for reasonably-priced alternatives or feedback on cards that I'm running that haven't worked out well in the past.


Updates Add

This is a fun deck and it can usually hold its own against a table of other competitive decks but I am slowly trying to upgrade some of the budget cards in this build to create a sleeker, more efficient version.

With that in mind:

-Damnation replaces Mutilate: Mutilate (or perhaps Toxic Deluge) may find itself back in the list to deal with all the indestructible creatures in the format but for now, Damnation is a better early game board wipe at CMC 4.

-Jet Medallion replaces Worn Powerstone: This is mainly a test but I think that I want to be able to play multiple black cards a turn in the late game rather than ramp at the beginning of the game. I could change my mind but the Powerstone is pretty weak later in the game and the Medallion has utility no matter what turn you play it.

-Reaper from the Abyss replaces Shadowborn Demon: Tough call here as Shadowborn is ETB removal on a stick and costs less but in 4-player EDH, I think Reaper will have a better overall effect w/o the very possible downside of Shadowborn having to sac itself on the next upkeep.

-Necropotence replaces Underworld Connections: Pretty obvious. Connections is slow, puts a land at risk for a two-for-one, and takes away mana. Necropotence is ridiculous.

-Cryptbreaker replaces Dutiful Attendant: This is just better value. Lowers the curve and allows me to put stuff in my yard to reanimate later in order to get sac fodder on the field as early as turn 2. Downside is that Necropotence turns off the discard value but the benefits outweigh the costs.

-Mindslicer replaces Desecration Demon: If I wanted the demon effect, I should probably be playing Abyssal Persecutor for a better beater or Anowon, the Ruin Sage for more reliable removal. The demon is too best-of-both-worlds and the slicer can remove all of my opponent's answers if I am ahead on the board. Turn 4 Mindslicer into turn 5 Sidisi, exploiting the slicer and resolving Mindslicer's exit effect before Sidisi tutor effect can be huge in terms of creating a board position that your opponents can't recover from.

-Tragic Slip replaces Gild: Slip is cheaper and at instant speed. There won't be many turns where I have a Tragic Slip in my hand and think "I would rather have Gild right now". This deck will enable morbid often enough and if I don't, my opponents will do it for me.

-Entomb replaces Diabolic Revelation: My commander has built in tutoring. If I want another tutor, I want one that cheats on mana, not one that is more expensive. Let's put something gnarly like Massacre Wurm into the yard early and bring it back with Animate Dead or Necromancy super early.

-Massacre Wurm replaces Abhorrent Overlord: This deck has a ton of devotion, so the thought of creating 9 power worth of harpies in addition to the overlord's bulk is appealing but I've never actually been in a game situation in which that was my best play. This deck often plays from behind, so keep the board clear and punish token strategies.

-Magus of the Will replaces Liliana's Reaver: Another test card. Magus is new and could help me recur one of my valuable instants or spot removal spells.

-Animate Dead replaces Prowler's Helm: I have enough evasion enablers and drawing into Prowler's Helm is annoying pretty much any time during the game unless you have Phage in your hand. Animate is never a dead card (no pun intended) and can enable some early game shenanigans by cheating out a cycled Scion of Darkness.

Next additions:

Eyeing prices for a few cards and will spring if they go down but also looking for reasonable suggestions for cards that are significant upgrades over existing cards.

I would still like Phage the Untouchable to be a big component in the deck (have to have some janky, Johnny wincon in there...) but, in general, I want better value.

Here are some of the ideas for immediate improvements:

-Hell's Caretaker for Gravedigger: Digger is valuable in the deck as a way to get Phage out of the graveyard if my opponents had answers to her but, ultimately, this isn't enough value out of a 4-drop. The caretaker has excellent synergy with Cryptbreaker and I want to test the explosive value engine of pitching big creatures with Cryptbreaker to get a token and then sacrificing the token to reanimate it.

-Reanimate or Necromancy for Rescue from the Underworld: Rescue has a steep mana cost and require a creature to sac. The dream of getting multiple ETB triggers and having two creatures just isn't efficient.

-Vampiric Tutor for Increasing Ambition. End step Vampiric seems pretty good even if pitching an early Ambition to Cryptbreaker has its appeal.

Cards I would love to replace:

-Glaring Spotlight -Palace Siege -Lux Cannon


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 2 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.98
Tokens Morph 2/2 C, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders test
Ignored suggestions
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