Maalfeld Twins

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Maalfeld Twins

Creature — Zombie

When this dies, create two 2/2 black Zombie creature tokens. (Dying is being put into the graveyard from the battlefield.)

Kitnz on Thalisse, The Pauper Medium

4 years ago

I like the focus on death and leaving the battlefield triggers to give you more triggers on opponents turns, and allowing you build-up until getting Thalisse out. A couple recommendations for more instant-speed token creation: Vile Rebirth , Eyes in the Skies (if you end up with more larger tokens like zombies), and Raise the Alarm .

Some other potential includes: Maalfeld Twins , Grixis Slavedriver , Martyr of Dusk

Is Rend Flesh in there for flavor? Cause there's better situational removal like Cast Down .

Xenerai on Zombinstein

4 years ago

if this deck is for casual then i'd say its pretty alright for a fun break from the norm. Only 10 cards short of a commander deck too if you want to go that route. But if you're looking for more competitiveness, I'd say to do the following:

The first thing we need to do before anything, is to figure out the strategy we're going for. Obviously a token based liliana deck is way out of reasonable budgets. The blue you added does give me an idea for a control based zombie deck.

So the first thing to do is remove the cards above 60 that we wouldn't need, along with cards that will don't either assist or protect our strategies. I would start by removing the following: 2 - Advanced Stitchwing. 2 - Certain Death. 1 - Collective Brutality. 1 - Corrupt. 1 - Corrupted Roots. 2 - Disentomb. 1 - Doom Blade. 1 - Essence Harvest. 1 - Gnawing Zombie. 1 - Grixis Slavedriver. 1 - Grixis Grimblade. 1 - Hunted Ghoul. 1 - Haunted Dead. 3 - Ingenious Skaab. 4 - Laboratory Brute. 1 - Lamplighter of Selhoff. 1 - Maalfeld Twins. 2 - Macabre Waltz. 2 - Midnight Recovery. 1 - Mistvein Borderpost. 1 - Moan of the Unhallowed. 2 - Paranoid Delusions. 1 - Polluted Dead. 2 - Psychic Strike. 1 - Recover. 1 - Rise from the Grave. 1 - Scrapskin Drake. 1 - Shambling Attendants. 1 - Sibsig Host. 1 - Sibsig Muckdraggers. 1 - Sidisi's Pet. 1 - Sip of Hemlock. 1 - Skinrender. 1 - Spineless Thug. 1 - Stitched Mangler. 2 - Thraben Foulbloods. 1 - Strange Augmentation. 1 - Undead Executioner. 1 - Zombie Outlander. 15 - Swamp. 10 - Island.

It IS Quite a lot, but it's because we need to make room for the cards that'll make the bulk of our strategy, not to mention there are cheaper, better alternatives to most of these cards (lands were removed because the mana base will be changed later). With these cards taken out, that leaves us with the following: 3 - Cemetery Recruitment. 1 - Ghastly Conscription. 1 - Sign in Blood. 1 - Graf Harvest. 1 - Rooftop Storm. 2 - Gavony Unhallowed. 1 - Jhessian Zombies. 1 - Vedalken Ghoul.

these are pretty linearly focused for an effective strategy. to fluff out the rest of the cards for the deck, I'd recommend:

+1 - Cemetery Recruitment. +3 - Sign in Blood. +4 - Mana Leak. +3 - Duress. +3 - Vedalken Ghoul. +3 - Jhessian Zombies. +1 - Rooftop Storm. +4 - Go for the Throat. +4 - Rotting Rats. +3 - Claim / Fame.

Diddle on Friendly Teysa Karlov Deck

5 years ago

The thing i'm noticing first is a pretty big lack of removal. I'd consider replacing Kaya's Wrath with Fumigate , as it is a bit easier to cast and will gain you some more life. For single targets, Mortify is often much better than Final Payment , and Hero's Downfall is always a good choice. Revel in Riches is cute, but even in a casual deck I don't think you will be doing much with it. For fun effects, I'd recommend Mausoleum Guard or Maalfeld Twins . Sifter of Skulls fits into this perfectly, and I'd consider using that to replace Shadows of the Past .

thirstythirstin on Mikaeus, the Unhallowed

5 years ago

You have a lot of sorceries. They're not necessarily bad, but they are taking up space where zombies could be. You can get rid of innocent blood (use fleshbag marauder instead), aether snap, twilight's call, life's finale

You don't really need vensor's journal or whispersilk cloak. You don't really have big creatures that do anything on combat damage to a player.

