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Monstrous Flap Lizards

Commander / EDH




  • 17/01/2018: First draft of deck


Greetings fellow magic players!

It has been quite a while since I played magic, I gave it up many moons ago, due to moving and a lack of people to play with. Recently, however, a group of friends in similar situations (and a newcomer) have expressed interest in playing magic once more, mostly due to the Commander 2017 set and the EDH format in general. Especially since we'll be playing casually, meaning we can all maintain as little as 1 deck should we not feel like splurging a whole wad of cash on our rekindled love for magic.

As for myself, I've always loved tribal decks in magic as well as the dragons. Hence, picking up the Commander 2017: Draconic Dominion deck was a no-brainer. This will likely be my one and only deck, allowing me to invest in it as the years go by and modify it here and there. Dragons always get some love from wizards, seeing a lot of prints as sets go by and Draconic Dominion is a 5-color deck, offering me plenty of options and strategies should I wish to run a different commander or gameplan.

I'll be keeping and maintaining this page as I play and modify the deck. Be sure to check the top for the changelog to see when it was last updated.

Input and feedback

I'll be checking this page on a regular bases and I'm always open and even looking for input and feedback from the community. It's been years since I played so every little bit helps!

Starting off

Holy cow does this deck come with a lot of options to choose from! My first conundrum was determining which commander to use, so I could start thinking further along the line and build upon what was included within the starter deck. It wasn't an easy choice but I narrowed it down to The Ur-Dragon vs Scion of the Ur-Dragon.

Truth be told I'm still not 100% sure, I'm leaning towards The Ur-Dragon as that seems more fun in a casual playgroup than going the wombo combo Scion of the Ur-Dragon route. Will have to playtest both with the cards I currently own to see which of these suits me best. Opinions welcome!

As you can see I've already made a few modifications to the preconstructed deck with what little cards I had left lying around.

The first challenge will be constructing a better manabase on a budget x_x


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 0 Rares

29 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.48
Tokens Cat Dragon 3/3 BRG, Copy Clone, Dragon 4/4 R, Dragon 6/6 R
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