

A midrangey, semi-competitive, budget Food Chain Korvold list with a few secondary value mechanisms. Moderate reliance on primary wincon Food Chain. Focus on accelerating into the combo or some value/control like Grave Pact or until you can win.

Combo out, gain from ETB effects, death or sacrifice triggers, tokens, or beatdown with a dragon. There's plenty of ways to get ahead and the game plan is therefore flexible and can adapt to the pod you're playing in.

This deck is designed to ramp quickly and summon hoards of creatures and sacrifice them to deal damage, draw, and cripple opponents.

Win conditions include swinging for victory, commander damage/infect (which can be easily pumped), or food chain combo (primary).

Note: I'm always looking to improve, so if you have any ideas, leave a comment. I love looking at fun ideas.

-Tutor answers or wincons with Demonic Tutor, Demonic Consultation, Plunge into Darkness, Dimir Machinations, or Tainted Pact

-Ramp with a slew of dorks, rocks, rituals and priests

-Wipe with Grave Pact or Fire Covenant

-There is some removal usually stapled to creatures but it is very meta dependent and flexible

-Useful recursion can be found in Regrowth, which can be very good after removal of Food Chain


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 4 years
Exclude colors W

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 0 Rares

24 - 0 Uncommons

19 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.09
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R w/ Haste, Human Cleric 1/1 BW, Kobolds of Kher Keep 0/1 R, Snake 1/1 B, Zombie Army 0/0 B
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