Wolfir Silverheart

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Wolfir Silverheart

Creature — Wolf Warrior

Soulbond As long as Wolfir Silverheart is paired with another creature, each of those creatures gets +4/+4.

wallisface on Fiendslayer beatdown

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • your mana curve is currently too high. I would ditch both Wolfir Silverheart and Sublime Archangel entirely - both of them have too high a mana cost for a deck trying to be aggressive, but also neither of them do much of anything comparative to their cost.

  • You need some form of interaction, because your deck just isn't going to be able to outrace everything, and so other aggro and combo decks are both likely to give you grief. Primal Might could be a good option here as it can act as both removal, and apply more pressure.

  • I don't think Esper Sentinel has any place in an aggro beatdown deck. Noble Hierarch also feels pretty dubious. I think you probably want to be aligning your deck up to being pretty similar to the mono-green stompy lists that frequent modern (example list here) - just with your white-twist. In particular those lists should help guide your sideboard choices also.

hiddengibbons on wolfir silverheart

2 years ago

If you soulbond two Wolfir Silverheart together, would they both be 16/16?

ClockworkSwordfish on Power-4 Stompy Growth

3 years ago

Garruk's Gorehorn kind of feels like a weak point in a deck full of otherwise solid creatures - 3 toughness is just so low for five mana! Since every single land in your deck produces green mana, there's no reason not to run Gigantosaurus in its place. Same mana cost but just flat-out bigger! Some other really solid five-mana creatures to consider include Wolfir Silverheart, Arbor Colossus and Deity of Scars.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Looking for efficiently large creatures

3 years ago

Lupine Prototype and Rotting Regisaur maybe? Depending on how many anthems you run, Force of Vigor could be cool. And then there are Hunted Dragon, Hunted Troll and Hunted Horror. Wolfir Silverheart seems pretty useful.

Is there a list to have a look at?

carpecanum on Team Jacob

3 years ago

Wolfir Silverheart, Changeling Titan and Chameleon Colossus are good wolves

Combat damage seems to matter a lot here so maybe Bedlam? Cosmotronic Wave?

lagotripha on Mono green aggro--is it modern playable?

3 years ago

Aspect of Hydra is the build around for most mono green aggro, but steering away from that into 'value' midrange options is strong. For a list like this that plays dorks, I'd look at Rancor and 3/5 drops that like creatures - God-Eternal Rhonas , Wolfir Silverheart and the like. You could do a lot with etb/return to hand, or Seedborn Muse shenanigans, but it all depends on what you want to focus in on. Have a gameplan, get your deck to do it, make it reliable then include answers to the most common ways you are stopped.

TheVectornaut on Revised RG wolves

3 years ago

Sorry I'm a little late responding, but I didn't see you had created an entirely new version yesterday. As a follow-up to my prior suggestions, it looks much stronger without so many vanilla creatures. I will say that I'd probably have kept the Young Wolf . Having creatures to curve out with is pretty important, even in slower midrange decks. Young Wolf specifically is also much better than it first appears and can often be treated as a sticky creature that's a 1/1 and 2/2 bundled together. The games where you can play T1 wolf, T2 wolf, T3 Partisan are much better than the games where you play nothing on turn 1 (except maybe a Bolt) and then only have 2 wolves to target on T4+. If I had to swap something for it... I'd maybe pick Lone Wolf . Its effect is functionally similar to the cheaper Wandering Wolf and both cards have gotten weaker with the removal of Wolfir Silverheart and Might of Oaks . Or, you could move the Asceticism to the sideboard depending on how much creature hate you're expecting to run into. If you need earlier defenses in the main, I'd look into Blossoming Defense and Vines of Vastwood . As for adding more targeted combat tricks, the first card I'd cut would definitely be Moonlight Hunt since unlike a more standard Prey Upon fight spell, it doesn't actually target any of your own wolves. In the absence of Partisan, the Hunt is probably better. But, I'd say the potential to generate an overwhelming number of tokens shifts the delta in the favor of multitarget spells. Technically, you could also run Zada, Hedron Grinder to go crazy with Might of the Masses , Confront the Unknown , Temur Battle Rage , etc., but I assume that you don't want any goblins polluting your tribal purity.

TheVectornaut on Christmas Dagrons

3 years ago

Aside from Outcast tokens and the Mimic, you only have 4 dragons to top out at. Most Gruul dragon packages I've seen run in the 8-12 range. Some popular inclusions are Thunderbreak Regent , Glorybringer , Harbinger of the Hunt , Scourge of Valkas , Mirrorwing Dragon , Terror of the Peaks , Lathliss, Dragon Queen , and the odd Steel Hellkite . Personally, I'm a fan of going for multiple attacks with Hellkite Charger and Savage Ventmaw . The new Leyline Tyrant might have some role in such a strategy, but I haven't had the chance to test it. The first two cards I'd cut would probably be Wolfir Silverheart and Grim Lavamancer . The former is undeniably powerful soulbonded to a double-striking dragon, but for 5 mana, it may as well just be another double-striking dragon itself. As for the wizard, I get the impression its ability will act like a 1 mana tax that distracts from casting your bombs. Even if you can afford to activate it often, a lack of fetchlands (even if they're budget alternatives) will limit its potency.

Otherwise, you have a couple of cards that have stronger replacements in modern. Titanic Growth is worse than Phytoburst at least some of the time, although I'd prefer 1 cost versions like Might of Old Krosa , Groundswell , Blossoming Defense , or Vines of Vastwood anyway. Similarly, Run Amok could probably be Rancor if the trample is important. As long as you're still interested in playing around with the graveyard, Traverse the Ulvenwald could be a neat replacement for Track Down that lets you literally track down your singleton dragons. Adventurous Impulse and Oath of Nissa are less powerful but less demanding options. Shackles of Treachery likely represents a mechanic you don't even need in the deck, but if you want an Act of Treason , I've had pretty decent success with Kari Zev's Expertise . The last cards I'll suggest are just some other dragon synergy tools. Draconic Roar is an amped Lightning Strike , Dragon Tempest can be a much cheaper Warstorm Surge if you're pumping out enough reptiles, and Frontier Siege offers flexibility between ramp and control. Finally, there are the spirit dragon lands if you think those would be useful.

Let me know if you have any questions and good luck with your build!

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