Fiery Temper

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fiery Temper


This deals 3 damage to any target (creature, player, planeswalker or battle).

Madness (If you discard this card, you may cast this for the madness cost instead of putting this into your graveyard.)

wallisface on The Party Pyromaniac

7 months ago

Some thoughts:

SufferFromEDHD on Imodangggg that *** SPICY!

1 year ago

Satyr Firedancer the opposite of Imodane.

Fiery Impulse, Fiery Temper, Shard Volley or Reckless Abandon are worth considering.

Thunderclap and Fireblast are free.

jdogz32 on Hollow one Good?

1 year ago

Deck looks interesting! Have you looked into a few madness cards like Blazing Rootwalla or Fiery Temper? I feel like with as much discard that's in your deck it might benefit you to get some value out of the cards you discard. I also think Liliana of the Veil would be a good fit here but she almost seems high cost for this deck.

TheoryCrafter on FLING THE BURN

1 year ago

Have you considered Soul-Scar Mage? This will not only give them Wither, it will practically make most of your instants, sorceries and activated abilities board wipes once All Will Be One enters the battlefield.

May I also recommend cards that don't target including, but not limited to Anger of the Gods, Blazing Volley and Scouring Sands to get around cards that grant some sort of Hexproof, Protection, Shroud and/or Ward?

Plus, with all the looting going on you may want to consider cards with Flashback(including, but not limited to Increasing Vengeance, Past in Flames and Seize the Storm) and Madness(including, but not limited to, Avacyn's Judgment and Fiery Temper).

Other cards to consider are Bearer of the Heavens(if you're feeling really spiteful), Burning Anger and Toralf, God of Fury  Flip.

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

immakinganezehaldeck on Anje Reanimator (Casual CEDH)

2 years ago

11/23/22 - Madness update

I'm really low on madness cards. Needs to be far higher for an anje deck.




Removed most end game threats + interaction that didn't have madness, since madness tech needs to be there in high density and the deck can win through that stuff mainly.

Mousemke on Vacant Expressions

2 years ago

Darth_Savage A splash of green... Probably. Didn't have the land laying around and hard to justify given it's maybe not really needed. No plans to hard case Vengevine, but you never know.

Lightning Axe is interesting. That vs Fiery Temper is kind of enabler vs payoff. I'll give them a shot.

kamarupa on Valakut's "Reanimation"

2 years ago

I really like this idea, so I tried playtesting it a about 10 times and it seemed like there just wasn't enough land. I felt like I just couldn't get the deck to go, if that makes any sense. The numbers seem off somehow - too much discard not enough valuable discard targets? Not really certain. I do notice that Fiery Temper is limited to Sorcery speed when using it for it's Madness cost. Perhaps a permanent with a repeatable discard function would be useful. Greenseeker comes to mind as a possibility.

lhetrick13 on Neverending Knights: Haakon Knight Tribal

2 years ago

ajbshizle - I have a and Haakon deck I am working on and although I like the cards give me access to, I feel like the deck with access to is the better of the two as it gives me so much access to discard abilities such as Olivia, Mobilized for War, Lightning Axe, etc. and draw/discard abilities like Stormfist Crusader, Thrill of Possibility, etc. Between the and also have access to all the madness cards like Fiery Temper and all that just makes it extremely efficient at finding Haakon and getting him in the graveyard.

With that all said, I am assuming with 4xAether Vial to flash him in and 6 ways to get cards in the graveyard you do not find it to hard to get Haakon onto the field but I do wonder if at times you find it challenging to get him in your hand.

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