
You've been living on borrowed time...


Breakdown of the Deck

Basics - Island, Mountain, Swamp

Storage Counter Lands - Bottomless Vault, Dwarven Hold, Sand Silos Eratta - Whether or not it is tapped is checked at the beginning of upkeep. If it is not tapped, the ability does not trigger. It also checks during resolution and you only get a counter if it is still tapped then.

Evasion Lands - Rogue's Passage I know there are more evasion lands available like Access Tunnel, etc, but Grixis can be pretty difficult to mana fix, so I stuck to one as an alt-evasion tactic rather than going full blown into it as a focus.

Rakdos Lands - Badlands, Blood Crypt, Bloodstained Mire, Dragonskull Summit, Haunted Ridge, Luxury Suite

Dimir Lands - Drowned Catacomb, Morphic Pool, Polluted Delta, Shipwreck Marsh, Underground Sea, Watery Grave

Izzit Lands - Scalding Tarn, Steam Vents, Stormcarved Coast, Sulfur Falls, Training Center

Grixis Lands - Xander's Lounge, Command Tower, Prismatic Vista, Reflecting Pool, Cavern of Souls There are more Grixis lands available, but the majority of these got cut because it became apparent that too many mana sources would enter tapped, so I opted to bump up my basic land base instead.

So, where is Aether Vial? The problem with Aether Vial is you can only use it to cast creatures and the mana cost has to be equal to Aether Vial's counters. With so few creatures in the deck, and a focus more towards enchantments, etc., Aether Vial just didn't make sense to keep. The 0 cost suspend rocks may be added in again later.

Sol Ring

Arcane Signet, Dimir Signet, Izzet Signet, Talisman of Creativity, Talisman of Dominance, Talisman of Indulgence

As Foretold, Replicating Ring, Chromatic Lantern

Grixis can be very slow to ramp. Mana fixing is essential. As Foretold and Replicating Ring are here obviously for their Obeka upkeep trigger benefits.

Having something to do with that extra mana hanging around on turns is always nice. Cards that exile and re-suspend upon resolution give us the added benefit of never having to cast these spells again, but get reoccurring benefits from them.

Inspiring Refrain

Rousing Refrain

Profane Tutor

I hear a lot about "Nonbos"... and while there are certainly a few artifacts that render Obeka untargetable, the upsides are much bigger than the potential downsides. And Silver Shroud Costume only has shroud the turn it's cast. The "downside" is gone after then, leaving what we really want... unblockable.

Flash Equipment - Silver Shroud Costume

Other Equipment - Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots all of the "Sword of this and that" swords (some are still on order).

Being a singleton format, certain commanders have a harder time focusing their strategy. Obeka knows what she's about, but the Upkeep Trigger cards that are out there are all over the place, so a few cards dedicated to duplicating effects to focus the deck as needed based on the state of the game is super helpful.

Court of Vantress, Estrid's Invocation, Extravagant Replication, Mechanized Production

I separated these three equipment from the rest, because of their upkeep triggers explosive potential.

Ring of Evos Isle, Ring of Valkas, Ring of Xathrid

Darksteel Reactor, Portal to Phyrexia These two are merely artifacts with upkeep triggers that I liked. Why not diversify my upkeep triggers sources to extend beyond creatures and enchantments, in case the mono-white Voltron player is holding onto a Farewell and doesn't want to lose all their stuff. I want to ensure I keep at least some of mine too.

Admittedly, these are still all over the place. Open to ideas regarding possible substitutes.

Creatures - The initiative is a minor sub-theme in this deck, and after 5 games in which I've somehow maintained a 100% win-rate against different power lvl 7-8 decks, I can safely say that maybe I haven't gone far enough into this mechanic... Obeka will have you speedrunning The Undercity multiple times a turn in no time at all. I usually follow the same far left path down through the dungeon every time, but occasionally it's fun to goad someone's key win-con or commander into swinging into a bunch of 1/1 tokens. Caves of Chaos Adventurer, Rilsa Rael, Kingpin

The rest of these range from cheating out permanents, card advantage, life-drain, etc. They are essentially what I consider to be the best bang for your buck and have respectably low casting costs considering some of the other options. Bonehoard Dracosaur, Braids, Conjurer Adept, Chronozoa, Creeping Bloodsucker, Dragonmaster Outcast, Jhoira of the Ghitu, Laughing Jasper Flint, Plargg and Nassari, Skyline Despot, Thassa, God of the Sea, Twilight Prophet, Sheoldred, Whispering One

Enchantments - Monarch Sub-Theme: While the main effects of these cards range from damage to discard, the Court series all came with added upkeep benefits that boosted their abilities. Simply being able to trigger some of these twice can be absolutely devastating. Court of Ambition, Court of Cunning, Court of Embereth, Court of Ire, Court of Locthwain

Card Advantage: Now you'll notice... I didn't include Phyrexian Arena. That's because I already have enough things in this deck that run the risk of killing myself. Be absolutely careful when you cast Mind Unbound. Psychic Vortex is fun because you can stack those upkeep triggers, and then just fail to pay the cumulative upkeep on the final upkeep triggers so you don't have to discard your hand. Call of the Ring, Honden of Seeing Winds, Inspiring Refrain, Mind Unbound, Netherese Puzzle-Ward, Psychic Vortex

Recursion: The sheer versatility of these pieces made them instant includes. Palace Siege can either return cards to hand or drain opponents. These are great cards to wheel into if an opponent employs that type of strategy as well. Palace Siege, Portal to Phyrexia, Sheoldred, Whispering One

But What It Do Tho?

In playing this deck, I have won by the following plays.

  1. Ring of Valkas and Swiftfoot Boots equipped for too long and eventually one-shotting an opponent and then milling everyone else for 200+ cards a piece with Court of Cunning.

  2. Casting Portal to Phyrexia sacking my opponent's creatures and then returning all of them to the battlefield under my control, then free-casting Sheoldred, Whispering One off As Foretold. They scooped.

  3. Suspending Plargg and Nassari, Twilight Prophet, and Skyline Despot off of Jhoira of the Ghitu using only mana rocks after an opponent destroyed all lands with Armageddon, and then next turn paying 30 life into Hatred and swinging with Obeka at the land destruction guy.

  4. Having so many random triggers resulting in such a long turn, two people quit before turn 6.

  5. Undercity Speed-Running.


Suffice it to say, it's been a very fun deck and you should definitely try it sometime, but remember to be organized. Set a life counter in order to keep track of what upkeep number you're at, or you'll get lost and people will get upset. Don't be apologetic. This deck goes from 0 to 60 very very quickly and will outvalue everyone else at the table if they aren't careful, so play unassuming. And for the love of god... protect Obeka.

Thanks for stopping by!


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99% Casual


Revision 23 See all

(1 month ago)

+1 Shadow of the Second Sun main
-1 Skyline Despot main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 3 months ago
Date added 3 months
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

22 - 0 Mythic Rares

48 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.43
Tokens City's Blessing, Clue, Copy Clone, Dinosaur 3/1 R, Dragon 5/5 R, Dungeon: Undercity, Human 2/2 G, Replicated Ring, Skeleton 4/1 B, The Initiative, Monarch Emblem, The Ring, The Ring Tempts You, Treasure, Wolf 2/2 G
Folders Best Deck Ever, Kick Ass Decks, Decks To Annoy My Friends With, +1 Decks I Want to Emulate, bookmarked, Commander try, Cool, Interesting ideas, Commander, Future Deck Building Ideas
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