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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Whenever a player plays a spell, Spellshock deals 2 damage to that player.

Flagellum on Need help deciding on a …

2 years ago

I'm stuck between two different strategies and for each of them I'm stuck between mono color or dual color commanders. Im looking at a pain/punisher deck or a lifegain matters deck. What I need is advice on which of the two commanders you think would fair better for each strategy and why. Which of the two to go with I will have to figure out myself. Budget generally is less than $10-15 a card but cheaper is always better :) I do have most of the more expensive staples (think Craterhoof Behemoth, Wheel of Fortune, Demonic Tutor ect.) however.


Torbran, Thane of Red Fell vs Mogis, God of Slaughter: this is a pain/burn/punisher deck. My question is, is the addition of black with admittedly more pain options and tutors/draw worth Torbran's ability to break parity? They'd run the same gambit of cards for the most part but Spellshock is much more damming with Torbran out and readily available. Mogis would run Torbran in the 99 though.

Lifegain Matters:

Dina, Soul Steeper vs Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose: again both like lifegain but Dina prefers quantity over quality whereas Vito is the opposite. I do not own Exquisite Blood (my idiot self traded it away years ago) so that combo probably isn't going to be included. However I am aware of Dina's combo with Witherbloom Apprentice and Chain of Smog which I can pull together. Vito with Blood Tribute will one shot an opponent. You could also run a lifelink creature and pump it with +1/+1 counters through Unspeakable Symbol to gain a ton of life and dome someone with Vito. I also own Aetherflux Reservoir so I can death star someone down with either commander. Crypt Rats with lifelink could also cause some huge shenanigans with Vito.

I've built and play tested some preliminary decks (on tappedout) and I'm leaning towards Torbran/Vito. Just need a slap of reality if I'm wrong :)

metuhs on Not hot enough for you?

2 years ago

I really like the build. There's quite a few cards I can think of that might be nice in here. Basilisk Collar is cheap alternative to Loxodon Warhammer, Blasphemous Act and Toralf, God of Fury  Flip have very interesting reactions with Repercussion and Chandra's Incinerator goes infinite with it, Heartstone decreases the cost of Ashlings ability which can really boost her once it's mixed with mana doublers, Leyline Tyrant would let you hold up mana for Ashling on opponents turns and stockpile it for later use, Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle seems like a nice choice given your land count and the presence of Vesuva and Thespian's Stage, Walking Atlas, Sword of the Animist and Ghirapur Orrery might help with ramping up for big plays, Stigma Lasher is a bit niche but if you can target it with Chandra's Ignition Lifegain decks are done for the rest of the game. Smoke and Price of Glory are nice stax pieces that shouldn't impact you too heavily given your low creature and instant count. Any one of Mogg Maniac, Brash Taunter and Stuffy Doll should all fit nicely given Ashlings explosive potential. Arcbond is a near guaranteed win against creature heavy decks. The Immortal Sun is a nearly strictly better Staff of Nin. Scrap Mastery might be a nice recovery from late game artifact wipes, or intense mill strategies. Sanctuary Blade is just as good as any of the swords at protecting Ashling and Hammer of Nazahn is nearly essential in such an equipment heavy deck, The Ozolith would help recover if Ashling gets popped before you can blow her up yourself. Harsh Mentor and Spellshock can keep infinite combos out of reach of those pesky combo players. Brass's Bounty and Reiterate can get you to infinite treasures/mana with enough lands in play and of course Ruby Medallion fits in nearly every red deck.

plakjekaas on Your Favorite Plays

2 years ago

My Klothys, God of Destiny enchantress deck that collects punishing effects, with on the board:


Ancient Runes

Burning Earth

Primal Order

War's Toll

Tectonic Instability

Roiling Vortex


Sandwurm Convergence

And everyone so low that trying to play a land or cast a spell would kill them, so everyone could just look sad at their greedy mana bases with their duals and their mana rocks until they died in their upkeep.

