Personal Sanctuary

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Personal Sanctuary


During your turn, prevent all damage that would be dealt to you.

MrSilk on Bridge to Sanctuary - Land Prison/Punishment

3 months ago

nuperokaso These are outstanding suggestions.

The Ornithopter is really just a free flying dork so its removable.

Board the Weatherlight is mostly there to snag Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth or Ensnaring Bridge depending on if I need to tutor for Karma (for the urborg + karma combo).. Or if my opponent is beating me down with creatures

Knight of the White Orchid or Loyal Warhound are great suggestions. I was also thinking about Weathered Wayfarer to do something similar

I also really like Roiling Vortex and its interaction with Personal Sanctuary.. I've never actually seen that card.

I would love to have more prison/lockdown pieces in here somewhere too.

In my notes "possible upcoming changes" that I made last time I looked into updating the list, I kind of noticed a few things in testing which back up what you're suggesting, but I never actually made the changes to the list.

Id love it if you made your own version of this decklist and shared it with me. I think it could be a really fun list to play! Thanks for the suggestions!

nuperokaso on Bridge to Sanctuary - Land Prison/Punishment

3 months ago

legendofa on Commander recomendation thread

7 months ago

There isn't a rhino-specific commander, but what traits do rhinos have? Bulky bodies, a lot of trample and trample-ish evasion, and some stall with cards like Stonehorn Dignitary and Rhox Meditant.

I would say look for a subtheme and choose a commander based on that. Dragonlord Dromoka and Karametra, God of Harvests are good utility options for protection and ramp, respectively. If you're pumping the Rhinos, Sovereign Okinec Ahau pushes that into overdrive.

I got a lot of these decks in need of commanders. Please send over suggestions for

Enchantments: Citadel of Pain + Manabarbs + Personal Sanctuary sort of thing. I know Go-Shintai of Life's Origin exists, but I'm not interested in adding and/or to this one.

Curses and curse themed Auras: Lynde, Cheerful Tormentor + Eriette of the Charmed Apple. Again, I'm not interested in adding .


"Bleeder" attrition: Value over time. Awakening Zone, Suture Priest, Kambal, Consul of Allocation, that sort of thing.

GenesisEST on Bam copy

1 year ago

This deck is meant to be a boros control style deck with empahsis on canceling out damage that occurs to you during your own turn and punishing players for putting lands down or otherwise tapping them.

Personal Sanctuary + Manabarbs was the original combo this deck was considered around in a version I made for modern games using Zo-Zu the Punisher and other cards like Invader Parasite while destroying lands to force people to play more. I want to try and push this to a more consistent pull of the enchantments above or other abilities like those where you can't take damage on your own turn.

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on The Floor is Lava

1 year ago

Thank you for the suggestion. I actually playtested with Personal Sanctuary and it definitely helps with Manabarbs, but outside of that it usually became a dead draw because it only worked with Manabarbs. I tried making it work when I was considering the werewolf route with Voltaic Visionary  Flip (plenty of turns go by with no spells played and no one wants to play enough spells for them transform back), but ended up taking too much damage by the time I got it. Still a pretty good combo though, I'll probably put it together in a different deck with Repercussion and Furnace of Rath.

kamarupa on The Floor is Lava

1 year ago

Personal Sanctuary is pretty handy when playing Manabarbs.

StopShot on Solemnity replacement

2 years ago

Not really game-ending, but it does give you a strong lead: Personal Sanctuary + Mana Barbs

You could also replace the first card with Sphere of Law and the second card with Spellshock.

mrdehring on Wind Fury

3 years ago

I agree with epajula, artifact based ramp is a pretty good way to go. Here are a few suggestions on cards to cut for ramp.

Slow removal - Chant of the Skifsang , Time of Ice and Encrust . I can see the use on Encrust because it is flexible to artifacts.

Creature Auras - On Serra's Wings and Commander's Authority . With the limited number of creatures I don't know if there are good places for these to go.

Personal Sanctuary - I don't see a lot of ways that you are damaging yourself on your turn so this piece doesn't seem needed.

Inspirit - I can see that you want to untap and block to Fog a creature, but this is very conditional and probably not needed.

Good luck with this unique style deck. I like the idea and want to see how it plays when you are done.

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