Venser's Journal

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Venser's Journal


You have no maximum hand size.

At the beginning of your upkeep, you gain 1 life for each card in your hand.

NV_1980 on East Tree Smackdown

9 months ago

This is nice. I play-tested it a few times and it worked quite well. The only card I would cut, would be Venser's Journal. Reason for this is that you're not profiting much from it, as your hand-size is continuously quite small (due to Kodama's ability).

SufferFromEDHD on I am Become Nezahal, Destroyer of Worlds

1 year ago

Decanter of Endless Water potential mana rock upgrade

Triskaidekaphile potential win con.

Body of Knowledge on theme beater.

Venser's Journal this is probably win more but life gain in mono blue is neat.

SufferFromEDHD on Steel Reserve

1 year ago

No prob. I have a Boros equipment list with the commander as Akiri, Fearless Voyager and Wyleth in the 99.

I understand why you are running Diviner's Wand but I kind of hate it because 0% of you creatures fit the tribe.

I don't know what the card draw is like in this list but I saw the Thought Vessel so definitely Reliquary Tower. Possibly Venser's Journal?

SufferFromEDHD on Shauku, End-the-game-bringer

1 year ago

Eon Hub this card has anti synergy with a playset of cards in the list. Will my opponents ratio be as low? I doubt it. This deck is centered around Shauku and dealing with her drawbacks is a must. I might be cutting Venser's Journal based off your observation that the deck is lacking in card draw.

You are kind of right. No Mercy does not guarantee an empty board. Should I be filling this deck with all the sorcery speed mass removal?

Headers13 on Enter the Infinite

1 year ago

I've found Venser's Journal to be a solid card in my deck (I Sphinx You'll Find That's Mine) to prolong the game to whilst you control your opponent / get the damage in.

Headers13 on Don't Scry No Tears Budget

1 year ago

I've found Venser's Journal to be quite useful in my deck (I Sphinx You'll Find That's Mine) for elongating the game through life gain and protecting against unnecessary discard once the card draw gets going

Headers13 on Scry and Cry

1 year ago

I've found Venser's Journal to be quite useful in my deck (I Sphinx You'll Find That's Mine) for elongating the game through life gain and protecting against unnecessary discard once the card draw gets going

Headers13 on The Final Descent (Eligeth & Siani)

1 year ago

I've found Venser's Journal to be quite useful in my deck (I Sphinx You'll Find That's Mine) for elongating the game through life gain and protecting against unnecessary discard once the card draw gets going.

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