Kalemne's Captain

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kalemne's Captain

Creature — Giant Soldier


: Monstrosity 3. (If this creature isn't monstrous, put three +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.)

When Kalemne's Captain becomes monstrous exile all artifacts and enchantments.

Optimator on Giant's Deck

4 years ago

As far as giants that I own that you may be interested in, I have a promo Hamletback Goliath - Kalemne's Captain - Jareth, Leonine Titan - Warchief Giant - Two-Headed Giant - Sun Titan

Most of these are worth running. I'll scope out the internet tomorrow to see if there are any winners that we missed.

JonoHardock on All Natural

6 years ago

Your curve as expected is super top heavy and you will usually be only be playing one threat a turn. Even though you are "Kaalia of the Vast-Ing" you may not want your top curve to swamp you. This was the challenge I Had with my old Jarad deck.

Being able to play a 2 drop and a 4 drop instead may be better than having 4 six drops in hand.

Answers to Board wipes I believe are a major concern for this deck. I would recommend Vexing Shusher for Heroic Intervention

Zetalpa, Primal Dawn is not power 5 or greater, you could go for Spearbreaker Behemoth If you like board wipe resiliency.

Ramp package is great although Thunderherd Migration could be replaced with Harrow for Instant speed better fixing.

Explore could be the new Broken Bond from the new set. Even better It could be a Wayward Swordtooth. You could even consider a 37th land instead.

Where Ancients Tread for Warstorm Surge? Hits power 4 or less.

Garruk's Packleader can easily replaced with Elemental Bond to keep the curve down and start drawing cards sooner.

Additional Cards to consider.

Armada Wurm

Kalemne's Captain is Bonkers good hate.

Siege Behemoth for those pesky token blockers

Worldspine Wurm

Let me know if any of it was any help.

ironman595 on Gisela's Army

6 years ago

I like the deck over all. I think it's pretty neat that your deck has an underlying "angel tribal" sub-theme to it. If you would like to expand that theme a bit then you could focus on more tribal synergies as well, like adding Bruna, the Fading Light and Herald of War. Also in your cat deck you have Herald's Horn and Urza's Incubator which I believe are better suited for this deck.

The big problem I am seeing with this deck overall is that your instants and sorcerys are a bit lacking, especially for red white, and your creature mana curve is really high. Some of the mana problems go away with the amount of rocks you run and if you switch to tribal angels you can use the artifacts and Herald of War to alleviate that a bit. Another problem is that most of your lands enter tapped.

To fix these things you could do as such (if you have the money or desire to):

-Desolation Giant (you're better off with a normal wrath)

-Jareth, Leonine Titan (doesn't have flying or reach which makes him worse)

-Kalemne's Captain (to much mana. If you have enough to monstrous, play an angel)

-Warchief Giant (this card is great, but you might want Angelic Skirmisher or Aegis Angel instead. Up to you really)

-Ancient Amphitheater (you wont be running enough giants for this to be worth it)

-Some of the cycling lands. You don't need 5. (probably Drifting Meadow & Smoldering Crater)

-Comeuppance (4 drop instant is a lot in this deck)

-Manabarbs (I like the idea, but you will need to tap many more lands than anyone else)

-Boros Keyrune (Boros Cluestone is better & it isn't worth 3 mana)

-Loxodon Warhammer (Great card, but not really useful in this high cost deck)

-Tamiyo's Journal (Too slow for this deck)

-Whispersilk Cloak (Most of your creatures already have flying)

+Bruna, the Fading Light

+Herald of War

+Angelic Skirmisher

+Generator Servant (Good mana + haste, and Sun Titan target)

+Path of Ancestry

+Hanweir Battlements (haste is good, enters untapped, don't need but could add Hanweir Garrison if you want to)

+Seraph Sanctuary (life gain is nice & angel synergy)

+Deflecting Palm (just a better Comeuppance)

+Defy Death (5 mana for an angel)

+Marshal's Anthem (anthems and brings back a bunch of creatures)

+Herald's Horn

+Urza's Incubator

+Quicksilver Amulet or Belbe's Portal (removes mana cost problem)

Other cards you might want to think about:There are plenty of other possible angels to add. The list is to big to add here, so look online if you are interested.

Path to Exile is great if you have a spare.

Wear is good, but it's a couple bucks.

Chaos Warp would be a must add if it wasn't $3.

Wraths are good at slowing down the game for you to catch up. Cards like Hour of Revelation, Day of Judgment, Blasphemous Act, Descend upon the Sinful, Rout, and Fumigate are all pretty good examples.

Vandalblast is a good artifact wrath.

Other Tribal artifacts like Door of Destinies & Vanquisher's Banner work nice too.

Kindred Boon might be a sweet enchantment to check out.

Gratuitous Violence is right up this decks ally.

