Dream Pillager

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dream Pillager

Creature — Dragon


Whenever Dream Pillager deals combat damage to a player, exile that many cards from the top of your library. Until end of turn, you may cast spells from among those exiled cards.

debuf on infinite rats

1 year ago

ok, I just play against my friend with the dragon deck and I think it might need some more mana producers or cheap fear.

His commander is Atarka, World Render, and here are some cards that I now know are in his deck: Foe-Razer Regent, Furnace Whelp, Rapacious Dragon, Atarka Monument, Frontier Siege, Vandalblast, Sweltering Suns, Talisman of Impulse, Akoum Hellkite, Harbinger of the Hunt, Dream Pillager, Sol Ring, Dragonmaster Outcast, Dragonspeaker Shaman, Savage Ventmaw, Dragonlord's Servant, Tyrant's Familiar, Thunderbreak Regent, and Drakuseth, Maw of Flames.

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Deckhand Engineer

Creature - Human Artificer

Artifact spells you cast and equip costs you control are each reduced by . This ability can't reduce them to below .

Crew costs you control are reduced by 1. This can't reduce a crew cost below 1.

, Discard two artifacts, : Transform Deckhand Engineer.


Deckhand Abomination

Creature - Horror

Menace, deathtouch, lifelink

When Deckhand Abomination is turned face up, destroy any number of creatures with total power X or less.


I'm looking to replace Dream Pillager because it's too damn costly and slow. 7 mana, wait a turn, hold up mana through combat, connect, exile top 4 and THEN I get to cast something?

Make a newer Dream Pillager that isn't so damn cumbersome.

Halflingz on Ilharg

4 years ago

Cards up for consideration: Getting carried away looking at ETB creatures! Sneak Attack, Dragon Mage, Strionic Resonator, Scourge of the Throne, Balefire Dragon, Combustible Gearhulk, Dockside Extortionist, Fanatic of Mogis, Godo, Bandit Warlord Burning Sun's Avatar, Hoarding Dragon, Molten Primordial, Ox of Agonas, Terror of Mount Velus, Thunder Dragon, Dream Pillager, Grenzo, Havoc Raiser, Hellkite Tyrant, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker(This one goes infinite with Zealous Conscripts so that may be out...) Ricardo mentioned these ones Cavalier of Flame, Fires of Invention, Purphoros, God of the Forge

Doesn't seem like you need a ton more draw cause you get to reuse creatures, but these were mentioned too if you do. Wheel of Fortune, Reforge the Soul, Magus of the Wheel, Wheel of Fate

Izu_Korasu on Dragon Knights

5 years ago

you may be better off pretending its a mono-white deck with Khorvath Brightflame at the helm. Which isnt that far off from the list -the few bulk dragons.

It may be tedious, but adding lands will help immensely, both from a "commander decks with partner have a 98 card deck" stance, but also help you tune the manabase to fit your curve and deckoverall.

budget knights like Benalish Marshal , Kabira Vindicator , Lightwielder Paladin , Riftmarked Knight , and Valiant Knight may be taking a look at, as are some less budget like Knight Exemplar or Kinsbaile Cavalier

if you are interested in more dragons, Ancestor Dragon , Scalelord Reckoner , Sunscorch Regent , Dream Pillager , Moltensteel Dragon and Tyrant's Familiar may be a good starting point.

i would also consider cards like Sigiled Sword of Valeron , Gideon's Phalanx , Militant Angel , Waylay or cards like Changeling Hero

that all being said, best of luck in completing the deck .... i may have to built a KNIGHT deck now (with a dragon commander)

Nevinyrral_Mayor_of_Urborg on Bloaty the Pizza Hog

5 years ago

ScreamingHydra I think you are right. I dont like it but right is right. I'll swap it for Dream Pillager to get a damage trick but open for suggestions lol

xcver on Sylvia & Khorvath - Mother of Dragons

6 years ago

So, landwise I do not like the Valakut, and would recommend either Haven of the Spirit Dragon, Flamekin Village or an Utility land like Buried Ruin. Also not a fan of Brave the Sands and Dowsing Dagger. just too cute for me. Still a fan of Scroll Rack when you play Land Tax though :)

Creaturewise I think Dragonmaster Outcast is just too low impact, also Moonveil Dragon and Skyship Stalker are a bit weak. Even though Dragonspeaker Outcast provides great ramp I am struggling with that one. There are a few dragons which merit further exploration I think, but can depend on what you are facing.

Thunderbreak Regent (A rattlesnake and nicely costed)

Thundermaw Hellkite (can clear the way for your non-trampling attack)

Scourge of the Throne (it is perfectly easy to get an additional attack out of this at least once)

Rimescale Dragon (would require moving to snow lands, a bit clunky manawise)

Kilnmouth Dragon (good utility dragon, but with the nr. of dragons you are running may be awkward)

Hellkite Charger (additional attacks? would pair nicely with neheb :)

Flameblast Dragon (no need to hit a player to dish out damage)

Wardscale Dragon (defense during your attack)

Nesting Dragon (The egg tokens are a good thing against board wipes)

Some Card Draw Dragons

Hoarding Dragon (Without the ability to misuse the ability may be a bit weak)

Eternal Dragon (more slow moving)

Dream Pillager (good effect, setup to high maybe)

Skyline Despot (well draws at least one cards and monarch makes stuff move)

Runehorn Hellkite (this one I really like. Usable EOT before you have your turn makes this really good)

ersatz_olorin on

6 years ago

you could add Dragon Broodmother, Dream Pillager, Glorybringer, or Hellkite Charger

Lot of fun options for Dragons

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