Keranos, God of Storms
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Keranos, God of Storms

Legendary Enchantment Creature — God


As long as your devotion to blue and red is less than seven, Keranos isn't a creature.

Reveal the first card you draw on each of your turns. Whenever you reveal a land card this way draw a card. Whenever you reveal a nonland card this way, Keranos deals 3 damage to target creature, player or planeswalker.

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Stormcloud Djinn
Ogre Gatecrasher
Stalked Researcher
Knowledge and Power
Lightning Dart
Noggle Bridgebreaker

DemonDragonJ on Patriotic Pride

1 year ago

I have replaced Oggyar Battle-Seer with Keranos, God of Storms, because the battle seer was very lackluster, while Keranos shall have a much greater impact; it may be a challenge to reach seven devotion to two colors in a three-colored deck, but Keranos does not need to be a creature in order for his ability to function, so him being a creature shall merely be an additional bonus.

CannedCanOpener on Ghyrson Starn, Izzet Pingers (Control/EDH)

1 year ago

Someone at my LGS plays a pinger deck, and they enjoy having Keranos, God of Storms in the command zone for the combined targeted damage and the card advantage with Starn in the 99. Obviously you don't need to change your commander out, but he might be good in the 99. As well as that, another scary Deathtouch equipment they run is Gorgon Flail, and they have a good selection of untapping effects like Vizier of Tumbling Sands or Pemmin's Aura (of course those would depend on your current meta.

Coward_Token on New Card Type: Battle

1 year ago

March of the Machine Mechanics

Turns out regular burn spells and permanents like Keranos, God of Storms works too, and not just specifically counter-removal ones

Daveslab2022 on Custom Theros Set

2 years ago


Devotion has cared about more than one color. Almost since it’s inception.

All the multicolored gods care about more than one color of devotion.

Keranos, God of Storms and the other 9 gods in the cycle all care about 2 colors for devotion.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Ooooh, nice one TheOfficialCreator!

Keranos, The Storm-Sunder

Legendary Enchantment Creature- God


As long as your devotion to blue and red is less than seven, Keranos isn't a creature.

At the beginning of combat on your turn, scry 3.

Whenever you would scry by any amount, you may instead have Keranos, the Storm-Sunder deal the same amount of damage to any target.



Fun fact: Keranos, God of Storms was my very first Mythic I ever pulled.

Wild God card.

NEXTGener4tion on Oh. My. Gosh

2 years ago

Sweet List! Morophon feels like the right commander choice here.

But I'd advise you to put in some more/better card draw.

God-Eternal Kefnet doesn't add cards to your hand, same for The Locust God.

Keranos, God of Storms isn't guaranteed to draw you cards and Kindred Summons won't work when you are behind on board.

With 5c you can just slot in whatever you feel fits, but with 33 creatures something like Beast Whisperer should do the trick. Since most of your gods are enchantments as well you could also go the enchantress route with Eidolon of Blossoms or Enchantress's Presence and things like that.

Greetings ;)

TypicalTimmy on When did you start playing, …

2 years ago

My very first deck was a 5-color, 84 card monstrosity with like 27 lands, mostly dual Scry lands from Theros hahaha

I still recall my first slew of mythics was Keranos, God of Storms, Iroas, God of Victory and Aurelia, the Warleader.

I took this pile of unsleeved headaches to my buddy's house and he cracked out this Rakdos kill-on-sight deck where nothing you played lasted more than the phase it entered in.

I got so pissed off that I almost quit a third time, lol. So he taught me about mana curve, pips, ramp, etc.

I discovered Satyr Hedonist and Generator Servant as well as Elvish Mystic. I discovered Planeswalkers after I pulled a Chandra Nalaar and went to my LGS and found Xenagos, the Reveler.

See the Unwritten and Howl of the Horde became staples in my deck and I would ramp into big cheats and drop the biggest of bois and give them haste and kill the table in one shot.

I quickly fell in love with Dragons because they were big dumb unlockable bodies.

Then, like I said, I pulled a Savage Ventmaw from one of the starter decks and my mind exploded.

Ever since, whenever I can play big dumb monsters, I do. For example, Ghired, Conclave Exile is largely considered hot garbage. And yet, he's one of my favorites.

  • Doesn't matter had tokens :3

TypicalTimmy on Deathbellow Minotaurs (Minotaur/war cry)

3 years ago

Blackgate, I started playing Magic waaaaay back in 2005 but I stopped because I thought it was pretty dumb. Many, many years later I gave it a second shot when Magic: Origins released. I got hooked and began buying loose Walmart packs. They had a large amount of Tarkir, Zendikar, Ravnica and Theros. My very first mythic was Keranos, God of Storms followed quickly by an Iroas, God of Victory and Aurelia, the Warleader.

Being a natural-born Tim, I mashed them all together in an 83 card 5c deck and promptly lost every single game, ever.

Distraught I nearly gave up, but decided to try again. That's when I discovered the power of

  • T R I B A L
  • S Y N E R G Y

within the Madcow Clan. Minotaur became my absolute wrecking force where I would dominate casual play groups. It would later defeat a local championship winning Elfball deck.

Years later we see Amonkhet and they gave us the gift that we never knew we needed; Neheb, the Worthy and Insult / Injury.

Later still, in Ixalan, we saw our first on-card Minotaur Planeswalker, Angrath. I was enthralled and went out to buy the Angrath, Minotaur Pirate theme deck and, believe it or not, pulled an Angrath, the Flame-Chained in one of the booster packs that came with them.

Needless to say, my heart exploded.

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