
Alena, Kessig Trapper + Aggravated Assault


Alena, Kessig Trapper and Aggravated Assault on the battlefield. You control a creature with power 5 or greater that entered the battlefield this turn. Alena, Kessig Trapper does not have summoning sickness.


Activate Alena by tapping them to add at least ({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R). Activate Aggravated Assault by paying ({3} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (3)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R) to untap all creatures you control and gain an additional combat phase and main phase after that combat phase. Repeat.


Infinite combat phases. Infinite red mana. Infinite untap of creatures.

Spellbinder + Savage Beating


Savage Beating in exile (Savage Beating exiled by Spellbinder). Spellbinder on the battlefield. Spellbinder attached to a creature that can attack this turn and that cannot be blocked by an opponent.


Declare the creature with Spellbinder equipped as an attacker, attacking an opponent unable to block it. Deal combat damage with the creature, triggering Spellbinder, casting a copy of Savage Beating without paying its mana cost. Resolve Savage Beating, untapping all creatures you control and getting an additional combat phase after this one. Repeat.

Also due to the high trample nature of this deck, Most creatures will deal damage after attacking. Ballista Watcher   is a good way around to so you don't have to risk a creature dying.


Infinite combat phases. Infinite damage. Infinite magecraft triggers. Infinite storm count.

Aggravated Assault + Bear Umbra


Aggravated Assault and Bear Umbra on the battlefield. You control an additional creature. An additional creature does not have summoning sickness. Bear Umbra attached to that additional creature you control. You control lands that can tap to produce at least ({3} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (3)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R). An opponent is unable to block and kill creatures you control.


Declare enchanted creature as attacker. Bear Umbra triggers, untapping all lands you control. Proceed to your next main phase. Activate Aggravated Assault by paying ({3} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (3)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R), untapping all creatures you control and getting an additional combat and main phase after this one. Repeat.


Infinite combat phases.

Sword of Feast and Famine + Aggravated Assault


Sword of Feast and Famine and Aggravated Assault on the battlefield. Sword of Feast and Famine attached to a creature that can attack this turn. An opponent is unable to block and kill the creature with Sword of Feast and Famine attached. Lands you control can tap to produce at least ({3} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (3)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R).


Deal combat damage to an opponent with the creature that has Sword of Feast and Famine attached. Sword of Feast and Famine triggers, causing that opponent to discard a card, and you to untap all lands you control. Proceed to your postcombat main phase. Activate all mana producing lands you control by tapping them, adding at least ({3} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (3)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R). Activate Aggravated Assault by paying ({3} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (3)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R), untapping all creatures you control and causing you to get an additional combat and main phase after this phase. Repeat.


Infinite combat phases.

Savage Ventmaw + Aggravated Assault


Savage Ventmaw and Aggravated Assault on the battlefield. Savage Ventmaw does not have summoning sickness. An opponent is unable to block and kill Savage Ventmaw.


Declare Savage Ventmaw as an attacker, attacking an opponent unable to block and kill it. Savage Ventmaw triggers, adding ({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R)({G} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (G)({G} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (G)({G} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (G). Move to your post-combat main phase. Activate Aggravated Assault by paying ({3} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (3)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R)({R} magic symbol) Magic Symbol (R), untapping all creatures you control and causing you to get an additional combat and main phase after this one. Repeat.


Infinite combat damage. Infinite combat phases. Infinite green mana. Infinite mana creatures you control can produce. Infinite red mana. Infinite untap of creatures you control.


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91% Casual


Date added 1 month
Last updated 1 week

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

18 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.89
Tokens Clue, Day, Night, Wolf 2/2 G
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