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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
- Does gaining life with double strike and archangel of thune give counters for the second set of damage?
- Indestructible creature blocked by many lifelinked creatures
- Are creatures under AoE enchantments enchanted?
- Does gaining double strike mid-damage let a creature hit twice?
- Cavalier of Flame with Lifelink
True Conviction
Creatures you control have double strike and lifelink.

DemonDragonJ on Advice for a Green/White EDH …
1 week ago
I am planning to build a green/white EDH deck, with Sigarda, Host of Herons as the general, so I would like to ask for advice on constructing it.
Most decks that have the original Sigarda as the general tend to be either "Voltron" decks (i.e., making the general as powerful as possible) or "enchantress" decks (i.e., focusing on enchantments), so I would like to make my deck slightly different from the typical Sigarda deck; specifically, I plan for the deck to have three major themes: a focus on gaining life, but not quite to the extent of my Liesa, Shroud of Dusk deck; a focus on generating creature tokens, but not to the extent of my Ghired, Conclave Exile deck; and a focus on putting +1/+1 counters on creatures, but not to the extent of my Atraxa, Praetors' Voice deck; in other words, it shall be a "jack of all trades" deck, but with plenty of synergy and overlap between those themes. Sigarda does not directly contribute to any of those themes, but I chose her as the general, because she is very difficult to remove, once she is on the battlefield, and I feel that this type of creative and unusual deckbuilding is good and should be encouraged.
First, for gaining life, I am considering cards that make it easy to do so, such as True Conviction, Dazzling Angel, Archangel of Thune, Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, Sunscorch Regent, Oracle of Nectars, and Lathiel, the Bounteous Dawn, as well as cards that offer payoffs/rewards for gaining life, such as (again) Archangel of Thune, Lathiel, Trelesarra, moon dancer, Blossoming Bogbeast or Trudge Garden.
Second, for generating creature tokens, I am considering Vernal Sovereign, Aura Mutation, Trudge Garden (again), Selesnya Guildmage (possibly), or Scepter of Celebration, and, for cards that reward me for generating tokens, I am considering Juniper Order Ranger, Cathars' Crusade, Dazzling Angel, and Trostani, Selesnya's Voice.
Third, for placing +1/+1 counters on creatures, I am considering Shalai, Voice of Plenty, Archangel of Thune, Juniper Order Ranger, Cathars' Crusade, Sunscorch Regent, Forgotten Ancient (possibly), and (possibly) Vigor, and, for cards that allow me to use those counters as payment for other effects, I am considering Fertilid, Mindless Automaton, (possibly) Ooze Flux.
Notice how many of those cards have synergy and overlap, allowing me to pursue three themes in a single deck, and I also plan to have a number of generically good cards that I use in many of my decks, such as True Conviction, Mirari's Wake, Seedborn Muse, or Sigarda, Font of Blessings, as well as several cards that I have not used in any of my previous decks, thus far, such as Hydra Broodmaster, Pledge of Loyalty, Camaraderie, Commander's Plate, Behemoth Sledge, Shield of the Oversoul, or Veteran Beastrider. I also am considering putting either Valkyrie Harbinger or Kalonian Hydra into this deck, but I do not wish for this deck to be too similar to any of my other decks, so I would prefer to avoid putting those cards into this deck, if I can avoid doing so, and I also am not yet certain about Doubling Season, staff of completion, or Selvala, Explorer Returned, since those cards would be awesome in this deck, but I do not wish to use them in every deck in which they would be a good addition.
What does everyone else say about this? Do you think that this is an interesting idea, and what suggestions can you make, for me? Thank you, very much, and I certainly am awaiting everyone’s responses!
DemonDragonJ on How Can I Put Perforating …
3 months ago
multimedia, I actually shall replace Slave of Bolas with Perforating Artist, since the former card is a one-shot effect, and it shall still lower that deck's mana curve; and, as for my Tariel deck, True Conviction is one of my favorite cards, and I actually do not believe that I need Perforating Artist in that deck, after all, since it has plenty of ways to make my opponents sacrifice creatures.
multimedia on How Can I Put Perforating …
3 months ago
Cut Demon of Loathing in Thraximundar? Cut a 7 drop for a 3 drop. Loathing is lackluster compared to the other 7 drops. It only makes one opponent sac a creature and only if it gets through.
Cut True Conviction in Tariel? Cut a 6 drop for a 3 drop. Conviction seems pretty difficult to cast with current manabase. It's mana cost is problematic when there's 21 lands that includes 16 basic lands that can't make white mana. You don't really need Conviction when you have Akroma's Memorial.
