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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Destroy target artifact.

legendofa on What's the difference between lithomancy …
2 years ago
Pre-completion Nahiri, the Lithomancer is described as having special power over stone and metal, often using that to create stone and metal blades.
Koth of the Hammer is a geomancer, manipulating stone and heat as it relates to lava. Thanks to being born on Mirrodin, he's able to use this to purify and heat metal.
It seems like the difference between their respective abilities is mostly semantic. Both of them are shown using rocks, metal, and heat as weapons and armor. About the only differences I see are that Nahiri has manipulated worked stone, while Koth has only used raw stone, and that Koth goes bigger scale with landslides and eruptions while Nahiri mostly focuses on smaller-scale shaping and crafting. This appears to be mostly preference, though, with Nahiri's Lithoforming, Nahiri, Storm of Stone, Smelt, and Darksteel Plate.
GodOfBullshit on
Budget Dargo
2 years ago
-1 Smelt
Honestly a direct upgrade, but have to be careful because you aren't sacrificing the artifact, it's being destroyed.
immakinganezehaldeck on
Anje Reanimator (Casual CEDH)
2 years ago
11/23/22 - Madness update
I'm really low on madness cards. Needs to be far higher for an anje deck.
Emergence Zone - adds a lot of sorcery speed options into gorger loop
Cloudstone Curio - infinite mana combo with Dockside + a creature iff dockside makes enough mana to cast both.
Revolutionist - if in gorger loop, can loop instants (and sorceries if anje is there too.)
Alms of the Vein - sorcery for above
Fiery Temper - instant for above
Violent Eruption - instant for above
Distemper of the Blood - can also get looped with Revolutionist
Hell Mongrel - discard outlet WITH MADNESS
Bag of Holding - Shadow of the Grave effect
Asylum Visitor - madness
Kitchen Imp - madness
Bloodhall Priest - madness and etb trigger that kills with gorger
Terminal Agony - madness
Necrogoyf - madness
Malevolent Whispers - madness
Removed most end game threats + interaction that didn't have madness, since madness tech needs to be there in high density and the deck can win through that stuff mainly.
trippy_mcfly on
Cumly Cube
2 years ago
Introducing Cumly Cube 1.1! 6 months ago, Cumly Cube was launched to resounding approval. However, in response to feedback from fans, several cards in the pool were deemed unplayable, uninteresting, or overpowered. For Cumly Cube's six month anniversary, I have chosen to update the card pool. Here are the changes, provided with brief justifications:
- Abomination: too weak in power level
- Anger of the Gods: while board wipes are an essential part of the game, this card is too simple in effect in comparison to other red board wipes in the card pool
- Birthing Pod: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
- Black Dragon: too weak in power level
- Black Lotus: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
- Bloodcurdling Scream: too weak in power level
- Cavalier of Night: too on-theme for a black card
- Cinderclasm: while board wipes are an essential part of the game, this card is too simple in effect in comparison to other red board wipes in the card pool
- Dack Fayden: too powerful
- District Guide: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
- Dockside Extortionist: too strong in multiplayer games considering the dominance of the "treasure matters" archetype in this card pool
- Dread Reaper: too weak in power level
- Edric, Spymaster of Trest: too powerful
- Eviscerator: too weak in power level
- Grim Strider: too weak in power level
- Hypnox: too weak in power level
- Jungle Creeper: too weak in power level
- Mind Bomb: too weak in power level
- Mox Emerald: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
- Mox Jet: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
- Mox Pearl: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
- Mox Ruby: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
- Mox Sapphire: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
- Nicol Bolas, the Deceiver
: too weak in power level
- Nix: too weak in power level
- Obelisk of Alara: too weak in power level
- Patagia Golem: too weak in power level
- Phantasmagorian: too weak in power level
- Prismite: too weak in power level
- Rootcoil Creeper: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
- Shattering Blow: too strong of an answer to the artifact archetype
- Shatterskull Smashing Flip: MDFCs are interesting cards, but it does not make sense to have only one in the card pool
- Smelt: too strong of an answer to the artifact archetype
- Smog Elemental: too weak in power level
- Spirit of the Night: too weak in power level
- Storm Spirit: too weak in power level
- Tibalt's Trickery: introduces too much variance for an enjoyable experience
- Unholy Strength: too weak in power level
- Vampiric Link: too on-theme for a black card
- Wooded Bastion: this was included on error instead of its Golgari counterpart
- Alpha Authority: an interesting enchantment that should help protect large creatures
- Archfiend of Spite: a strong value play or reanimation target for black, which was deemed the lowest in power level upon initial testing
- Blade Splicer: works well with the artifact and golem archetypes, plus is a human for tribal matters cards
- Chillbringer: works well with the blue aggro archetype, plus is an elemental for tribal matters cards
- Comet Storm: an interesting damage spell that will be replacing more typical red board wipes
- Crippling Chill: works well with the disruptive blue plan
- Darksteel Forge: a strong payoff for the artifact archetype
- Diabolic Tutor: a solid addition to black
- Distant Melody: a strong value play for tribal decks
- Door of Destinies: another tribal matters card
- Dread Presence: a solid addition to black
- Flashfreeze: a conditional counter spell
- Funeral Rites: a solid addition to black
- Golem Foundry: works well with the artifact and golem archetypes
