Burning Earth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Burning Earth


Whenever a player taps a nonbasic land for mana, Burning Earth deals 1 damage to that player.

king-saproling on Mayhem Dominator

1 year ago

Burning Earth seems like it'd be good here

amarthaler on EDH Rakdos Group Slug

2 years ago


Out: Burning Earth

In: Chandra, Torch of Defiance

In my playgroup, I don't think Burning Earth will work well enough. Also, unless I swap in more basic lands, it will likely do more damage to me than anyone else! Chandra, Torch of Defiance has so much versatility for 4 CMC - mana ramp, card draw, and group slug effects. I will play test it and see how it goes.

EnbyGolem on How Many Dual Lands Should …

2 years ago

Like FormOverFunction said, do be careful about those non-basic punishment cards. This will really depend on your local meta/specific play group. I used to be that player who punished those aggressive or ‘greedy’ land plays and, as a result, won quite a few games with either a Ruination, Blood Moon, Burning Earth, or (my personal favorite) Price of Progress.

king-saproling on Gold deck

2 years ago

I think dedicating more cards to ramping in and protecting Gisela would make your list a little stronger. You don't need so many pillowfort cards since Gisela prevents half the damage dealt to you. Also you don't need so many beaters since Gisela can take players out pretty quickly on her own, especially if she's dropping in faster. Personally I would make the following swaps:

Parhelion II -> Generator Servant
Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas -> Ur-Golem's Eye
Lyra Dawnbringer -> Sisay's Ring
Angel of Serenity -> Palladium Myr
Drakuseth, Maw of Flames -> Treasonous Ogre
Windborn Muse -> Coalition Relic
Ghostly Prison -> Monologue Tax
Thalia's Lancers -> Flawless Maneuver
Thundersong Trumpeter -> Lightning Greaves
Ilharg, the Raze-Boar -> Ogre Battledriver
Baneslayer Angel -> Bloodsworn Steward
Stalking Leonin -> Bastion Protector
Gisela, the Broken Blade -> Manabarbs
Bruna, the Fading Light -> Burning Earth
Cathartic Reunion -> Tome of Legends
1x Mountain -> Bonders' Enclave
1x Plains -> War Room

plakjekaas on Your Favorite Plays

2 years ago

My Klothys, God of Destiny enchantress deck that collects punishing effects, with on the board:


Ancient Runes

Burning Earth

Primal Order

War's Toll

Tectonic Instability

Roiling Vortex


Sandwurm Convergence

And everyone so low that trying to play a land or cast a spell would kill them, so everyone could just look sad at their greedy mana bases with their duals and their mana rocks until they died in their upkeep.

woinththro on Wort Wort Wort!?!? <Kyle's Mom's voice>

3 years ago

@ king-saproling. I definitely like Storm-Kiln Artist for storming off. Not sure what I would cut but I want to find a spot for it.

Reiterate is probably better than Double Vision 90% of the time, although I try and not go infinite if I can avoid it... For some reason it's so much more satisfying to burn someone for 80 than 1,000,000,000. It feels more earned. I do think I even have a foil Reiterate buried in a box somewhere.

Nostalgic Dreams is super cool as some redundancy to Past in Flames, and I think I like it more than Reiterate just because it isn't going infinite. Nostalgic Dreams will probably replace Double Vision once I buy one.

Rude Awakening could be really useful, I have had Early Harvest in the deck before but I mainly cut it because it doesn't untap non-basics, which Rude Awakening does. A previous iteration of the deck ran only basics and had a non-basic land hate subtheme ( Blood Moon,Magus of the Moon,Primal Order,Ruination,Burning Earth,Price of Progress...). This version of the deck wasn't very popular, as you can imagine. This led to the deck falling out of rotation and not being played for three years.

I definitely see how Delina, Wild Mage could be a lot of fun; getting me multiple copies of Wort and giving spells multiple instances of conspire. However, this seems pretty clunky since she needs to attack to do it, and the deck is not geared towards attacking. maybe if I had some haste enablers I'd try and work her in.

as for all of the mana rocks, I had intentionally avoided any manarocks in previous builds of the decks mainly because they aren't either: a mana dork who could conspire spells i.e. Zhur-Taa Druid, or a ramp spell that could be conspired i.e. Farseek. although I do recognize that those rocks that tap for two and come down on turn three are all much better at getting Wort into play on turn four...

One aspect of previous builds of the deck that I did like was that it had initially included zero artifacts and enchantments. I liked that my opponents couldn't use any artifact/enchantment removal against me, which meant they hopefully had some dead cards. One of the main reasons I just updated the deck at all was because Twinning Staff got printed, which is one of the main build arounds for this iteration of the deck. The whole reason Goblin Engineer and all of the artifact lands are in the deck is to go get Twinning Staff. and since Krark, the Thumbless and Goblin Anarchomancer are also goblins I might as well play Goblin Matron. although I've definitely considered removing the last three artifacts/enchantments (as well as goblin engineer) once again.

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