TheVectornaut on
Rise of the Griffins
4 months ago
While I like the idea of the current enchantment combo, I don't know that it's really necessary. Privileged Position already protects your stuff without the need to get out 2 cards. Further, turning all of your lands into enchantments opens you up to instantly losing the game to something like Spring Cleaning, although players are more likely to play mass wipes that will also destroy or exile their permanents due to Enchanted Evening's symmetry. Speaking of, you can try to take advanatge of that symmetry in other ways like playing Azorius First-Wing as an unblockable griffin, assuming you don't mind going into blue. Otherwise, I'd still try to upgrade the griffins here to be a little faster and more impactful. Diving Griffin and Resplendent Griffin have the potential to be better than Sunspire Griffin, depending on the final build. Fearless Fledgling and Griffin Rider are both aggressive options to shore up the 2 slot in a way I think would be more impactful than Crashing Drawbridge or the currently underwhelming Pearl Medallion. Finally, Wanted Griffin may be better than Senate Griffin at 4, again depending on what your game plan ends up being. Mutavault and Metallic Mimic are some less budget friendly options that could help the tribe's limited card pool.
As for anthems, I usually prefer the 2 cost options to the 3, although I do like Always Watching. Honor of the Pure is the vanilla option while Rally the Ranks or even Obelisk of Urd could fit in a tribal shell. One thing I thought of while looking at the high number of white pips making the Medallion worse was that you could lean into that and go for a mono-white devotion build. Some anthems like Flowering of the White Tree and Benalish Marshal already fit well in such a deck. You'd definitely want a playset of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and some sort of payoff for the extra mana like Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Walking Ballista, or whatever other bomb you prefer. You'd also want something to play on 1 for that strategy. War Falcon has some synergy with Griffin Rider, Esper Sentinel is a generically powerful draw engine, and Weathered Wayfarer is a classic way to find Nykthos. War Falcon also brings to mind the idea of leaning more into broad flying support like Sephara, Sky's Blade and Rally of Wings, although I acknowledge going down that path could severely dilute the tribal identity of the deck. One final approach I can think of is pivoting to focus on lifegain to use the Griffin Aerie in your maybeboard. You'd definitely need cheaper ways to gain life than True Conviction, especially since I think it's already one of the weaker cards in the deck. The reality is that you'd probably be nudged towards splitting the griffins with angels to take advanatge of Angelic Accord, Bishop of Wings, Speaker of the Heavens, and even Archangel of Thune. Outside of that, the options are more limited. Maybe mass lifelink could be made cheaper with Metallic Mimic plus Envoy of the Ancestors or Abzan Battle Priest. This is the only route where I actually see Path of Bravery being worth it.
DreadKhan on
Anax and Cymede, Spell Slinger
4 months ago
It's always cool to see how someone solves the Anax and Cymede puzzle! They end up being a better Commander than people expect, especially if you can generate a board to benefit from his buff (and you can trigger them a few times).
I have an A+C list, I use Crown of Flames and Flickering Ward to generate A+C triggers, as well as trigger other cards. In that list I use the few creatures that care about enchantment ETBs (so Mesa Enchantress, Kor Spiritdancer, and Sram, Senior Edificer, but I also found Gandalf, White Rider pretty handy, Scry isn't as good as Draw, but he's easy to trigger and buffs my whole board each time, which stacks with A+C's triggers! FWIW it's easier to find an Aura than it is an Instant/Sorcery in Boros (Sunforger is a bad card IMHO, but some people swear by it). I value these Auras so highly I almost always hold up mana to bounce them in a pinch. I almost never tutor for it, but I also run Ghitu Firebreathing, it's a got Flash, which means for every 3 mana you can pump into the effect you can pump your creatures not just on your turn, but also in preparation for blocking. It's niche I admit, but there are only so many playable Auras that bounce themselves for cheap!
I'm not sure if you're interested in equipment, but Inquisitor's Flail plays pretty well with A+C's First Strike and Vigilance, and it stacks with other doubling effects like True Conviction/Spectacular Showdown. Two-Handed Axe is great for A+C, if you have 7 mana you can swing in at 8 power with Double Strike with no other support!
If you want to take a look at my A+C list, it's Staxdrop! (Snowdrop Vorthos Deck), it's a Vorthos deck so it has some unusual elements like hard Stax effects and numerous board wipes, so that part might not be relevant to your deck!
DreadKhan on
Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer Home Brew Deck
4 months ago
I'm not sure if you're interested in adjusting this at some point, but I often get ideas when I look over decks/test them out (and like the list enough to get a bit invested in it), so here's a few ideas I had, maybe something will spark your interest! Also, you're at 99 cards atm, if you add 1 more the deck will show as legal in Commander.
