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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Search your library for a white card, a blue card, a black card, a red card, and a green card. Reveal those cards and put them into your hand. Then shuffle your library.

The5thHorseman on 5 Paths, Infinite Destinations.

8 months ago

NV_1980 I have been back and forth on things to cut and add in this deck including mana dorks. I would like to add one, if not both of them. Any suggestions on swaps? Currently the deck works on an Omniscience + Conflux line for an instant basically un-interactable win. I find value in almost every card at the moment so outside insight would be appreciated.

raincoat on G.I. Jo(dah)

1 year ago

Thoughts on Conflux? Can potentially be too slow, but I find it very useful for tutoring Omniscience & a bunch of other power cards.

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

1 year ago


Last game of the year! Sorry I've taken over your comment board, hope all these gameplay interactions help!

Opponents: Koma, Cosmos Serpent, Muldrotha, the Gravetide, Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools / Armix, Filigree Thrasher

Starting Hand: Marsh Flats, Plains, Sol Ring, Serra Ascendant, Serra Avenger, Court of Grace, Breathkeeper Seraph

T1 - Marsh Flats into Plains into Serra Ascendant

T2 - Plains into Sol Ring and Luminarch Ascension (drew into), swung in for 6 damage

T3 - Plains into Court of Grace, drew on endstep, swung in for another 6 damage

T4 - +1 Angel on upkeep, Plains into Giada, Font of Hope and held up mana to make 2 Angels, drew on endstep, swung in for another 6 damage

T5 - created 2 Angels (6 power & 7 power) on opponents end step, +1 Angel (8 power) on upkeep. Cast a Tome of Legends getting ready for the boardwipe. Swung in for 21 damage, drew on endstep.

T6 - nobody at the table had the boardwipe so I cleaned up next turn with Sigarda's Vanguard knocking out each other player simultaneously. I think this was the fastest this deck has ever performed in a 4-man pod and all the damage was dealt by me.

Opponents: Koma, Cosmos Serpent, Muldrotha, the Gravetide, Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools / Armix, Filigree Thrasher, O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami

Starting Hand: Windswept Heath, Arid Mesa, Plains, Bonders' Enclave, Serra Paragon, Gisela, the Broken Blade  Meld, Archangel of Thune

Thought about not including this one either as it was a slow hand and a fast game. Muldrotha comboed out turn 4 making 2 million squirrels and nobody had any interaction so we were dead on turn 5.

Opponents: Koma, Cosmos Serpent, Muldrotha, the Gravetide, Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools / Armix, Filigree Thrasher, O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami

Starting Hand: Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, Plains, Plains, Pyre of Heroes, Gisela, the Broken Blade  Meld, Battle Angels of Tyr, Angelic Curator

I had played Battle Angels of Tyr but it was quickly removed by Tevesh before I could swing with it, which is fair given a 5-man pod.

Instead I went for the slower play with Giada, Font of Hope, Angelic Curator and Angelic Sleuth on the field. I held Pyre of Heroes in hand thinking I would go for the Inspiring Overseer / Serra Paragon line to draw into some cards and get some clues.

However, Muldrotha again was a huge problem turn 5. They had Scute Swarm and cracked some fetches and played green ramp spells bringing up their total to the low 100s but they only had 32 they could attack with. They decided to swing all of them at me as I was the only one with any sort of board presence. O-Kagachi let the table know they had a fog effect but we elected to use it on the next turn.

At this point I had Giada, Font of Hope, Angelic Sleuth, Righteous Valkyrie and Pyre of Heroes on the battlefield. Once Muldrotha had started producing massive amounts of Scutes I knew they were coming at me. Also I had drawn into Archangel of Thune which I played and swung in bringing me back up to the low 20's.

On turn 6 O-Kagachi used the fog and Muldrotha just set themselves up better for the next round. They cast a Sandwurm Convergence to stop me from knocking them out.

Tevesh decided this was the best time to go off so they tapped out for a Peer into the Abyss. A lot of artifact shenanigans happened and they ended up at 4 life due to Bolas's Citadel, nearly wiped the board with Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and killed Muldrotha with an artifact creature with Cranial Plating and Lightning Greaves. Unfortunately they didn't see that O-Kagachi was out and only -5 for Ugin so they were dead to the dragon on their turn.

