Quarry Colossus

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Quarry Colossus

Creature — Giant

When Quarry Colossus enters the battlefield, put target creature into its owner's library just beneath the top X cards of that library, where X is the number of Plains you control.

Optimator on Giant's Deck

4 years ago

Some more giants that are worth considering:

Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas - Kalemne is bae, but I'm biased.

Realm-Cloaked Giant - this card is mandatory.

Hundred-Handed One

Quarry Colossus - this one is passable.

Grasping Giant - I love this one--just put it in my Giant deck

Oathsworn Giant - Good utility if you are wanting to swing out every turn

Swathcutter Giant - I actually kinda like this one a lot.

Sentinel of the Eternal Watch -

Taurean Mauler - one of the best giants, sadly

Bonecrusher Giant - pretend you're terrorizing Standard!

Arbiter of Knollridge - gimmicky but fun.

Boldwyr Intimidator - I have one in my Warrior deck. Very funny card. Not exactly a powerhouse at 7CMC but the unblockable aspect could win a game here and there.

Siegebreaker Giant - Pretty good for 5 mana IMO

Non-Boros Giants Show

One thing that's tricky with Giants is that they are traditionally commons and uncommons; usually rare large red creatures are Dragons. As such, many giants are pretty low-impact or poor deals for their mana (think of the classic Hill Giant). There are enough good ones to fill out a deck, though, but you gotta hunt for them.

Xenkay on Light & Fire

5 years ago

Welcome in Magic! For the beginning, I would recommend to bring more consistency to your deck. Think about which creatures do you really need and how many you want of them. Against your sisters black-murder decks, I would advise to have a look on Gods Willing and Nahiri, Storm of Stone to answer her deathtouch. You could cut Benalish Cavalry , Nightguard Patrol , Quarry Colossus and Skyline Scout and reduce your deck total to 60 with around 22-24 lands.

Allethuz on Kalemne's Giant Clan

7 years ago

Savage Beating, Feudkiller's Verdict, Mother of Runes, Tenza, Godo's Maul, Bastion Protector, Tectonic Rift, Crush Underfoot, Bearer of the Heavens, Quarry Colossus, Kalemne's Captain, Sigarda's Aid would be good good options to consider; but they all depend on how tribal you want your deck to be or how commander centered you want it to play as. A deck like this was the first one I made, a giant exclusive tribal deck. But that was my playstyle and likes, it all depends on how you like your game to run!

flapjackwars on Mayael is too balls deep

8 years ago

I still find Mayael the Anima incredibly effective but I view my Mayael deck differently from others in two ways: I try to curve out aggressively, and I see the deck as playing the control role. There are a lot of underplayed dorks that when cast on turn 2 let you activate Mayael on turn 4. Obviously Bloom Tender and Sol Ring are the best ones, but Joraga Treespeaker, Devoted Druid, Priest of Titania, Scorned Villager  Flip, Thran Turbine, and Lotus Cobra with a fetchland can all do the same thing. And you also get to play Gamble, Worldly Tutor, Sylvan Tutor, and Enlightened Tutor which can be cast on turn 1 to set up the dork on turn 2. I consider these cards to be the strongest ramp spells in Mayael for this reason, and though they compound your weakness to boardwipes, you can get around this by playing more anti-wipe cards which fit the theme well anyway.

You mentioned that removal was a problem which leads me to believe that Mother of Runes is the most obvious fit in the deck. I also personally love Ghostway and Eerie Interlude as they can even stymie GW's worst enemies, Toxic Deluge and Cyclonic Rift. Then there's Dauntless Escort, which can get flashed into play off a Woodland Bellower. Bellower is an amazing card in the deck as it can find Rec Sage, Escort, or Eternal Witness at instant speed, or just find the Fauna Shaman that gets you to your Seedborn Muse or transmutes your unwieldy 10-drops into castables. Having the Bellower and Ghostway effects alongside the usual indestructable/hexproof granting creatures is a ton of extra protection, though granted, if Mayael is getting killed on entry, these cards aren't necessarily going to save you. If that's the case, I'd still recommend the tutor package, but maybe the fast mana dorks aren't as necessary as things like Selfless Spirit and more creature tutors. Curving out more gradually and letting other players present pressing threats, then sneaking Mayael in after the attention has been taken away, might be the way to go about it. Winding Canyons is good in these situations as it's something like a haste enabler but makes it more likely that you're able to activate Mayael thanks to your untap step.