I have some decks that mix Voltron/Aggro, I have rarely been unhappy with Berserkers' Onslaught, even if you already have First Strike getting Double Strike also doubles everything on your board's power while attacking (you'll still have First Strike while blocking, which is still very useful imho). True Conviction is a White version with a bit more upside, but it's 6 mana, I think you could run both to get that Double Strike Anthem out more often. Scavenged Brawler is a weird new card that offers two uses, if you cast it it's a 4/4 artifact creature with a heap of upsides, but imagine using that on Jor! Vigilance and First Strike are AMAZING together. With your Average MV I wonder if Detective's Phoenix is worth a look? Haste and Flying for only is amazing later game, especially with an 8 power Commander! Rite of the Raging Storm is a weird card that synergizes with your Commander (an 8/1 is actually intimidating IMHO, and if you can give it Double Strike, it gets ugly...). Gisela, Blade of Goldnight is an interesting late game card, the effect is stronger than it looks, and it stacks with Double Strike. Two-Handed Axe and Inquisitor's Flail are nice equipment with First Strike.
If you like The Prydwn, maybe Parhelion II? If Jor is online it's 8 mana to swing for 22 by itself (well, with it's two Vigilance angels that each get +3), this also plays well with any power double effects. It is a LOT of mana fwiw, but it's a decent closer that only needs a pilot to work.
This is going to sound a bit crazy, but have you ever considered Harmonious Archon? This has big synergies with Jor (and any other anthems you have), maybe not ideal if you have opponents who have larger armies of smaller tokens? Oh, if people do tend to swarm you maybe Brave the Sands would help? It's very good with First Strike, as well as Jor's ability.
Liquimetal Torque is a neat mana rock that can help you get a problem card off the board (artifacts are more often removed), and with your Commander you could use this to gain access to an extra artifact to turn on The Prevailer in a pinch, I think that's enough use cases to matter. I have had fun with Torque + Gorilla Shaman, Viashino Heretic, and Devout Witness as permanents that can repeatedly remove problematic cards without generating too much salt. Since they're also creatures they offer you upside of being capable of swinging with +3 in a pinch. Great with Double Strike obviously!
Bonders' Enclave and War Room are pretty handy in a Boros list, especially with a Commander that turns on the Enclave. Enclave is pretty cheap ATM, War Room seems to get reprinted a lot so if it's too much it'll probably go down at some point.
Oh, just remembered, have you got a Transmogrifying Wand kicking around? This is an artifact that will stick around after you've removed 3 creatures with it, the only real drawback in my experience is that it costs 3 up front, though in practice this is often an upside because you can play it out whenever for Metalcraft, then use it to Ox a problem creature.
DreadKhan on
lonely goth girl
9 months ago
I'm not sure if Teysa would even want a friend, but Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker is a bit of a kindred, maybe they could hang for tea?
If you want people to attack a lot there is Angel's Trumpet, very handy that your Spirits have flying! Exquisite Blood is a combo piece, but it's also a strong card on it's own, it synergizes with your Commander very powerfully I'd say, if people come at you their creature's die, and if they go at each other then you gain life. Breena, the Demagogue can be used to make your stuff better. Shadrix Silverquill has a really good interaction with your Commander, if you give someone an Inkling and they come at you it dies and you get a 1/1, and if you give your board +1 counters twice than your 1/1s clobber inklings. I would run Transmogrifying Wand over Murder, it's 4 mana for the first creature but only 1 more for the next 2. You could also try something like Reckless Spite. I am a big fan of True Conviction, very good with a big token army.
It's a pretty janky card but I often enjoy using Axis of Mortality in White decks that are trying to stay on budget, you can punish or reward people as you see fit, it's a very strong political effect, and if people are losing creatures to your ability to lower your life total (while giving you evasive attackers) then you're probably gaining ground.
It's up to you obviously if you don't want to run more lands, but have you thought about including some MDFCs? I use Hagra Mauling Flip and am happy to see it now and then, ETB tapped lands aren't great, but if the spell effect is also a playable effect their value is incredible. I'm sure you could find a use for Malakir Rebirth Flip too, though that is less budget.
In the time that I've played Commander I've come to the conclusion that one of the hallmarks of a good deck is card draw, especially low to the ground effects. Stuff like Sign in Blood and Night's Whisper are very good in practice, there are also things like Village Rites, Corrupted Conviction, Plumb the Forbidden, and Reckoner's Bargain, these are all handy with your tokens, but also if you can't protect your Commander and they're getting blown up anyways, this can also prevent effects like Oubliette from working (which can be VERY helpful if your deck depends on your Commander, you might want a couple in the deck in case). If you think your tokens might stay 1/1s, or that you can get them to die with consistency then Skullclamp draws a lot of cards. Stinging Study draws a whopping 7 cards in this deck, for only 5 mana, I'd say that'd be handy late game.
Basshunter on
Trigger warning
1 year ago
Thanks mate, i actually had True Conviction in here, but i cut it out for cheaper cmc Voice of the Blessed. I think i have enough lifegain-events in here to get Archangel of Thune out of control without the need of Conviction....but still it is a super strong card - it simply doesnt synergyses with one of the key card Springjack Shepherd...I have to think about it..
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