I was able to build back relatively quickly as I drew into a Thorough Investigation and cracked some clues. O-Kagachi became the new archenemy as they had their commander out and a Fist of Suns so they were casting high-costed cards with the limited mana they had. Koma used Kiora, the Crashing Wave to negate the damage of O-Kagachi's commander. They also countered a Conflux which could've ended the game.

I tried to swing in once but was stopped by a fog. I also made another misplay with Oblation targeting their Myojin of Seeing Winds as I misheard thinking it was a 10/10 flying indestructible when it was a 3/3 that didn't even fly. They removed the divinity counter drawing 12 and drew another 2 off Oblation. Next turn they cast a Morophon, the Boundless and dropped all the spirits they drew off those 14 cards. If I had held up my Oblation for their fist of the suns instead they would have had no mana for anything else and I could've swung in for the win.

Luminarch Ascension finally popped off! When unanswered it just ends games. Even with a boardwipe it can refill the board with mana. With Giada out it adds lethal threats quickly. I understand that it may not have the surprise factor but I think the resiliency is more important here. As you've mentioned before, not a lot of people run enchantment removal as creature removal is preferable which means this has staying power.

Court of Grace was also amazing here. While 1 card a turn is not the best for 4 mana, 1 card and 1 angel for 4 is amazing. Obviously the Sol Ring did work in getting it out early but against slower decks they had no way to attack me regardless.

Pyre of Heroes was actually useful this time! Pitching the 2/2 body of Angelic Curator into a Righteous Valkyrie is a strong move. I was only able to use it once before the Ugin exile but it helped keep me in the game. Without it, I would've been dead right after Tevesh finished off Muldrotha, perhaps even in the same turn.

Sigarda's Vanguard was also great again. However if I'm not planning out dropping my angels out in the correct turn order then I'm not always getting the full benefit from her. Akroma's Will would save us the headache of counting and planning while also providing the evasion to get through flying creatures. I think I'll still stick the Vanguard as the light recursion package allows us to bring her back on another turn for additional value whereas Will would just languish in the graveyard.

We had a turn 0 discussion before games 2 and 3 and agreed on playing more mid-tier decks as I only brought Giada. The Muldrotha player typically durdles with nothing to do and decided to add in some spicy cards not knowing how they'd perform. Tevesh doesn't always go off like this but Peer into the Abyss is usually a card that gets countered. The table let it resolve due to needing to knock out Muldrotha first.

DemonDragonJ on Clash of the Titans

2 years ago

I have replaced Rune-Scarred Demon with Conflux, because this is the only deck of mine in which I can put that card, which regrettably increased the average converted mana cost of the deck from 4.5 to 4.52, but I am certain that the power of that card shall make up for its higher cost.

legendofa on When did you start playing, …

2 years ago

I started playing with the first Portal, kinda. That was the first set I got cards from. I spent the next few years off and on, getting bits and pieces of collections from people who were leaving the game or offloading bulk commons and uncommons. (I managed to get both Pardic Firecat and Diligent Farmhand and had no idea what Burst meant. I thought it was some action, like untapping, that the rules later dropped.) I started digging in a little deeper in Time Spiral block, then really jumped in with Alara. Since then, I've been either in deep or sitting out.

Favorite block is Alara. It was the one that I really got in with (if you missed that two sentences ago). I usually prefer multicolor builds to monocolor builds, and I wasn't in for most of Apocalypse and Ravnica. It has a unique and deep setting insert Return to Alara screed here. And the cards are just cool: Maelstrom Archangel, Godsire (Secretly pandering to the OP? Never!), Progenitus, Wall of Denial, Conflux, Sphinx of the Steel Wind, Lich Lord of Unx... Add in stuff like Ad Nauseam, the Cascade mechanic, and Noble Hierarch, and the introductions of Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, Sarkhan Vol, Tezzeret the Seeker, and Elspeth, Knight-Errant, and it had something for everyone. Planeswalkers were still brand new, and colored artifacts were a shocking and semi-controversial twist.

I don't like the one-set model. I understand that the three-set model and even two-set model had general dropoff after the first set, but the current model is too much, too fast. The mechanics are underdeveloped and unsupported. (In agreement with "it's always been that way" doesn't make it a good thing. I'm still waiting for Provoke to come back.) The planes are either shallow, limited in scope, or "open for exploration when we return" which may or may not happen.

