Fearsome Awakening

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fearsome Awakening


Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. If it's a Dragon, put two +1/+1 counters on it.

multimedia on Tiamat's Coven

3 years ago

Hey, well done for being new and knowing that you can still learn and improve your deck building.

Some cards within your budget to consider adding:

You have Old Gnawbone, Hellkite Charger is a combo with Gnawbone for infinite attacks as long as Charger can keep attacking you can keep paying seven mana with treasures to have another combat step. This combo uses Dragons as the win condition by attacking with Tiamat being a source of lethal Commander damage. Savage Ventmaw can make six mana when it attacks that can be used to pay for Charger, needing only one mana to have another attack which can result in having a lot of extra attacks on your turn each turn equal to the amount of untapped mana you have. Crux of Fate can wreck since it can destroy all nonDragon creatures your opponents control leaving only your Dragons alive to attack.

Temur Ascendancy does two things that are really good for Dragons, it's a haste enabler and repeatable draw whenever a Dragon ETB. Faeburrow Elder can tap for two mana, green and white, but if you control other colored permanents then it can tap for even more mana, up to tapping for five mana, one of each color. Fellwar Stone is another two drop rainbow mana rock.

Boros Charm at instant speed can protect all permanents you control from most removal including all your lands. Swords to Plowshares and Counterspell are staple single effect instant removal options. Blasphemous Act is really good in multiplayer Commander as a fail-safe/reset the battlefield of creatures and it's mana cost consistently can be reduced to only one red mana.

Patriarch's Bidding is among the most powerful reanimation effects for tribal, for five mana it reanimates all Dragons that are in your graveyard.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Temple of the False God is not a good land. My advice is cut it from all your decks, since you can't tap it for mana until you control five or more lands. If you have it in your opening hand then that hand is a mulligan and any land that does this shouldn't be used. Orb of Dragonkind can't tap to make mana to cast any nonDragon card or pay for anything else, there's better ramp options.

You're not going to be casting enough instant or sorceries in a turn to reduce the mana cost of Demilich much. Quad blue or triple blue mana cost is too difficult to make with this manabase without controlling Chromatic Lantern or The World Tree with five other lands. Velomachus Lorehold cares about cheating the mana cost of powerful 5 CMC or less instants and sorceries which you don't really have here or do you need to include since Dragons are the high CMC cards you want to cast. Casting a Crux of Fate for free would be nice, but even so I don't there's enough worth while instants or sorceries to make Velomachus worth playing.

Good luck with your deck.

triproberts12 on Let's talk Dragons, forgetting symbol:R.

4 years ago

There's enough decent non-red dragons at this point that I don't see the need to run a 4th color.

In Esper, Alela, Artful Provocateur is a weird kind of lord for all fliers, not just fae. Chromium, the Mutable is probably the best of the Esper dragon commanders, since his power aligns well with commander damage.

In Bant, Chulane, Teller of Tales is a pretty powerful ramp and draw engine for a creature-based strategy. The dragon options are... not great.

Teneb, the Harvester is the obvious choice for Abzan. Reanimator and graveyard strategies have good overlap with cards like Boneyard Scourge and Fearsome Awakening, so it's not a bad accompanying strategy.

Sultai doesn't really have great fits, as far as I can tell, but it's just overpowered in commander to the point of being a problem, so I'd say don't be part of the problem.

golgarigirl on

5 years ago

First of all, looking at it 'on paper', I don't know how this thing works, but it works! Here are my thoughts (whether they amount to anything or not is up to you...)

First, the curve on this is absurd, especially given the mana. Would some more mana production early game be helpful? I noticed the Sarkhan, Fireblood is missing, so it seems maybe not? Still, Faeburrow Elder seems like it might be a busted mana creature for the deck.

I would still look to sub more expensive reanimation for lower CMC reanimation...since then you can activate more other abilities, cast more spells, etc with your mana. Also, more versatile reanimation might be good, considering how often cards like your Sarkhans and your 'gateways' blown up. Perhaps think of replacing things like Fearsome Awakening and Unburial Rites with things like Animate Dead (only 2cmc, can take my things too) and Obzedat's Aid (gets your planeswalkers, artifacts, and enchants back), or even Beacon of Unrest.

Since you're a graveyard-centric deck, some things to salvage your graveyard in case someone decides they need to exile all your dragons might be in order. You have continuous effects like Reito Lantern or Bow of Nylea (bonus points for being cute with Balefire Dragon), or you can do something that serves multiple purpose like Perpetual Timepiece. Cauldron does this somewhat as well. Again, not sure how much of an issue this is.

A few cards I was unimpressed with: Verix Bladewing, Praetor's Council, Sarkhan, Dragonsoul, Darksteel Ingot, Mirror Gallery, Palace Siege, Ephemerate (for this one, I would personally go back to Cloudshift, so Dragonlord Silumgar can permanently steal a creature).

Some ideas: Temur Ascendancy, Assassin's Trophy/ Beast Within/ Generous Gift/ Anguished Unmaking (some very general target removal, hit anything really stupid that's bothering you), Dragonlord Atarka, Dragonlord Ojutai (I think you were working on getting Atarka...)

DomriKade on Black/Red Dragons

6 years ago

I love this idea! I actually began building a Dragon-based Modern deck when I started getting into the format and this looks a lot like where I started. I was initially on the RB plan since I had played a similar build in standard and Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury and her command were both fun cards to play. I personally found the Black to be pretty slow in my local meta. Nowadays I'm on this list using Green for ramp. Having the speedy option and having some relevant turn-one plays seemed like a strong option after some testing. Maybe there's a place for a Jund build?

On your maybeboard, Stormbreath Dragon is surprisingly resilient. I'm running all four in my build - try it out! If you're committed to Black, some number of one-mana hand disruption spells is probably correct. It's worthy finding the right balance between Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek. Fearsome Awakening is way too slow. I found Haven of the Spirit Dragon gives you some of that utility in your mana base.

Hexbringer0 on Dracarys: The Ur-Dragon

6 years ago

How about Living Death? It wrecks in my Ur deck Dragon-ball Supe-Ur! I'd run it over Fearsome Awakening in a heartbeat.

multimedia on Super Budget Dragon EDH Red/Black

7 years ago

Hey, very well built budget Dragon deck.

I have a few budget suggestions:

Exhume could replace Crucible of Fire. +3/+3 pump for Dragons is overkill. Turn one Faithless discard Utvara Hellkite turn two Exhume Hellkite. Reforge could replace Fearsome Awakening it's the worst of the high casting cost reanimation spells here. Having a wheel effect is good with the reanimation strategy.

Rakdos dual lands that ETB untapped. Cairns was just reprinted in Iconic Masters it's price is low. It's seems very good here with many double black and double red casting costs. 10x Swamps, Marsh and Slough is a fine number for Tainted Peak and it can still be tapped for colorless if no Swamp. Shadowblood is a Signet like land which is good.

Bog is an excellent black utility land, exiling an opponent's graveyard with a land is very helpful.

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