

this is my prison deck centered around the historically novel Naked Singularity and less novel but still difficult to utilize Ritual of Subdual. i love these permanents because they are highly unique in what they do; rather than increasing costs or preventing things from untapping, they cause mana to become something else. this results in players having the same amount of mana as before, but as wizards attempting to cast spells, the mana simply cannot be used. like filling a car with water instead of gasoline, you can turn the key but the engine won't start. Blood Moon is a card you are likely familiar with that works in a similar fashion, but it doesn't work on basic lands. Naked Singularity and Ritual of Subdual do. this can, with a bit of simple setup, consistently lock the rest of the table out of casting spells, and that's the primary goal of the deck.

these prison pieces are more at home under Omnath, Locus of All than any other commander i've ever tried (and ever will probably). the corrupted incarnation of Omnath turns these expensive, usually unplayable cards into actual game-warping threats through land-type shenanigans and mana banking. they can consistently disrupt each opponent's mana generation for extensive periods of time and win the game before their cumulative costs get too high. it's kinda like running multiple Contaminations that also mess up mono-black players.


This is a budget-friendly list, costing somewhere under $300 when going for stuff like specific printings and more heavily played cards. The primary goal is to get out Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, turning everything into swamps, then either warping everyone's mana production with Naked Singularity (which now affects nonbasics, thanks to Urborg), or bank absurd amounts of black with the expected Cabal Coffers. Coffers works in tandem with Naked Singularity and Ritual of Subdual since they only change what type of mana is produced, not the quantity, and Omnath's mana conversion ability + a few mana dorks ensure that the deck is still able to cast it's own spells uninterrupted.

I've been told by folks that this deck doesn't make sense, or that they don't understand what the key piece to hit with removal is. This panel is for you, guy who would rather kill Chromatic Orrery than Seedborn Muse!

  1. The deck needs a lot of mana to snowball and win. It generates mana through permanents like Bloom Tender and Cabal Coffers, and can untap them multiple times for even more mana with Vizier of Tumbling Sands, Frantic Search, Seedborn Muse, etc. These cards are the backbones of the deck.
  2. Seedborn Muse and Awakening effectively quadruple all mana generated. Having them left alone is good for you, bad for the table
  3. Getting Cabal Coffers and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth out together is the easiest way for things get out of control, and Hour of Promise, Disorienting Choice and Tempt with Discovery make this happen
  4. Seriously, hitting Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth or Blanket of Night causes a lot of problems! It damages Naked Singularity, Cabal Coffers, Crypt Ghastfoil and all of the untap effects the deck has by proxy
  5. The other way the deck amasses mana is Bloom Tender, Chromatic Orrery and permanents like Selesnya Sanctuary that are enchanted with Wild Growth. Anytyhing that taps for a lot that can be untapped with Vizier of Tumbling Sands / Esper Sojourners should be paid attention to
  6. Sticking Omnath, Locus of All to bank mana is important and they should be protected with counter magic or Earnest Fellowship
  7. Planar Bridge is a 1-card "win" since you can tutor Seedborn Muse > Ritual of Subdual and snowball out of control. 14 mana can be considered the critical amount to watch for
  8. Cyclonic Rift > Ritual of Subdual is the easiest wincon, followed by Debt to the Deathless or card:Cut//Rubbons
  9. It takes time to get there though, so cards like Pernicious Deed, Wrath of the Skies, Noxious Vapors, Final Showdown, Overwhelming Forces, Iridian Maelstrom, Fracturing Gust, even Infernal Darkness or Mishra's Helix help keep things under control
  10. Interaction is listed as such in the deck list, but other cards like Archdruid's Charm and Esper Sojourners can be used as interaction as well
  11. Lifegain is packaged in with other cards; Fracturing Gust, Crypt Ghastfoil, Debt to the Deathless. Don't die like a dummy, ok?

The game usually ends with either a large Debt to the Deathless or Cut / Ribbons, fueled by Cabal Coffers abuse, or Enter the Infinite > Glacial Chasm > Sickening Dreams. Alternatively, Awakening or Seedborn Muse can also get the job done so long as omnath is in play. Overloading Cyclonic Rift and slamming down a prison piece like Ritual of Subdual generally wins things too, as the table will then be stuck in play-artifacts-or-die mode (especially if Spell Pierce is in hand).

Lastly, a less sound way to win is Mishra's Helix with Seedborn Muse, or instead of Seedborn, Awakening + a permanent untapper (e.g. Vizier of Tumbling Sands since Awakening doesn't untap artifacts).

Important combinations of cards! These (hopefully if the dang ol site works properly) show up on the side of the page for the list and are good to keep in mind!

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yoyo, this remains my favorite deck to tinker with and play, and as such i doubt i'll ever be truly satisfied with it! that said, here's some changes i just pushed.

the big one: Enter the Infinite, Sickening Dreams, Exploration and Glacial Chasm have all made their home in the list. i very rarely find myself attacking at all so Chasm is a good fit, especially with all the lifegain options i've managed to squeeze in over the last year. i was considering more staxxy options like Peacekeeper and Solitary Confinement, maybe even Spirit of Resistance, but they felt fragile and difficult to time, whereas you can sit on Chasm for a long number of turns with the only drawback being going -1 on land count, something that is relevant at the end of the day. that said, if there's enough mana for Enter the Infinite, there's probably some big mana generation in play, and drawing the entire deck means drawing untappers like Emerald Charm and Vizier of Tumbling Sands. probably only need 15 mana for the win then, 12 for Enter, 1 for Emerald Charm, 1 for Exploration, then drop Glacial Chasm and bin everything that isn't a countspell to Sickening Dreams. pretty solid win tbh!

some other recent inclusions have been... Selvala, Explorer Returned which fits perfectly in a deck that struggles to draw cards, wants a lot of mana, and can ruin other people's mana. also stuff like Wrath of the Skies, Final Showdown which I bought at my LGS a few months ago for card:Karona, the False God and didn't end up using, a number of new lands to help smooth out the early game, Bigger on the Inside which is nuts with untappers, Meathook Massacre 2 which provides much needed boardwipe protection and some utility, and lastly Noxious Vapors which absolutely beats the hell out of greedy grips. i've had so much fun with vapors thus far. definitely want a foil!

'til next time i 'spose... i really need to fix up my Karona list first tho lol


93% Casual


Revision 46 See all

(3 weeks ago)

-1 Bigger on the Inside main
+1 Emergent Ultimatum main
Top Ranked
Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 week
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

64 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.58
Tokens Energy Reserve, Fanatic of Rhonas 4/4 B, Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
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