The biggest and most disappointing change for me, though, is the official website. It used to have multiple articles a week: Making Magic, Savor the Flavor, From the Lab, Building on a Budget, Arcana, Card of the Day, theme weeks, it was all fun. Now, it's a couple of third-party articles, occasional short stories for the lore, and a bunch of promotion and self-advertising.

With my "it was better in my day" out of the way, I think the fundamentals of the game are in good shape. Aside from some cosmetic differences and minor rules updates, it's still the same game I was playing fifteen years ago, and there's a lot to be said for that. Sure, there's been some power and complexity creep, but aside from a couple of high-profile missteps that aren't totally without precedent (Urza block -> Mirrodin Affinity -> Zendikar Caw-Blade -> Throne of Eldraine/Ikoria), it's been well controlled compared to other popular TCGs. A deck from five, ten, twenty years ago can still find a home at least at the casual tables.

Medusala on Jodah Archmage of Titans

2 years ago

Hey dude - looking at your board clear for when you're behind/creating board advantage with Jodah. Have you considered In Garruk's Wake and Plague Wind? They'd be a huge help and they're relatively cheap to get a hold of.

I'd also ditch a lot of the colourless mana generators for something that keeps the Jodah engine alive/further leverage the ability. They're often counterproductive for the game plan. Perhaps cards such as Conflux for a powerful tutor effect or Genesis Ultimatum / Selvala's Stampede for a good splurge of CMC on the to board? Alternatively protection i.e. Flawless Maneuver to keep Jodah around to keep it all going - all better alternatives to Thran Dynamo etc. :)

multimedia on Deck building Help

2 years ago

With Jodah, Demonic Tutor or Solve the Equation or Conflux + Seasons Past. Equation and Conflux are budget tutor options. The tutor keeps tutoring for Past, Past then recurs the tutor and Fraying as well as other cards you discarded because of Fraying.

I use this combo in my Jodah Dragons deck not with Fraying, but for Dragonstorm to assemble Dragon combos and Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient makes the mana.

multimedia on Dracotopia

2 years ago

Hey, you're welcome. Yes, if you cast Painful Truths with Jodah you converge for five, draw five and lose five life. Nice changes, but the card suggestions in my last comment were for using Garth as Commander not Jodah. Since you've made the change to Jodah then Soulherder and Vizier of Tumbling Sands are not needed.

With the change to Jodah here's some budget cards to consider adding and some explanation of the powerful interactions with these cards.

With Jodah cards you cast with his ability don't change their original CMC, you're just using an alternative casting cost to cast them. Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty is a nice budget card for this interaction for repeatable cascade. Any 6 CMC or greater Dragon can be cast for five mana, but still trigger Imoti to cascade. Imoti triggers for any 6 CMC or greater spell cast not just creatures.

Cascade is a powerful effect that lets you from the top of your library cast the first spell that's less than 6 CMC for free. Because with Jodah you can cast huge CMC spells for only five mana then Imoti's cascade can be bonkers. You can abuse Imoti's cascade with Dragons Draco and Scion of Draco with Crystal Shard to return them back to your hand to cast again and cascade again. Scion is excellent with Jodah because it gives him hexproof, vigilance and first strike, hexproof is the best of these for protection.

Conflux is powerful budget tutor when you cast it for only five mana and it's 8 CMC for Imoti. In Garruk's Wake wrecks your opponents creatures/Planeswalkers and is an 9 CMC card for Imoti. Artisan of Kozilek is 9 CMC, but cast for five mana which reanimates any creature in your graveyard and gives you a 10/9 Monster who if it gets to attack triggers devastating annihilator 2.

When playing Jodah as Commander then having a lot of protection for him is important because he will be a target for opponent removal as soon as he appears in the game. Swiftfoot Boots equipped can give Jodah hexproof protection from opponent's targeted removal. Stubborn Denial is a one mana Negate to protect Jodah since he has 4 power. Most likely Denial will be used to counter a board wipe for one mana.

Boros Charm can give Jodah as well as all your other permanents including lands indestructible to survive most board wipes and any removal that destroys. Shielded by Faith can give Jodah indestructible and this aura can change who it's attached to which can be helpful when playing lots of creatures. Cast Faith early enchanting any creature you control and then when Jodah appears attach Faith to him.

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