I think a lot of your creature choices are solid, but I think you could go even further on cards that police the boardstate. Both Dromokas, Iroas, Avenger of Zendikar, Scourge of the Throne, Stalking Vengeance, Thunderfoot Baloth, Utvara Hellkite, Xenagos, and Vigor all seem unnecessarily combat-focused. I figure that if you're actually getting away with resolving Mayael's ability, you'll probably end up with the biggest creature on the field anyway. Myojin of Night's Web, Steel Hellkite, Yosei, and Paleoloth seem a bit too optimistic and possibly too easy to disrupt. Dragonlord Atarka, Quarry Colossus, Boros Battleshaper, and Admonition Angel are some more options for instant-speed removal off of Marchesa. Chancellor of the Annex, Void Winnower, and Blazing Archon are good options for locking out your opponents and these cards make it tougher to lose. It's also nice to have a decent amount of 6 mana fatties. Since your deck is built to get to 6 mana reliably, any decent creature at around that number serves as a backup plan if Mayael herself is getting hated out. I find this backup plan to be much better than trying to cheat in creatures or ramp until you're naturally casting them. Sun Titan, Inferno Titan, Ulvenwald Hydra, and Bane of Progress complement your already solid array of 6-mana creatures.

Lastly, I'd like to offer a suggestion about noncreature spells. I find that most noncreatures above 3 cmc are not justifiable in this deck as it's rarely worth taking a turn off the Mayael plan. I also think that this deck benefits from cheap removal spells which work hand in hand with a flash control style gameplan. And being in Naya gives you some of the best blowout spells and most efficient removal. I run Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Beast Within, Chaos Warp, Council's Judgment, Grasp of Fate, Song of the Dryads, Subterranean Tremors, Vandalblast, Aura Shards, Aura of Silence, and Bane of Progress to hate out artifacts, enchantments, and problem creatures. I would probably cut all of your noncreature spells besides Sylvan Library, Sol Ring, Lurking Predators, and Defense of the Heart and make room for more such removal cards and tutors. The control plan is a pretty viable backup plan in this deck, allowing you to fight through targeted hate.

Mayael is a lot of fun and it'd be a shame to have to shelf her, so I hope this helps your deck be a little more potent.

KindredDiscovery on Mayael EDH Primer

8 years ago

@thewyzman: I like Aegis Angel. An evasive body that protects your biggest asset? Solid. Quarry Colossus is less exciting, particularly considering that you often won't have more than 2-3 Plains out at any given time.

thewyzman on Mayael EDH Primer

8 years ago

I've also decided to run my Mayael deck at instant speed, making cards like Aegis Angel and even Quarry Colossus mildly relevant as ETB responses. The drawbacks are once they're down, they're not much of a threat and don't necessarily help your board state outside of their ETB effect. Ever consider these to fit the responsive playstyle?

RandyRanderson on Good for yoooooouuuu!!!!!!

9 years ago

First off, your removal is god awful. If you're paying more than 2-3 to destroy something, you're doing it wrong. More Valorous Stance and Celestial Flare, maybe Swift Reckoning or Immolating Glare if you really need more removal.

Secondly, don't play Take Up Arms. More Secure the Wastes if you really want tokens, but I don't know why you'd want that. You also have 3 cards not standard: Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Griffin Sentinel, and Quarry Colossus.

Erase and Fate Forgotten need to be in sideboard for sure.

If you're gonna play Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, you NEED ALLIES!!!!!!

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