StopShot on Solemnity replacement

3 years ago

Not really game-ending, but it does give you a strong lead: Personal Sanctuary + Mana Barbs

You could also replace the first card with Sphere of Law and the second card with Spellshock.

DreadKhan on Kaervek the friendship killer

3 years ago

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is bonkers with Coffers, as is any way to untap it like Deserted Temple. A bit pricey, but something to think about.

You could use Citadel of Pain to add some ongoing damage/work around counter magic, and Rite of the Raging Storm to create pressure on other players. Spellshock adds more damage, which should speed things up, serving as a miniature backup Kaervek. I think Captive Audience is downright hilarious. Gorilla Shaman is a reasonable 1 drop, and Viashino Heretic is pretty hostile to big artifacts. Rionya, Fire Dancer might fit.

B33lz3bub on Kaervek, the Merciless

3 years ago

Taking something out of a deck is the most headache inducing activity ever with which I'll probably be of little help, however I can point you to some additions that you can make. (although, I would probably take out the spellbombs as well as stalking vengeance and nettlevine blight, because of their big mana cost) I have created a Kaervek deck of my own recently, and although I'm still in the process of perfecting it, it seems that a healthy diversity of creatures and enchantments is the way to go. Damage doubling creatures such as Angrath's Marauders and Sower of Discord are a must, as well as small but efficient pingers like Immolation Shaman and Scab-Clan Berserker, but arguably the most leg work goes to enchantments such as Furnace of Rath, Manabarbs, Citadel of Pain, Spellshock, Pestilence and most especially Havoc Festival. If you have the budget Master of Cruelties, Wound Reflection and Painful Quandary completely lock the game, with or without Kaervek being on the board. Toralf, God of Fury  Flip would be great addition as well. Hope this helps

multimedia on Fort Burn

3 years ago

Hey, interesting budget version of Kykar.

Lots of burn here doesn't have enough oomph when each opponent will have 40 or more life. Glacial Ray, Magma Spray, Lightning Helix and other single effect burn spells like this are subpar in multiplayer Commander. Flame Rift doesn't do enough, hitting all players for 4 damage a single time is not worth a card. Even being able to flashback these spells with Backdraft Hellkite isn't good enough because they're only doing damage to one player. Some advice is research Torbran, Thane of Red Fell burn decks and mimic the burn strategy with Kykar?

Impact Tremors and Zo-Zu the Punisher are good, it's the kind of repeatable burn you want in multiplayer Commander. Consider more repeatable burn sources?

Barbs and Earth seem like very good repeatable burn sources with Kykar since have lots of mana rocks (could have more), Spirits can make red mana and playing lots of basic lands. Tremors and Goblin Bombardment want an infinite combo for they're burn that can create infinite tokens with Kykar or Saheeli, Sublime Artificer.

By adding this budget combo you add some more competitiveness to your deck and Guttersnipe is another burn win condition with the combo. You can't do this combo if you control Spellshock. But with Jeskai you have many options that can bounce/tuck/destroy an enchantment before comboing while still keeping it in your control to burn your opponents until you want to combo.

What Kykar provides for a burn strategy is extra damage from attacking with fliers, 1/1 Spirits and Kykar. Animosity can make Spirits more of attacking threats and with a lot of them a win condition. Consider increasing the fort with Obedience and Prison? Obedience can also be a nice source of repeatable life gain with extort since you gain life each time equal to the number of opponents you have.

Consider adding more draw as well as more mana efficient draw to expand on spellslinger?

Tandem Lookout when soulbond to a creature who can do damage to an opponent or all opponents you draw cards. Use this interaction with Guttersnipe since when he does damage you draw a number of cards equal to the number of opponents you have. Zo-Zu the Punisher is also good with Lookout because all players can play lands including yourself to draw. Lookout can change who it's soulbond to which is really helpful to first soulbond with flying Kykar or a Spirit and then change when a creature ETB who can do damage to opponents.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

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