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Bolas, Like a Boss!

Commander / EDH*



EDH Deck built around Nicol Bolas.

The desired play style of this deck is to have some elements of control while tossing around a lot of flying fatties.

I have some haste giving elements so those guys can go to work the moment they hit the board.

Those are some main goals. If I can throw some haste, shroud and/or unblockable on Bolas, I'll be happy with that too.

I am building this deck on a budget and it is intended for casual play so keep that in mind in the suggestions. Thanks!


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Marked as prototype. I'm tinkering with it some and the card totals will not be right until I'm done with it.

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Revision 27 See all

(11 years ago)

-1 Act of Treason main
-1 AEtherling main
-1 Attrition main
-1 Barrin's Spite maybe
+1 Blast of Genius main
-1 Blue Sun's Zenith main
+1 Careful Study main
+1 Cauldron Dance main
+1 Compulsion maybe
-1 Disciple of Bolas main
+1 Electropotence maybe
+1 Fact or Fiction main
+1 Far / Away main
-1 Fervor main
+1 Fling maybe
-1 Foresee main
+1 Frantic Search main
+1 Impulse main
+1 Knollspine Dragon maybe
+1 Living Deathfoil main
and 38 other change(s)
Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

24 - 0 Rares

25 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 102
Avg. CMC 4.58
Tokens Knight 2/2 W w/ First Strike, Kobolds of Kher Keep 0/1 R, Phyrexian Germ 0/0 B, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders edh
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