
A more competitive version of my Zacama, Primal Calamity deck, which can be found at:

Zacama, Primal Calamity

This version cuts out a lot of the extraneous cards like Xenagos, God of Revels and Wayward Swordtooth that don't win the game out right, and instead opts for the combos of Eternal Scourge + Food Chain or Food Chain + Squee, the Immortal to generate infinite creature mana. From there, you can cast Zacama an infinite number of times. Depending on what you have on board, that may be enough to kill the table. Infinite creature mana also lets you cast an infinitely large Walking Ballista , or play a Purphoros, God of the Forge .

Zacama also acts as a filter that translates Food Chain mana into regular mana with the ETB trigger of untapping your lands. From there, you can use whatever method you need to draw into a win condition. With access to numerous draw spells, it should be a simple enough task.

Protection comes in the forms of either Defense Grid or Grand Abolisher to shut your opponents down while it's your turn, or using Pyroblast and Guttural Response to interact with counters.


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