Berserkers' Onslaught is pretty cool as well.

Hope this helped.

Allethuz on Kalemne's Giant Clan

7 years ago

Savage Beating, Feudkiller's Verdict, Mother of Runes, Tenza, Godo's Maul, Bastion Protector, Tectonic Rift, Crush Underfoot, Bearer of the Heavens, Quarry Colossus, Kalemne's Captain, Sigarda's Aid would be good good options to consider; but they all depend on how tribal you want your deck to be or how commander centered you want it to play as. A deck like this was the first one I made, a giant exclusive tribal deck. But that was my playstyle and likes, it all depends on how you like your game to run!

Gadianten on Odric, lunarch marshal/EDH

7 years ago

I like the general beat down premise of the deck although I feel some of the soldier choices are sub optimal such as Abzan Skycaptain. I am guessing by the number of more recently released soldiers that your collection is fairly new and that you are working with what you have. With that in mind I have compiled some categories for soldiers you may wish to consider in the future for roles in the deck.

General Combat value soldiers: Aerial Responder, Bastion Protector, Fabled Hero, Fencing Ace, Gustcloak Savior, Kazandu Blademaster, Odric, Master Tactician. Bastion Protector is HIGHLY advised if you can as it makes your creature board indestructible with your commander out in combat. I would also recommend in general using creatures that are inexpensive and provide two or more useful keywords, although double strike is powerful enough to warrant use by itself I feel.

Token generators: Darien, King of Kjeldor, Brimaz, King of Oreskos, Lieutenants of the Guard, Patrol Signaler, Precinct Captain. Soldiers tend to die pretty quickly with the eldritch abominations that frequent commander and especially when board wipes abound so I would recommend increasing the solider token generation of the deck to ensure a capable offense. Darien has recently been changed to a solider and so could fit the deck pretty well.

Utility: Catapult Master, Catapult Squad, Aegis of the Gods, Intrepid Hero, Kalemne's Captain. Flexibility can be pretty useful for survival in commander and I feel these offer some flexibility without impacting the raw offensive capabilities of the deck much.

Hate Effects: Loxodon Gatekeeper, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Thalia, Heretic Cathar. Although not necessary there are a few tax and hate effects in solider tribal if you ever wanted to branch out in that direction but I feel its better to go all in or not at all with hate effects, however these are some of those options.

Anthem/Discount: Daru Warchief, Field Marshal. I don't think the field marshal is probably worth it but I would recommend the Warchief as its a discount AND anthem effect in one for a reason cost.

Card advantage: Enlistment Officer, Mentor of the Meek, Palace Sentinels, Preeminent Captain, Ranger of Eos, Recruiter of the Guard, Relic Seeker. Card advantage will make or break you in commander while I think all these are worthy inclusions I can not state strongly enough how much you need Mentor of the Meek, with Elspeth he is pay three mana draw three cards and most solider cards will trigger his ability. Monarch will also net you a card at the end of your turn and with your solider army the odds of you getting hit for combat damage and losing monarch are fairly slim and easy to get back if you do.

Life Gain: Soldier of the Pantheon. I personally think your life gain should be left to equipment with life link since if your deck is doing its job its going to be most people hiding behind creatures from you, but here is a tribal life gain creature.

Equipment Choices: Basilisk Collar, Chariot of Victory, Batterskull, Lightning GreavesThese were some equipment I thought might fit the deck well and tried to aim for equipment that would add two or more keywords, Lightning Greaves are worth adding for the haste and free equip cost in my opinion.

Enchantments: Dictate of Heliod, Cathars' Crusade. I would not advise going for the heroic mechanic with auras as the deck seems to have difficulty with card advantage currently and you are setting your self up for two for one losses to removal, with that in mind I recommend these solid anthem effects.

Card draw: Mind's Eye, Staff of Nin, Skullclamp. You will find card draw to be quite tricky in white so I have compiled a few non creature draw engines for you to consider, I recommend adding all of them as you can never really have enough card draw, just ask a blue player.

In the future I would recommend adding 5-8 enchant/artifact destruction spells, especially artifacts, as creature strategies can be easily disrupted or fall victim to combos and your deck has almost no ways to stop such things currently. Look forward to seeing how this evolves in the future.

jstroud08 on Athreos, Enchantress

7 years ago

Merciless Eviction was the only card i was worried about when i was building this list. Kalemne's Captain is also a threat but i rarely see her, and can be prepared before she activates

j1h7e7 on True Immortality aka the Ultimate …

8 years ago

saj0219 yes, the idea is you start with narset's emblem on the board, you don't even need narset to still be alive. Kalemne's Captain doesn't work due to Null Rod. Aethersquall Ancient is also an activated ability. False Prophet is blocked by Rest in Peace since death is defined as moving from the battlefield to the graveyard.

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