Fabled Hero

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fabled Hero

Creature — Human Soldier

Double strike

Heroic -- Whenever you cast a spell that targets Fabled Hero, put a +1/+1 counter on Fabled Hero.

SolaceEntity on Boros Heroic

2 months ago

I'd add Fabled Hero to this deck. Yes he's a 3 cast but you can get him out turn 3 and buff him enough to have a turn 4 win.

CandiedRats on White Heroic deck

1 year ago

It looks like you’re going for a budget deck. A budget upgrade would be replacing x4 Plains with x4 Flagstones of Trokair These will help thin your deck out in mid to late game.

Fabled Hero also seems a little slow to run as a 4 of. A little more pricey upgrade would be replacing it with x4 Kor Spiritdancer adding card advantage from cast triggers of auras. She’s not heroic, but her ability feels similar.

Livewire Lash is another cut. I think the “shock” effect can be useful, but cards like Hyena Umbra, Sentinel's Eyes, Ethereal Armor would all be choice upgrades as a x1, x2, or x3 of any combination in its place.

Past that a sideboard can be extremely useful in modern. A fairly standard sideboard for the current meta that is fairly budget is.

4x Mana Tithe 4x Pithing Needle 4x Damping Sphere 3x Tormod's Crypt Or 3x Stone of Erech

Hope any of these suggestions helped!

wallisface on White Heroic deck

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • Livewire Lash does nothing for your here - equipment won’t trigger your creatures as paying an equip cost is not “a spell targeting a creature”. Added to that this card is pretty weak anyway.

  • you have way too many creatures for a deck that cares about spells - i’d be ditching Dawnbringer Charioteers and Fabled Hero at the very least.

  • you currently have almost no way to mess with the opponents board state, which puts you in a really dangerous position, as your deck is slow and they’ll just be able to overwhelm you. I’d suggest at least 8 cards being dedicated to removal.

Macaronigrill5150 on Heroic Test Build

1 year ago

thegreatgodloki well Sunbaked Canyon costs 18 dollars, I'm going for more of a budget deck, but I will think about it. As for Satyr Hoplite not too sure I have Favored Hoplite and Fabled Hero has proved to be pretty useful, as a distraction, or damage. but I will put it in my sideboard and give it a shot. Thanks for the suggestions and the upvote!

Crow_Umbra on

1 year ago

Happy to see your take on Katilda & Lier. I was thinking they could make for a cool Heroic commander for stuff like Fabled Hero and company, since most of them were Humans in Bant colors. Basically a nostalgia idea, since one of my first decks was a GW Heroic Humans deck back in like 2013-14.

I'm currently working on Slimefoot and Squee as a Saproling/Goblin Tribal/combo amalgamation that still needs some polishing before publicly publishing.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Chance for Glory!

2 years ago

I do love a glass cannon! A couple of ideas that came to mind for additional buffs were Kiln Fiend and Fabled Hero. Kiln Fiend doesn't fit the soldier sub-theme, but can get big quickly and the low toughness is less of a cooncern with Chance for Glory. Fabled Hero is a soldier, that can get pretty big, and the double strike is a nice finisher if you can get it trample (or clear the way).

I hope that helps! Good luck with the deck!

sameraii007 on Equipment Deck

2 years ago

I recommend Phalanx Leader Fabled Hero mostly with Auras, Instants, and Sorceries. For draw, I recommend Towashi Guide-Bot Puresteel Paladin Akiri, Fearless Voyager Sword of Fire and Ice and maybe Skullclamp

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Aggressive Auras - $30 Budget Build

4 years ago

Nice deck (+1), have you considered Archon of Sun's Grace? It is pretty cheap and might be a better alternative to Ajani's Chosen in the sideboard as the tokens have evasion. Also Favored of Iroas seems better than the Fabled Hero in the maybe board as it does the same thing, but you don't have to target him. Hope this helps.

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