Runic Repetition

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Runic Repetition


Return target exiled card with flashback you own to your hand.

RambIe on Omniscience or Cyclonic Rift?

3 years ago

Normally Omniscience vs Cyclonic Rift Rift would be the easy choice, however with your deck i think Omniscience would be the better choice
1st Narset, Enlightened Master triggered ability science would be a perfect hit while rift would be a complete wiff
2nd science interacts with 12 other key cards in your deck that , so based on the cards you have chosen for this deck science would be the "win more" card
off topic
I'm surprised not to see any unblock able or extra combats cards, i would advise Echo of Eons , Mystic Retrieval , & Runic Repetition so that you can consistently reset your library if you do go into an infinite turns loop

RambIe on I see fire in those blue eyes

4 years ago

Thought Reflection - Rhystic Study
Etherium-Horn Sorcerer - Runaway Steam-Kin
(most the cards in this deck would be a wiff on cascade trigger)
Swarm Intelligence - Echo of Eons
(swarm is a cool card but cmc way to high, echo will give you a way to reset your deck, also protection from mil)
Izzet Boilerworks - Runic Repetition
(to many lands / deck doesn't utilize bounce, runic will combo with Mystic Retrieval to loop any spell in the deck)
Thousand-Year Storm - Mindmoil
(storm is cool but once you start looping it will just cause you to loose focus and likely miss play, moil works with the current synergy your using)
Swiftwater Cliffs - Primal Amulet  Flip

Spirits on Mizzix of the Izmagnus

4 years ago

I did quite a bit of playtesting, was very happy with Flux Channeler, I'm really thinking hard on adding into my deck. With Mizzix of the Izmagnus in play, a Gamble for a Reiterate (or Electrodominance) get you 2 Experience and then I cast Electrodominance for (+ 2 Experience) gets you to 4 Experience then Reiterate for (+4 Experience). Initiating off a Desperate Ritual or something same result. So a win-con (assuming you have already Drawn/Muddle the Mixture/Spellseeker/Mystical Tutor the Electrodominance).

The lands were a little bit lean, but I think it's because your still 15 cards over, so skewing the testing a little bit.

I did have a hand with Fork, Reiterate, Increasing Vengeance, which was uncomfortable, but infrequently it happened.

You could cut Dualcaster Mage / Twinflame / Imperial Recruiter / Vedalken AEthermage since you have Bonus Round combos as a secondary win-con. (Primary being Reiterate + Electrodominance or Turnabout/Finisher).

Also have Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter too. Could add a Runic Repetition combo line too since you already have Mystic Retrieval so only 1 card). I like enjoy the Dualcaster Mage line though because it's only with 1 Experience and a Mizzix of the Izmagnus to copy.

Depending on which cards you have, if your looking to cut money Reset isnt' totally necessary since your have Reality Spasm

Curse of the Swine easy cut. Mind's Desire easy cut.

After I got my Intuition from boxing day sale I put Enter the Infinite in my deck, I personally didn't like it, so I took it back out lol, but I get why it's in there! Instead I'm using these tutor win-lines with Intuition: Firemind's Foresight + Past in Flames + Mizzix's Mastery or Turnabout + Past in Flames + Mystical TutorReiterate. I almost feel like Enter the Infinite need a Show and Tell/Omniscience lol, but can't tutor that Omniscience (similar to the Aetherflux Reservoir)

Fork pretty expensive compared to the other copies, could cut that if you don't have one for budget, and too many copy spells, BUT... a Ral, Storm Conduit + any two copy spells is a win, I respect that line too!

Trim 1 of the protection boots (not Lightning Greaves) maybe, you wouldn't want to accidently ever draw 2 and like devastating if you draw all 3. Hexproof > Shroud but Attach > Equip, situational call, would use both in the appropriate situation, like in response to removal Attach is key, especially if you can stack multiple attaches like Equip, opponent responds with removal, in response Attach as a game example.

Gilded Lotus or Steady Progress one might argue are too slow, but they didn't play bad in testing, the CMC3 on Steady Progress was annoying though.

Your pretty close, couple more cuts and your there. Im still testing T6-8, I had a T4 win with your deck playtesting. I had thought of a T1 and was going to add to my primer when I got to a PC, then I forgot it lol, have to think what it was, I know we have T1 potential.

