Phyrexian Tribute

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Phyrexian Tribute


As an additional cost to play Phyrexian Tribute, sacrifice two creatures.

Destroy target artifact.

77hi77 on I BEG YOUR F@CKING PARDON??!!! - Razaketh

10 months ago

Profet93 I completely forgot about Ugin, the Ineffable! And he makes my expensive mana rocks that much cheaper, great shout, thank you!

Fair point about this not being close to cEDH, I more meant in vibes. That the strategy is to burst out of the gates, ramp, then tutor for the wincon (which comes out of nowhere like an infinite combo, even though it's not). I can't speak too much about it though because I never keep up with cEDH decks enough to know where the similarities are.

Ugin is going in, the only two targeted artifact removal spells I know of in mono black are Phyrexian Tribute and Gate to Phyrexia, I'll probably grab the cheaper of the two and toss it in there. The other thing I'm looking at is swapping the targeted creature removal, because a lot of it is sorcery speed, my Maybeboard has the instant speed versions I'm grabbing next time I go card shopping.

I would absolutely love to hear you recommendations! I don't love stax or infinite combos. At least, not easy infinite combos. I want Exquisite Blood in the deck for the life gain, but I won't get Sanguine Bond for example. If it takes some effort and thought to set up, I don't mind that. Similar for stax, I don't want to shut the game down for anyone, but I'm okay with making it a bit harder. For example, one of the decks I face the most in my pod is Gollum, Obsessed Stalker, which is completely shut down by both Archfiend of Despair and Plague Drone, both are in the deck, but they're creatures and easy to deal with. This was meant to be a mean deck but I'm a big ol' softie.

For budget, this is the deck I'm willing to spend on, I'm okay with a couple of $20 cards, or if you've got a lot of suggestions then let's say $5/card.

Again, thanks so much!

SufferFromEDHD on Sidisi Land Nauseam

2 years ago

I looked over my list again and found 5 cards that add value and make it less fragile:

Urza's Saga for all those good mana rocks.

Defense Grid cheap colorless counter/removal protection.

Dark Confidant The one deck it works in EDH haha pure value! Sidisi fodder or fodder for my next suggestion...

Phyrexian Tribute a way for mono black to deal with pesky artifacts.

Feed the Swarm a way for mono black to deal with pesky enchantments.

TheVectornaut on my attemp at a deck..

3 years ago

It can often be bad manners to put silver bullet cards in the mainboard. Usually, you'd put such cards in the side and swap them in for games 2 and 3. I know a lot of casual playgroups don't play best 2 out of 3 though, so if this player is using that deck a lot and consistently winning off of a single card, they can't really be surprised if you include some way to answer it in the 60. That said, Duress and Languish effects are the kinds of answers that are extremely common in black anyway. I personally wouldn't bat an eye at seeing them here. Underworld Dreams and Fate Unraveler , definitely not so much.

What is the card in question, by the way? That will obviously affect what's an appropriate response. When I played modern elves, it was pretty rare to bother with drawing the deck when you could just dump it with Collected Company and Genesis Wave . But, from playing other green decks over the years, cards like Lifecrafter's Bestiary , The Great Henge , Vanquisher's Banner , Beast Whisperer , Soul of the Harvest , Primordial Sage , Zendikar Resurgent , Glimpse of Nature , and Regal Force are what come to mind. For the creatures, they would be easy enough to deal with given enough Murder s. For the artifacts, things are rough. Black really hates destroying artifacts, so the very weak Phyrexian Tribute was the best option I could find. However, there is always the nuclear option of running Extirpate or Surgical Extraction with discard to essentially lock a single card out of the game. These are very much sideboard cards though, so running them main has a good chance of drawing a negative reaction.

SynergyBuild on Could Black Have This Effect?

4 years ago

TriusMalarky Dude, artifact removal has been in black early on, just at the cost of sacrificing creatures.

Phyrexian Tribute and Gate to Phyrexia. You don't care if it is trash, right? Now you Gucci, right? No need to complain anymore.

Regardless, I could have said Pharika's Libation already existed and was just printed, making this card unnecessary even in your fever-dream mindset where every color needs every ability, but you now want to make it seem like you have a beautiful vision us simpletons just can't see through your fantastical language. I may not understand what you are writing between lines, but I respond to what you say.

berryjon on Pattern Recognition #124 - Flash …

5 years ago

Putontheritz: Nice! Gate to Phyrexia is quite limited though, EDHRec shows it in a little over 500 decks out of 142 thousand, and Phyrexian Tribute shows up in a measly 70.

While I appreciate the information, I have to wonder if two cards that show up so little as to be rendered as a rounding error can really support the point being made.

Liliana69X on Pattern Recognition #124 - Flash …

5 years ago

berryjon that is an absurd request. you never mentioned anything about "mono black" (or mono any other color for that matter) until now. if you want to play a mono colored deck while full well knowing its weaknesses, thats your own fault. and the "no dipping into artifacts" restriction is also absurd. even a mono black deck can use Universal Solvent .

that being said, i'll acquiesce your request just to prove a point. here are mono black cards that can get rid of artifacts.

  1. Braids, Cabal Minion . this gal could even be your commander. black has ways to reanimate your creatures, and theres always Crucible of Worlds to get back your lands.

  2. Curse Artifact

  3. Dispossess

  4. Divest

  5. Gate to Phyrexia

  6. Phyrexian Tribute

these are just the ones that mention artifacts specifically, but theres also the plethora of discard spells you can use to pluck out the Vedalken Orrery before your opponent even plays it. i could also get into the colorless nonartifacts that can remove artifacts, such as Scour from Existence , which technically meets your requirements of "no dipping into other colors or artifacts themselves".

and last but not least, i also found multiple "enchant artifact" enchantments that deal automatic free damage to the controller of the enchanted artifact during their upkeep. so lets not pretend mono black doesn't have answers.

by asking me to show you examples of monoblack artifact removal, you're basically saying that "if a mono colored deck can't answer a thing, we should ban the thing". thats ridiculous.

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