Selvala, Explorer Returned
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Selvala, Explorer Returned

Legendary Creature — Elf Scout

Parley: Each player reveals the top card of their library. For each nonland card revealed this way, add and you gain 1 life. Then each player draws a card.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Vintara Elephant
Temple of Cultivation
Crazed Armodon
Iron Tusk Elephant
Endangered Armodon
Loxodon Stalwart

SteelSentry on Junky deck

5 months ago

Selvala, Explorer Returned with every single instant that untaps a creature:ℴ=name

what's your wincon? who knows!

griffstick on Crystal Ball or Sylvan Library?

7 months ago

I have Sylvan Library in my Selvala, Explorer Returned deck. It works great there. Draw for turn pay 4 life to draw an additional card and stack the top of the deck for Selvala, Explorer Returned and gain some life back

Ferth on Fog Draw EDH

9 months ago

I got to play a bunch this weekend! The deck performed well I've updated the list to match what I've currently got, my local shop was missing some singles.

Generous Gift moved back to the maybeboard but only cause I couldn't buy it this weekend.

I found that the deck worked quite well but I obviously couldn't close out games. I had a few scenarios where Selvala, Explorer Returned could repeat pretty much forever thanks to Sword of the Paruns or Umbral Mantle and Smothering Tithe + 4 players in the game. Flipping my commander till deck out was too painful to ever actually do so games ended with scooping.

The take away is that I need to be able to end games just to save everybody's sanity. More things like Felidar Sovereign and Psychosis Crawler are needed. Helix Pinnacle is a meme and I'll basically never pull it off. So here is the maybe board for actually finishing games.

Viseling Storm Seeker Black Vise Iron Maiden Sword of War and Peace

Some other cards that look interesting to me are Credit Voucher to help me find the above win conditions and Champions of Minas Tirith as another tax. I found that the deck was excellent at filling everybody's hands as expected.

griffstick on Card creation challenge

1 year ago


Since it was a wild challenge I didn't get ninja'ed

Next challenge is to create a new Selvala, Explorer Returned

DemonDragonJ on Should I Put Loran in …

1 year ago

I am considering putting Loran of the Third Path in my Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis EDH deck for her destruction ability, and I most likely would remove Temple Bell to make room for her, since Kwain, Itinerant Meddler and Selvala, Explorer Returned have secondary abilities beyond card drawing, but Loran does not cause all players to draw cards, which means that I would need to use her more strategically, and I could also risk making enemies if I do not user her ability carefully.

What does everyone else say? Should I put Loran of the Third Path in my Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis deck, or is she not worth the trouble that she could cause?

ZendikariWol on What to do with Sisay

1 year ago

My Sisay deck runs a politics subtheme, with legends like Arvad the Cursed and Urza's Ruinous Blast (notably not tutorable) to close out the game with. A surprising amount of legends do political things- Edric, Spymaster of Trest, Gahiji, Honored One, Selvala, Explorer Returned, etc.

It's all about finding a theme with a lot of legends and rolling with it in my opinion. That said, I am also a very casual player, favoring fun synergies over actually winning the game. Interpret my opinions with that understanding.

enpc on Question for the CEDH community

1 year ago

Giving this some additional thought (especially since I'm not having to type on my phone):

For Savage Summoning in a cEDH setting, the most powerful part of the card is that you can give a creature spell flash. My reasoning for this is because if you're casting a big creature in cEDH, generally you're going for big impact cards. But (usually) the kinds of decks which want to cast big creatures are either stax effects or control decks who are casting soemthing like Nezahal, Primal Tide. In the case of control decks playing Nez, it's already uncounterable and, well, you're a cotrol deck. You're already packed with counterspells so why would you dilute your general control with something that only protects your stuff and only as you play it. The window of value is so low here.

And for the other deck type that you play big creatures with being stax, your objective is to lock the game down early. Every turn you let slip is a turn that your deck is not doing its thing. So You're not going to want to wait until you can play something big and then flash it in uncounterably. By the time you're playing something big you should already have a board lock (unless you've either done something wrong or were unable to achieve a proper lock). And at that point there shouldn't be much that your opponents can do about your incoming high impact card anyway. So at this point the card basically becomes a "this only really adds value if I'm getting my arse kicked but want to stick that one big creature" which is not what you want to be wasting card slots on.

If you're after flash effects, at least Scout's Warning at worst cantrips, but Savage Summoning just isn't worth it unless you're talking very niche scenarios, which makes it not worth it.

As for Seedtime, as I mentioned the card is basically only playable if your opponent is casting blue spells (i.e. countermagic). This means that you're either A) responding to countermagic with your own countermagic, which in this case you may as well just play conditionless extra turn spells (as you're running blue), or B) your main plan has just been stopped. This means that more often than not, you don't have much else to do and so it will untap your lands, draw you a card and let you play a land (kind of like a vintage turn 1/2 Time Walk). That's not terrible, but the question is: could the card be doing more to aid your main strategy? Imagine if you had a wheel in hand instead, to refill your hand. Would this be more valuable than an extra turn?

The strength of card comes from being able to respond to something like a Cyclonic Rift (especially if you're a very permanent heavy deck) or if you can generate a lot of value in a given non-win turn (@davidsays1 I did notice that you have a Selvala, Explorer Returned deck which runs it - this is probably one of the better use cases for the card due to the value that Selvala can generate you). And sure, responding to an someone Brainstorming at your EOT is funny, but it's still pretty corner case.

But I would say that there are a myriad of blue extra turn spells, however most blue decks don't both running them unless it's part of the deck's strategy to begin will. So that should help paint a bit of a picture about why Seedtime doesn't really see play.

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