For instants I think tendrils of corruption, grasp of darkness, murder, go for the throat, and doom blade do well in mono black

And you got some jank creatures. What is that vulture? no. No dross hopper, no gangrenous zombies, no zombie brute, gutless ghoul is kind of crap, you have a lot of things with activated abilities and I just don't think you're going to be using them that much.

You also don't have card draw. You have a sign in blood and that's it really. Black has some good pay with life card draw cards.

You have the sanguine bond/exquisite blood combo, but your sanguine bond is completely useless. You don't gain any life except from vensor's journal and you don't have much card draw, so it's not going to do much.

Good zombie cards to add: Fleshbag Marauder (so good with mikaeus) Ghoulcaller Gisa Ghoulraiser Graf Harvest Grave Betrayal Grave Defiler Graveborn Muse Gravecrawler Infernal Caretaker josu vess Liliana's Mastery Lord of the Accursed Maalfeld Twins Necromancer's Stockpile Necromantic Selection Noosegraf Mob Open the Graves Grave Titan Liliana's Reaver Cadaver Imp Corpse Connoisseur Accursed Horde Archdemon of Unx cemetary recruitment Cryptbreaker Diregraf Colossus Doomed Dissenter Empty the Pits (is hilarious) Ever After Overseer of the Damned Plague Belcher Rakshasa Gravecaller Relentless Dead Risen Executioner Rot Hulk Shepherd of Rot Stir the Sands Zombie Infestation

I think I have some of these. You can have them if I do

JoosetheMuice on Scarab God Future

6 years ago

I'd remove some of the vulnerable mana rocks Sky Diamond, Charcoal Diamond, and MindStone all come to mind. Id replace them with Read the Bones, Frantic Search, and Burnished Hart all of which can help you hit those much needed lands. More spot removal is key, and maybe a better counter than Undermine. Noxious Gearhulk and Diluvian Primordial are both great adds, and removing the zombie tribal subtheme will open up a lot of options, and allow you to remove things like Door of Destinies, Maalfeld Twins, Undead Warchief etc

CuteSnail on

7 years ago

Maalfeld Twins is a fun card with gisa. Enough zombies for the whole family. Dark Salvation can bolster your army while acting as spot removal. Mill is weak in commander by default, so I'm personally not a fan of Embalmer's Tools. Zombie Goliath, Undead Minotaur, and Undead Minotaur are vanilla creatures and thus bad. Crypt Ghast is a great way to power out Mana, and the extort ability it a nice way to get some 'damage' in while padding your life.

RazortoothMtg on Big creatures into little creatures

7 years ago

Mitotic Slime comes to mind. Reef Worm is sorta like that, but in the wrong colors. Abzan Ascendancy/Golgari Germination/Gutter Grime/Requiem Angel are sorta close, Belfry Spirit turns the creature it haunts into a card like that, Brindle Shoat, Tuktuk the Explorer and Doomed Dissenter just get bigger. Liege of the Hollows gives everyone squirrels when it dies. Symbiotic Elf, Symbiotic Beast, and Symbiotic Wurm turn into insects. Chasm Skulker explodes into a pile of squid (wrong colors again tho). Maalfeld Twins breaks apart into 2 zombies, and Mausoleum Guard into 2 spirits. Promise of Bunrei makes one of your dudes explode into spirits. Sporogenesis is kind of a cool card that makes your guys explode into saprolings on death. Sprouting Thrinax is good. Wurmcoil Engine is a popular one.Goblin Marshal/Mogg War Marshal makes goblins when he ETBs and dies. Hallowed Spiritkeeper, Hangarback Walker, and Hooded Hydra all work. Jotun Owl Keeper in blue again. Mongrel Pack is another one, as is Murder Investigation. Theres a whole bunch of "Penumbra" cards from odyssey that all make a black clone of themselves when they die (e.g Penumbra Wurm). Ulvenwald Mysteries turns each dead guy into a clue that it then turns into a soldier.

If I were to make a commander deck around this idea, I would go with a Jund, not Abzan, sacrifice deck led by Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper, or perhaps Shattergang Brothers. In addition to these you have a ton of guys that just make 1 token on death- Seed Guardian, Sifter of Skulls, Pawn of Ulamog, Tukatongue Thallid, Blisterpod, Myr Sire, etc.

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