- Gyruda, Doom of Depths: companions are now part of the card pool! This one fits well with the reanimation archetype
- Icehide Golem: works well with the artifact and golem archetypes
- Illuminated Folio: an artifact draw engine, common in this card pool
- In Bolas's Clutches: a strong and fun card
- Infernal Contract: a solid addition to black
- Jegantha, the Wellspring: this companion is an elemental for tribal matters cards
- Keruga, the Macrosage: this companion is an incentive to play with some of the clunkier but more fun cards in the cube
- Kokusho, the Evening Star: a solid addition to black and a dragon for tribal matters cards
- Lifecrafter's Bestiary: a strong draw engine for green creature decks, an archetype not well supported in this card pool
- Loyal Retainers
: works well with the reanimate archetype, plus is a human for tribal matters cards
- Mindleech Mass: a strong reanimation target and payoff for black decks, plus is a horror for tribal matters cards
- Moldervine Reclamation: a strong draw engine and another enabler for lifegain decks
- Monastery Mentor: a strong payoff for prowess decks, an archetype not well supported in this card pool
- Morophon, the Boundless: another tribal matters card
- Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh: a strong card used to bolster Grixis in the card pool
- Pact of the Serpent: a strong value play for tribal decks
- Retrofitter Foundry: works well with the artifact archetype
- Skeletal Wurm: a strong reanimation target and payoff for black decks
- Sludge Monster: a good creature that works very well with Toxrill, the Corrosive, plus is a horror for tribal matters cards
- Sorin's Vengeance: a payoff for black that may add diversity to deck archtypes
- Soul Foundry: yet another artifact engine that is a major part of this card pool
- Storm the Vault Flip: this card was meant to be included in the pool originally for the "treasure matters archetype"
- Teferi, Timebender
: another Teferi planeswalker, included mainly to justify the continued inclusion of Teferi's Sentinel
- Time Elemental: a soft lock with Stasis and also a good interactive card for blue decks
- Torgaar, Famine Incarnate: a strong reanimation target and payoff for black decks
- Twilight Mire: this card was meant to be included in the pool originally and is good fixing for Golgari, a color combination encouraged in this pool
- Worldfire: a very wacky card that is the epitome of Cumly Cube
KBK7101 on
Feldon of the Third Path - Loran's Smile (v1.4)
2 years ago
Not gonna lie, I forgot that Homeward Path existed. lol Definitely worth considering.
I wasn't too keen on cutting Humble Defector. I didn't want to cut ramp or removal since I'm kind of light on both, but I agree that both cards you listed are a bit weak. I think Heraldic Banner might be the cut to make there.
Wheel of Misfortune has too much text and gives me a headache. That's why it's not included. lol I'm also not looking to mass fill my graveyard making it a prime Bojuka Bog (or similar) target. Just going for targeted discard at the moment.
Vandalblast is definitely the upgrade for Smelt. I have one in the Crimson Vow vampire precon I was gonna dismantle anyway.
Believe it or not, I was actually thinking of adding in Caged Sun a few days ago. I think Gauntlet of Power might be the one I add in.
Chandra, Torch of Defiance is a card that I think I have two or three of and they all see use in other decks at the moment. I agree that it's not needed but definitely useful. I'll have to take a second look some time.
Dualcaster Mage is a super sneaky one. I'm more prone to the big, splashy play but I totally agree that the utility is there. Great suggestion!
Thanks for all the advice! Gonna have to take a another look at tweaking this deck soon.
golgarigirl on
Spellslinger Deck
2 years ago
Step 1 was strategy. Step 2 is wincon. If we're going for Niv/Curiosity combo as a main win, with a self-mill backup, we want as many cards to enable those as possible. Is there any other way to duplicate these effects in your deck in case your opponents blow one up? For Curiosity effects, I would add in Tandem Lookout. Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind is just like your commander's ability. They are the only two with that draw effect, but Brallin, Skyshark Rider Flip (not a flip card, by the way) and Glint-Horn Buccaneer can pair with any Curiosity effect during your discard phase, if you have more than 7 cards in hand, to do what Niv does (though this makes cards that give you no maximum hand size, like Spellbook and Wizard Class bad, if you want to use these as backups...not saying you have to, just an idea). Finally Laboratory Maniac is another Jace. Reminder that if your deck is going to rely on a combo wincon, you are announcing the deck's weak point from the start. So the deck needs to focus a lot of energy on defending that weak point.
A few other cards I'm going to single out: Crackling Drake, Convolute, Inescapable Blaze, Smelt, Capture Sphere, Enthralling Hold, Fissure Vent - see if you can figure out why I may be picking on these.
legendofa on Which spell types affects what …
3 years ago
By "normal destroy target creature" I assume you mean something like Murder. A card with the phrase "destroy target" can kill anything that fits the requirements. Krydle of Baldur's Gate is has the Creature type, so it can be killed by Murder. It can't be killed by Doom Blade, for example, because it isn't a nonblack creature.
The common mnemonic for how protection is helps is the word DEBT. A creature with protection can't be Damaged, Enchanted or Equipped, Blocked, or Targeted by any card effect it has protection from. One important note is that this doesn't protect against "Destroy all" effects like Wrath of God; those will still kill a creature with protection.
Similar to answer 1, a destroy effect can affect anything that fits its requirements. Smelt can destroy a generic artifact, an artifact creature, an equipment, or anything else that has Artifact in its type line.