Brood of Cockroaches

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Brood of Cockroaches

Creature — Insect

When Brood of Cockroaches is put into your graveyard from play, at end of turn, you lose 1 life and return Brood of Cockroaches to your hand.

rdean14 on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

I really like that green has stuff like Progenitor Mimic , Scute Swarm , Spawnwrithe , Giant Adephage , and Permeating Mass , as well as Rhys the Redeemed . But I want a card like Brood of Cockroaches , Endless Cockroaches to be like that and Ogre Slumlord .

Cockroach Infestation

Creature - Insect

When a nontoken creature dies, at the beginning of the next end step, create a token copy of Cockroach Infestation.


This is designed to basically limit how combos using it can work. Also, it'll be amazing in a devotion deck, as every token is 3 devotion to black.

I'd like to see a White card that uses the Battalion/Mentor mechanic, and also creates token copies of itself, like Legion Warboss , making copies of itself, and monowhite.

EnbyGolem on Indiscriminate Killing Female

4 years ago

Really fun looking deck!

If you feel like you need more mass recursion, I have had success with Balthor the Defiled and Twilight's Call. Soul-Guide Lantern might also be nice to prevent others from benefitting as well as to help counter other graveyard decks.

Endless Cockroaches and Brood of Cockroaches also might be a way to have another reliable sac creatures. Plus they are cockroaches so I mean, come on :)

Balaam__ on Salted Earth

4 years ago

Brilliant suggestion(s) Peoyogon.

I’m going to pass on Reassembling Skeleton because I have limited free slots to tamper with (This build works with a synergy other decks seldom achieve), but Contamination stopped me in my tracks. It’s on theme, potent, and affordable enough to merit consideration. If I coupled the board altering quality of that enchantment along with your other suggestion of Endless Cockroaches , I believe I can more or less shut down the specific decks I was struggling against in my playtesting (specifically a brutal Green deck that ramps very quickly into a Craterhoof Behemoth finisher).

I’ll pass on Brood of Cockroaches because life points are a factor in this build. But the other two suggestions are fantastic. They’ll almost certainly be included. What would you suggest I remove to add 4x of each?

EnbyGolem on Salted Earth

4 years ago

I love the theme of your deck!

It might be kind of a difficult card to work around but your description really reminded me of Contamination . If you did want to use it, creatures like Reassembling Skeleton , Endless Cockroaches , or Brood of Cockroaches all seem to still fit the mood of your deck while also synergyzing with contamination. What do you think?

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