Egon, God of Death


Throne of Death  Flip
Start Commander Deck

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Egon, God of Death

Legendary Creature — God


At the beginning of your upkeep, exile two cards from your graveyard. If you can't, sacrifice Egon and draw a card.a

Recommendations View more recommendations

Mind Whip
Illicit Masquerade
Staff of the Ages
Rhystic Syphon
Bog Down

lhetrick13 on Compost Pile (Help Wanted)

2 years ago

I have never played nor played against a Dredge/Delve deck before so the first time I took a look at this deck, I felt like I had nothing to contribute. However, I recently came across Egon, God of Death  Flip and thought of this deck. Does not have Dredge/Delve but it functions similar. Throne of Death  Flip would not be to shabby either as a way to get extra cards into the graveyard and provide a mediocre draw engine. Otherwise, cool, unique deck as always!

NicodaPico on Old Rutstein

2 years ago

this deck has alot of mill and ways to get stuff in the graveyard (although missing Golgari Grave-Troll and Golgari Thug) but then...what happens next? like you swing with a big creature(and no Splinterfright?)? not sure what the game plan is here unless you misread old rustein. Some payoffs for milling could be Syr Konrad, the Grim, Kessig Cagebreakers, Dread Return and other good flashback cards, Timeless Witness and Eternal Witness, Genesis and Brawn, Woe Strider, Mausoleum Secrets, Songs of the Damned, just more cards that do stuff in the graveyard or care about the graveyard to go with the mill plan. Living Death so good. Necrogoyf might work. Egon, God of Death  Flip.

also whats the all the dumb discard in the maybeboard lmaoo

amicdeep on

2 years ago

i second Unearth as a must run. it brigs back skaab constantly, id also run Egon, God of Death  Flip his face side is another solid beater (like skaab) but most importantly he's also a solid turn one mill engin. he's also targetable with unearth which is nice. Rotting Regisaur also fits in this bracket

considering your tying to get down the big fatties, id also look at some protection for them. Stubborn Denial seems pretty well suited to the deck.

theres also probably an argumnet for more of a controling them with the deck Rotting Rats style. with skaab being the midrange wincon.

another possibility for the deck is Narfi, Betrayer King ok weird i know. but hes a relevant lord, an easiy reanimate target that's instant speed. and he's legendary so multiples i the gy are solid exile targets.

finaly you now have access to Persist as a secondary game plan. reanimate big stuff is pretty much what this card is made for,

BrassLord on Faceless Betrayal (updated)

3 years ago

Dimir Zombies seems to be the way to go! Duress Feed the Swarm Cling to Dust or something like Blood on the Snow are all decent sideboard inclusions for any deck running black.

Surprised not to see Murderous Rider in the list, that card is a pretty decent utility zombie! If you're leaning into the self mill thing, I've been on the painful receiving end of an early game Egon, God of Death  Flip. Also the flip side of Jorn, God of Winter  Flip is really useful with snow permeants.

For recursion, Corpse Churn and Call of the Death-Dweller are both really good ways to get back your zombies. Lurrus of the Dream-Den is another often overlooked source of recursion, though not a zombie. It does give you a more consistent grindy end game though when paired with Priest of the Haunted Edge and an early Liliana's Steward .

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Offspring's Revenge

3 years ago

Interesting concept (+1). Since you're going for self mill, have you considered Egon, God of Death  Flip for some card draw? I think the artifact side can help you more by loading up your graveyard for the Revenge and set up a draw later, but Egon can still swing in at least once as a 1/1 with deathtouch with the Revenge and draw you a card on the next turn.

moo1234 on Lol Mill FTW

3 years ago

Rogues are my least favourite deck to play against ever, just difinitively and I saw the teferi control decks with no wincon, and also 80% of people seem to play it, don't know what's going on there if anyone does

anyway not sure how useful it'll be but there are no ways to recycle the graveyard in standard at the moment and believe me I've tried, so I started running an ANTI-mill deck, here's some of the best options for it

hope this helps, sorry that there aren't any perfect answers, if your dealing with rogues specifically and not just ruin crab and co, I suggest Nylea's Intervention as a good utility card.

I_Want_To_PlayAllTheDecks on $5 Graveyard Shenanigans

3 years ago

5dollarMTG, I absolutely love your decks and this one is no different. If we have a few extra bucks would you recommend Egon, God of Death  Flip?

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