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Goblin Gaveleer
Creature — Goblin Warrior
Goblin Gaveleer gets +2/+0 for each Equipment attached to it.
IHATENAMES on Akiri, Fearless equipment
6 months ago
Bedlam spicy card creatures cannot block. Agro your opponents out.
Imposing Grandeur neat wheel that let's you draw 6 and your opponents probably draw 2 or 3.
Surestrike Trident w/a free equipt cost your creatures tap to deal dmg equal to their power.
Forging the Tyrite Sword slow ramp w/ a equipment tutor.
Skullclamp can be op with all the tokens. Yes most aren't 1 toughness but they will die alot.
Goblin Gaveleer big creature when you add equipment
Goblin Bombardment alot of tokens to throw around
Bitterthorn, Nissa's Animus Sword of the Animist ramp 1 is a living weapon too.
Most x and y Swords are expensive but feel free to consider them.
Although these are interesting ideas I went back through your list and i think you need more interaction.
Think anything from Wasteland type effects to Path to Exile or grave hate Soul-Guide Lantern protection Blacksmith's Skill I'm sure you have some favorites. I'd add at least 3 or 4 more. I personally like it when even If I don't draw my answer to a problem I at least have one in my deck.
Especially grave hate. I don't think I'd suggest Rest in Peace but I really think everyone should run 1 or 2 pieces of grave hate recursion is so popular and powerful these days you need to have an answer or you aren't playing the game.
Happy brewing!
Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Building Voltron, in a cave with a box of scraps.
8 months ago
CaveBoy - I like the Paradise Mantle + Auriok Steelshaper combo, though I'm not sure what I'd take out yet, thanks for the suggestions.
IHATENAMES - I can't believe I forgot Goblin Gaveleer! I used to love using that guy in limited. The other cards are definitely a good start for a sideboard. I'll probably replace the Lizard Blades for Colossus Hammer and Kellan, the Fae-Blooded for Akiri, Fearless Voyager since I can still cheat the hammer's equip with Bruenor and the Paladin. Thanks for the suggestions.
IHATENAMES on Building Voltron, in a cave with a box of scraps.
9 months ago
The line between equipment and creatures is a hard thing to get right i think it should always be skewed more towards creatures which i think looks decent here but be careful about this number!
I would encourage you to play more creatures/ equipment that get buffed when you get multiple equipment on it. Ideas being Goblin Gaveleer , Champion of the Flame , Thran Power Suit these may not look impressive but 1+ equipment and they go big. Newer card I have tried Kellan, the Fae-Blooded is probably good but slow.
When building your sideboard i would look at protection/ recursion/ meta based archetype hate. Think Mantle of the Ancients , Blacksmith's Skill , Unlicensed Hearse , Crumble to Dust , maybe look at what other people are playing with a junk sideboard full of removal and graveyard hate for a few times then see what you need from there.
Obligatory simple answer is look at what equipment decks are currently doing good in modern. Stoneblade decks and hammer time. Both use Stoneforge Mystic to find and put in Kaldra Compleat for a quick kill. Stone blade is a midrange tempo shell to support what your doing. The hammer time deck has a plan A combo of putting Colossus Hammer on a creature and swinging for lethal in 1 to 2 turns.
2 years ago
Perhaps Chandra's Ignition instead of alpha brawl?
Humble Defector instead of mad prophet? or some cheaper loot effect? 4 mana tap to loot is expensive.
A few ideas I don't know where to suggest cutting.
Goblin Gaveleer Goblin Engineer Goblin Welder Trash for Treasure Scrap Mastery All Is Dust
Apollo_Paladin on An Armful of Junk
2 years ago
I have a deck on Arena that runs off a similar concept, but a bit more reliably.
I think the combo you really want here is either Goblin Gaveleer (which I see you already have a couple of), or Fireblade Charger, then run 4x Colossus Hammers. All of these are 1-mana spells which come out very quickly.
Then, use Resolute Strike (both of them are Warriors) to equip the Hammer for free to either the Gaveleer or the Charger & attack (this works as early as Turn 2 if you have the correct cards in hand).
If they're still standing after 1 attack, then on the next turn you simply attack again and/or follow up with a Thud (which again, kudos on already using) and that's Game Over. As early as Turn 2, but VERY reliably by Turn 3.
The Fireblade Charger's ability actually causes a double-trigger if you Thud him, and the Gaveleer with his Trample make him also a good target.
Best of all, none of these cards are particularly expensive to purchase singles of, making getting 4x copy playsets extremely easy (and worthwhile imo).
Either way, tossing a +1 on here for you already finding some good cards to combo with. I hope my suggestion is helpful in turning this into a real monster (I know my optimized Arena deck is just brutally effective).
wallisface on Boros equipment
2 years ago
BigTurkey having played a lot with Goblin Gaveleer, I ended up favouring quantity over quality. Other than Colossus Hammer (which imo you need 4-of), i’d suggest:
Goblin Gaveleer Gas: Bone Saw, Bonesplitter, Shuko
Kor Duelist enabler: O-Naginata
Evasion: Cliffhaven Kitesail
Card Draw: Infiltration Lens
Situational, requires Paladin/Sigardas: Greataxe (prolly not worth running when O-Naginata is just soo much stronger, imo)
The deck i used to run had around 20 equipments, and then around 18 lands, 18 creatures. That left it no room for interaction, which was very scary, but did let it consistently win by around turn 3 uninterrupted.
wallisface on Boros equipment
2 years ago
Some thoughts:
Running the full playset of Puresteel Paladin feels pretty important here
A lot of your creatures feel pretty slow/clumbsy, and not particularly designed to work well with equipmemt. From my experience, equipment decks need to hit hard & fast. I’d recommend the likes of Goblin Gaveleer and Kor Duelist. Other options include Kitesail Apprentice and Armament Master.
too much of your equipment has too high a mana cost, i’d recommend just playing equipments that cost 0-1 mana to cast, with a few 2cmc equipments as the absolute maximum for mana cost.
your current land count is imo too low, though will work out fine if you manage to lower the curve as suggested above (your deck as it stands probably wants 22-23 lands).
jacobpmesser on Nahiri Historic (Hammertime)
3 years ago
I think you need better turn 1 plays.
I've been playing with Fireblade Charger and Goblin Gaveleer .
t1 Gaveleer, t2 Hammer + Resolute Strike for a 15 pt swing. Most ppl concede. If you get the Charger and they kill it after it's equipped, that's still an 11 (13) pt pop to the dome. (t1 youll wanna play the hammer, it's not as easy to kill. the Charger gets haste on equip so T2 you can Charge + Resolute Strike)
Another card, a new one, I've been playing is Fighter Class for it's tutor effect and later, reduced equip cost.
Anything not black or red concedes. I love it. I'm thinking of modifying it for modern because the quick starts are insane.