Yesterday on Inverter of Truth Ability

4 years ago

Eh, one note here. Inverter of Truth exiles your cards face-down (and so have no properties), so there's basically nothing you can do to interact with those cards again, even in eternal formats. Riftsweeper, Pull from Eternity, Runic Repetition, Mirror of Fate can't fetch them. Misthollow Griffin and friends can't be cast. Processors (like Ruin Processor) only interact with your opponents' exile zones.

BMHKain on Help wanted for Sevinne Mass …

5 years ago

Sevinne's Codex of Physically Quaking Space-Time

Commander / EDH* BMHKain


I'm trying all I can to start anew; & I am not kidding on this regard...

Q1: Are the Mass Burn Spells used & Flashback Spells any good, & what others would you suggest here? (Answered w/ Personal Sanctuary & Mark of Asylum . I still want to know more good Mass Burn Wraths & Flashback Spells though... Oh, & The Wanderer is amazing here... XP)

Q2: This deck seems to love it's Flashback-Related effects, but are there any others that could help or are better?

Q3: Does Burning Earth & Manabarbs go Hand in Hand w/ War's Toll ? Is the last of the three worth adding?

Q4: What would you suggest to prevent any opponent exiling your stuff? Runic Repetition & Pull from Eternity are obvious adds here. Any others? Maybe something to destroy such static effects in the first place?

Q5: FINAL: Can anyone please compile a list of Mass Burn Wraths? Flashback Cards shouldn't be too hard to explore...

Thanks guys. I'm trying to be as simple & straight to the point as someone else suggested, But I dunno what I am doing wrong though. But regardless, thank you for the help. :)

SynergyBuild on Commander 2019...

5 years ago

ZendikariWol, I think Sevinne, the Chronoclasm is actually really fun.

To start, it combos with one of my favorite cards from last year's set, Reality Scramble , IDK how good that is, but it'd be a blast.

For real value, I think the deck looks to be a graveyard value control deck. Maybe a bit of prison, considering how you can become 'immortal' by enchanting Sevinne, the Chronoclasm with a Pariah , or equipping it with a Pariah's Shield .

Swiftfoot Boots , Champion's Helm , etc. to protect it, then abuse it's ability to combo with Flashback, like Deep Analysis , jumpstart like Chemister's Insight , retrace like Oona's Grace , and aftermath like Refuse / Cooperate

Total, there are a lot of good spells to abuse with it:

Flashback -

Cackling Counterpart

Deep Analysis

Desperate Ravings

Echo of Eons

Faithless Looting


Increasing Devotion

Increasing Vengeance

Mystic Retrieval

Past in Flames


Scour All Possibilities

Think Twice

Jump-Start -


Radical Idea

Beacon Bolt

Chemister's Insight

Risk Factor

Retrace -

Oona's Grace

Reality Scramble

Call the Skybreaker

Aftermath -

Leave / Chance

Failure / Comply

Farm / Market

Reduce / Rubble

Refuse / Cooperate


Mission Briefing

Snapcaster Mage

Quiet Speculation

Runic Repetition

Catalyst Stone

That's all I can think of right now, if I remember any more sweet cards with Sevinne, I'll tell you!

BMHKain on

5 years ago

UPDATE: I need 23 cards cut for the strict amount of 100. However, this time around, there will be new rules exclusive to this deck for chopping:

1: Key pieces will not be cut regardless of Binary Speech or any kind of Tongue, verbal, physical, data, or some fourth way that doesn't exist. The Key pieces are:

  1. Riftsweeper
  2. Runic Repetition
  3. Pull from Eternity
  4. Squee, the Immortal , Misthollow Griffin , Eternal Scourge , & Food Chain
  5. Necropotence & Bag of Holding
  6. Torrent Elemental
  7. Void Maw
  8. Any card w/ Flashback that is especially great here.

2: I actually need some ideas for an Exile Based Doomsday Package; & all while keeping this balanced.

3: I actually wanted to revise the Landbase; Not for the 10/10/10 method, or the one I already presently have here, but from a way that I actually have not used at least twice now for Five Color.

4: I dunno if it'll work, but how does Animate Dead + Worldgorger Dragon work? Or is there a combo that fits this deck's purpose moreso; Exiling powerful cards just to bring them back through means of Exile Retrieval.

5: Not all the Flashback cards are good, I can acknowledge this for sure. So what aren't pulling their weight?

And that's it, actually. I'll add a Dragon, & a Maw after this post. I just need a combo for Worldgorger Dragon that complements this deck's themes, & the Doomsday Package centering on pure exile. Now I have one more job to do...

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